Webhook-based notification for long-running user tasks [Roadmap - Share]
- Lead: anlambert
- Priority: high
- Effort: ??
Create a reusable event-based webhook architecture and implement it on adequate SWH features
Includes work:
- Identify technical issues and design options
- Specification and implementation of a standard core
- Implementation for origin visit
- Implementation for add forge now
- Implementation for save code now
- Implementation for vault cooking
- Implementation for deposit
- Number of services that support webhook-based notifications
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- swh-webhooks · Add CLI to manage webhooks
- Meta · Webhooks implementation for origin visit
- Meta · Webhooks implementation for add forge now
- Meta · Webhooks implementation for save code now
- Meta · Webhooks implementation for vault cooking
- Meta · Webhooks implementation for deposit
- Meta · Implementation of a standard core
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- sysadm-environment · Deploy first webhooks experiment on staging
- sysadm-environment · Deploy svix server on staging
- swh-webhooks · Implement a journal client to forward kafka messages through webhooks
- sysadm-environment · [POC] Study the deployment of a svix server
- swh-webhooks · Define an interface to get webhook message attempts
- swh-webhooks · Define an interface to send webhook messages
- swh-webhooks · Define an interface to manage user subscription to an event
- swh-webhooks · Define an interface to register webhook event types
- swh-webhooks · Evaluate open source webhooks management frameworks