.. _swh-deposit-register-account:
.. admonition:: Intended audience
:class: important
- deposit clients
- sysadm staff members
Register account
.. _swh-deposit-register-account-as-deposit-client:
Becoming a deposit client is very easy, just write to
to setup the deposit partner agreement. With the agreement signed you can follow the
steps below.
As a deposit client
For this, as a client, you need to register an account on the swh keycloak `production
.. _swh-deposit-register-account-as-sysadm:
As a sysadm
1. Retrieve the deposit client login (through email exchange or any other media).
2. Require a :ref:`provider url <swh-deposit-provider-url-definition>` from the deposit
client (through email exchange or any other media).
3. Within the keycloak `production instance <>`_ or `staging
instance <>`_, add the `swh.deposit.api` role to the deposit
client login.
4. Create an :ref:`associated deposit collection
<swh-deposit-add-client-and-collection>` in the deposit instance.
5. Create :ref:`a deposit client <swh-deposit-add-client-and-collection>` with the
provider url in the deposit instance.
6. To ensure everything is ok, ask the deposit client to check they can access at least
the service document iri (authenticated).