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deposit_client: Allow deposit metadata update on completed deposit

This opens the --swhid to the swh upload cli.

If the update is ok, this returns the unchanged status summary of the deposit. Otherwise, for example, update a non-complete deposit (status not "done"), this returns an explicit error.

Scenario around those cases are explicited in the diff.

Sample cli:

swh deposit upload \
  --url \
  --username swh \
  --password $(swhpass ls operations/ | head -1) \
  --metadata "./deposit-update.xml" \ # [1]
  --deposit-id 605 \
  --swhid swh:1:dir:ef04a768181417fbc5eef4243e2507915f24deea
  • [1] deposit-update.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<entry xmlns="" xmlns:codemeta="">

This cli sample is the equivalent of swh/meta$812 (which uses curl).

Related to #2538 (closed)

Test Plan


Using this code and the staging deposit server, it is happy with the following:

Oct 12 11:03:21 deposit python3[181685]: 2020-10-12 11:03:21 [181685] gunicorn.access:INFO - swh [12/Oct/2020:11:03:21 +0000] "PUT /1/swh/605/metadata/ HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "python-requests/2.20.1"

Migrated from D4228 (view on Phabricator)

Merge request reports
