# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
import unittest
from swh.model import merkle
class MerkleTestNode(merkle.MerkleNode):
object_type = "tested_merkle_node_type"
def __init__(self, data):
self.compute_hash_called = 0
def compute_hash(self):
self.compute_hash_called += 1
child_data = [child + b"=" + self[child].hash for child in sorted(self)]
return b"hash(" + b", ".join([["value"]] + child_data) + b")"
class MerkleTestLeaf(merkle.MerkleLeaf):
object_type = "tested_merkle_leaf_type"
def __init__(self, data):
self.compute_hash_called = 0
def compute_hash(self):
self.compute_hash_called += 1
class TestMerkleLeaf(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.instance = MerkleTestLeaf(
def test_equality(self):
leaf1 = MerkleTestLeaf(
leaf2 = MerkleTestLeaf(
leaf3 = MerkleTestLeaf({})
self.assertEqual(leaf1, leaf2)
self.assertNotEqual(leaf1, leaf3)
def test_hash(self):
self.assertEqual(self.instance.compute_hash_called, 0)
instance_hash = self.instance.hash
self.assertEqual(self.instance.compute_hash_called, 1)
instance_hash2 = self.instance.hash
self.assertEqual(self.instance.compute_hash_called, 1)
self.assertEqual(instance_hash, instance_hash2)
def test_data(self):
def test_collect(self):
collected = self.instance.collect()
self.instance.object_type: {
self.instance.hash: self.instance.get_data(),
collected2 = self.instance.collect()
self.assertEqual(collected2, {})
collected3 = self.instance.collect()
self.assertEqual(collected, collected3)
def test_leaf(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "is a leaf"):
self.instance[b"key1"] = "Test"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "is a leaf"):
del self.instance[b"key1"]
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "is a leaf"):
class TestMerkleNode(unittest.TestCase):
maxDiff = None
def setUp(self):
self.root = MerkleTestNode({"value": b"root"})
self.nodes = {b"root": self.root}
for i in (b"a", b"b", b"c"):
value = b"root/" + i
node = MerkleTestNode({"value": value,})
self.root[i] = node
self.nodes[value] = node
for j in (b"a", b"b", b"c"):
value2 = value + b"/" + j
node2 = MerkleTestNode({"value": value2,})
node[j] = node2
self.nodes[value2] = node2
for k in (b"a", b"b", b"c"):
value3 = value2 + b"/" + j
node3 = MerkleTestNode({"value": value3,})
node2[j] = node3
self.nodes[value3] = node3
def test_equality(self):
node1 = merkle.MerkleNode({"foo": b"bar"})
node2 = merkle.MerkleNode({"foo": b"bar"})
node3 = merkle.MerkleNode({})
self.assertEqual(node1, node2)
self.assertNotEqual(node1, node3, node1 == node3)
self.assertNotEqual(node1, node2)
self.assertEqual(node1, node2)
def test_hash(self):
for node in self.nodes.values():
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 0)
# Root hash will compute hash for all the nodes
hash = self.root.hash
for node in self.nodes.values():
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 1)
# Should use the cached value
hash2 = self.root.hash
self.assertEqual(hash, hash2)
for node in self.nodes.values():
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 1)
# Should still use the cached value
hash3 = self.root.update_hash(force=False)
self.assertEqual(hash, hash3)
for node in self.nodes.values():
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 1)
# Force update of the cached value for a deeply nested node
for key, node in self.nodes.items():
# update_hash rehashes all children
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 2)
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 1)
hash4 = self.root.hash
self.assertEqual(hash, hash4)
for key, node in self.nodes.items():
# update_hash also invalidates all parents
if key in (b"root", b"root/a") or key.startswith(b"root/a/b"):
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 2)
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 1)
def test_collect(self):
collected = self.root.collect()
self.assertEqual(len(collected[self.root.object_type]), len(self.nodes))
for node in self.nodes.values():
collected2 = self.root.collect()
self.assertEqual(collected2, {})
def test_iter_tree(self):
nodes = list(self.root.iter_tree())
self.assertCountEqual(nodes, self.nodes.values())
for key in (b"a", b"b", b"c"):
self.assertEqual(self.root[key], self.nodes[b"root/" + key])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, "b'nonexistent'"):
def test_del(self):
hash_root = self.root.hash
hash_a = self.nodes[b"root/a"].hash
del self.root[b"a"][b"c"]
self.assertNotEqual(hash_root, hash_root2)
self.assertNotEqual(hash_a, hash_a2)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, "b'nonexistent'"):
def test_update(self):
hash_root = self.root.hash
b"c": MerkleTestNode({"value": b"root/b/new_c"}),
b"d": MerkleTestNode({"value": b"root/b/d"}),
# collect all nodes
# Ensure everyone got reparented
self.assertEqual(new_children[b"c"].parents, [self.root[b"b"]])
self.assertEqual(new_children[b"d"].parents, [self.root[b"b"]])
self.assertEqual(self.nodes[b"root/b/c"].parents, [])
hash_root2 = self.root.hash
self.assertNotEqual(hash_root, hash_root2)
self.assertIn(b"root/b/new_c", hash_root2)
self.assertIn(b"root/b/d", hash_root2)
self.assertNotEqual(hash_b, hash_b2)
for key, node in self.nodes.items():
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 2)
self.assertEqual(node.compute_hash_called, 1)
# Ensure we collected root, root/b, and both new children
collected_after_update = self.root.collect()
# test that noop updates doesn't invalidate anything
self.assertEqual(self.root.collect(), {})