Orchestrator in charge of guaranteeing that object storage content is pristine and available in a sufficient amount of copies.
This module's tests need a postgres db to run. It is recommended to run those but they can be skipped:
make test
: will run all tests -
make test-nodb
: will run only tests that do not need a local DB -
make test-db
: will run only tests that do need a local DB
If you do want to run DB-related tests, you should ensure you have access with sufficient privileges to a Postgresql database.
Using your system database
You need to:
ensure that your user is authorized to create and drop DBs, and in particular DBs named "softwareheritage-test" and "softwareheritage-dev"
ensure that you have the storage testdata repository checked out in ../swh-storage-testdata
Using pifpaf
pifpaf is a suite of fixtures and a command-line tool that allows to start and stop daemons for a quick throw-away usage.
It can be used to run tests that need a Postgres database without any other configuration reauired nor the need to have special access to a running database:
$ pifpaf run postgresql make test-db
Ran 12 tests in 0.903s
Note that pifpaf is not yet available as a Debian package, so you may have to install it in a venv.