Factorize setup.py files
All setup.py
files of SWH are very similar. Their content should be moved to swh.core
Migrated from T1245 (view on Phabricator)
All setup.py
files of SWH are very similar. Their content should be moved to swh.core
Migrated from T1245 (view on Phabricator)
added Core & foundations Easy hack priority:Low labels
Their content should be moved to swh.core.
Not necessarily the right implementation. The need i see is code factorization, not necessarily a plain move ;)
Counter example: swh-model is also a leaf module (as is core). It does not depend on swh-core though.
as per discussion, we'd rather keep them self-contained than gain something out of code deduplication
assigned to @zack
added state:wontfix label