Add support for write APIs features in GraphQL [Roadmap - Collect] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Archive cold-copy at CINES via Vitam [Roadmap - Preserve] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Automate add forge now [Roadmap - Collect] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Bootstrap user documentation on docs.s.o - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Open Platform
Collect and index forge metadata [Roadmap - Collect] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Create a cost-calculator in the Vault [Roadmap - Share] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Create sysadmin documentation on docs.s.o - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Design and test a Continuous Deployment infrastructure [Roadmap - Tooling and infrastructure] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Design and test next generation CI Automation [Roadmap - Tooling and infrastructure] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Design presentation of Metadata on Web UI [Roadmap - Share] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Document config format of all CLI/Celery/WSGI entrypoints [Roadmap proposal - Documentation] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Dynamic infrastructure [Roadmap - Tooling and infrastructure] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Elastic loaders and listers - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Engineering process improvements - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Open Platform
Explore possibility of replacing SHA1 with SHA1-DC [Roadmap - Preserve] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Extend archive coverage [Roadmap - Collect] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform
Graph export and graph compression in production [Roadmap - Tooling and infrastructure] - Group MilestoneOpen Platform