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docs/developer-setup: Add missing lzip dependency

It's necessary for the core tests to pass. It's an optional dependency installed on the jenkins and production nodes. It must be installed on developer machine otherwise errors will happen.


10:20 <leni> Hi I have problems with tests on swh-core with test_uncompress_tarpaths. Do any of you have a hint ?
10:26 <+olasd> leni: please paste the command that you've run and a full traceback to a pastebin
10:29 <leni> It's with tox
10:29 <leni>
... (edit)
>           raise ValueError(f'Problem during unpacking {tarpath}. Reason: {e}')
E           ValueError: Problem during unpacking /home/leni/swh-environment/swh-core/.tox/py3-core/lib/python3.6/site-packages/swh/core/tests/data/archives/hello.tar.lz. Reason: Unable to uncompress /home/leni/swh-environment/swh-core/.tox/py3-core/lib/python3.6/site-packages/swh/core/tests/data/archives/hello.tar.lz to /tmp/pytest-of-leni/pytest-36/test_uncompress_tarpaths0. Reason: Command '['tar', 'xf', '/home/leni/swh-environment/swh-core/.tox/py3-core/lib/python3.6/site-packages/swh/core/tests/data/archives/hello.tar.lz', '-C', PosixPath('/tmp/pytest-of-leni/pytest-36/test_uncompress_tarpaths0')]' returned non-zero exit status 2.
... (end)
10:40 <+ardumont> leni: install the lzip package?
10:41 <+ardumont> (it's not a package that tox can install through pip)
10:41 <+ardumont> .oO(it's missing from the doc
10:42 <+ardumont> [D2635]( 'view original for D2635 on Phabricator') should fix that
10:42 -- Notice(swhbot): [D2635]( 'view original for D2635 on Phabricator') (author: ardumont, Needs Review) on swh-docs: docs/developer-setup: Add missing lzip dependency <[D2635]( 'view original for D2635 on Phabricator')>
10:43 <leni> Ok thanks
10:44 <+ardumont> did it work?
10:44 <leni> Yes it worked !

Migrated from D2635 (view on Phabricator)

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