= swh-deposit (draft) = This is SWH's SWORD Server implementation. SWORD (Simple Web-Service Offering Repository Deposit) is an interoperability standard for digital file deposit. This protocol will be used to interact between a client (a repository) and a server (swh repository) to permit the deposit of software tarballs. In this document, we will refer to a client (e.g. HAL server) and a server (SWH's). == Use cases == === Service document === Endpoint: /1/servicedocument/ This is the endpoint from which the initial collection a user can act upon is located. This: - describes the server's abilities - list the connected user's collection Current abilities for example for the [hal people](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/). ``` <?xml version="1.0" ?> <service xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"> <sword:version>2.0</sword:version> <sword:maxUploadSize>209715200</sword:maxUploadSize> <sword:verbose>False</sword:verbose> <sword:noOp>False</sword:noOp> <workspace> <atom:title>The Software Heritage (SWH) archive</atom:title> <collection href="https://deposit.softwareherigage.org/1/hal/"> <atom:title>SWH Software Archive</atom:title> <accept>application/zip</accept> <sword:collectionPolicy>Collection Policy</sword:collectionPolicy> <dcterms:abstract>Software Heritage Archive</dcterms:abstract> <sword:mediation>false</sword:mediation> <sword:treatment>Collect, Preserve, Share</sword:treatment> <sword:acceptPackaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip</sword:acceptPackaging> <sword:service>https://deposit.softwareheritage.org/1/hal/</sword:service> </collection> </workspace> </service> ``` HTTP verbs supported: GET Also known as: SD-IRI - The Service Document IRI. === First deposit === Endpoint: /1/<user>/ From client's deposit repository server to SWH's repository server (aka deposit). 1. The client requests for the server's abilities. (GET query to the *service document uri*) 2. The server answers the client with the service document 3. The client sends the deposit (an archive -> .zip, .tar.gz) through the deposit *creation uri*. (one or more POST requests since the archive and metadata can be sent in multiple requests) 4. The server notifies the client it acknowledged the client's request. ('http 201 Created' with a deposit receipt id in the Location header of the response) === Updating an existing archive === 5. Client updates existing archive through the deposit *update uri* (one or more PUT requests, in effect chunking the artifact to deposit) === Deleting an existing archive === 6. Document deletion will not be implemented, cf. limitation paragraph for detail === Client asks for operation status and repository id === NOTE: add specifictions about operation status and injection == API overview == API access is over HTTPS. service document accessible at: https://deposit.softwareheritage.org/1/servicedocument/ IMPORTANT: Determine which one of those solutions according to sword possibilities (cf. 'unclear points' chapter below) == Limitations == Applying the SWORD protocol procedure will result with voluntary implementation shortcomings during the first iteration: - upload limitation of 200Mib - only tarballs (.zip, .tar.gz) will be accepted - no removal (implementation-wise, this will possibly be a means to hide the origin). - no mediation (we do not know the other system's users) - basic http authentication enforced at the application layer on a per client basis (authentication: http://swordapp.github.io/SWORDv2-Profile/SWORDProfile.html#authenticationmediateddeposit) == Unclear points == - SWORD defines a 'collection' concept. should we apply the 'collection' concept even thought SWH is software archive having one 'software' collection? - option A: The collection refers to a group of documents to which the document sent (aka deposit) is part of. In this process with HAL, HAL is the collection, maybe tomorrow we will do the same with MIT and MIT could be the collection (the logic of the answer above is a result of this link: https://hal.inria.fr/USPC for the USPC collection) **result**: 1 client being equivalent as 1 collection in this case. The is client pushes us software in 'their' one collection. The collection name could show up in the uri endpoint. - option B: Define none? (is it possible? i don't think it is due to the service document part listing the collection to act upon...) **result**: the deposited software has no other entry point via collection name == <a name="scenarios"> Scenarios == === 1. Client request for Service Document === This is the endpoint permitting the client to ask the server's abilities. ==== API endpoint ==== GET api/1/servicedocument/ Answer: > 200, Content-Type: application/atomserv+xml: OK, with the body described below ==== Sample request:==== ```lang=shell GET https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/servicedocument HTTP/1.1 Host: archive.softwareheritage.org ``` === 2. Sever respond for Service Document === The server returns its abilities with the service document in xml format: - protocol sword version v2 - accepted mime types: application/zip, application/gzip - upload max size accepted, beyond that, it's expected the client chunk the tarball into multiple ones - the collections the client can act upon (swh supports only one software collection) - mediation not supported ==== Sample answer:==== ``` lang=xml <?xml version="1.0" ?> <service xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/terms/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"> <sword:version>2.0</sword:version> <sword:maxUploadSize>${max_upload_size}</sword:maxUploadSize> <workspace> <atom:title>The SWH archive</atom:title> <collection href="https://archive.softwareherigage.org/api/1/deposit/"> <atom:title>SWH Collection</atom:title> <accept>application/gzip</accept> <accept alternate="multipart-related">application/gzip</accept> <dcterms:abstract>Software Heritage Archive Deposit</dcterms:abstract> <sword:mediation>false</sword:mediation> <sword:acceptPackaging>http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip</sword:acceptPackaging> </collection> </workspace> </service> ``` == Deposit Creation: client point of view == Process of deposit creation: -> [3] client request - [3.1] server validation - [3.2] server temporary upload - [3.3] server injects deposit into archive* <- [4] server returns deposit receipt id NOTE: [3.3] Asynchronously, the server will inject the archive uploaded and the associated metadata. The operation status mentioned earlier is a reference to that injection operation. The image bellow represent only the communication and creation of a deposit: {F2403754} === [3] client request === The client can send a deposit through one request deposit or multiple requests deposit. The deposit can contain: - an archive holding the software source code (binary upload) - an envelop with metadata describing information regarding a deposit (atom entry deposit) - or both (multipart deposit, exactly one archive and one envelop). the client can deposit a binary file, supplying the following headers: - Content-Type (text): accepted mimetype - Content-Length (int): tarball size - Content-MD5 (text): md5 checksum hex encoded of the tarball - Content-Disposition (text): attachment; filename=[filename] ; the filename parameter must be text (ascii) - Packaging (IRI): http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip - In-Progress (bool): true to specify it's not the last request, false to specify it's a final request and the server can go on with processing the request's information. WARNING: if In-Progress is not present the server MUST assume that it is false ==== API endpoint ==== POST /api/1/deposit/<client-name> === Archive deposit === This is a single zip archive deposit. Almost no metadata is associated with the archive except for the unique external identifier. Note: This kind of deposit should be partial (In-Progress: True) as almost no metadata can be associated with the uploaded archive. ==== sample request for binary upload deposit ==== ``` curl -i --data-binary @swh/deposit.zip \ -H 'In-Progress: false' -H 'Content-MD5: 0faa1ecbf9224b9bf48a7c691b8c2b6f' \ -H 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=[deposit.zip]' \ -H 'Slug: some-external-id' \ -H 'Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZIP' \ -H 'Content-type: application/zip' \ -XPOST ``` === Atom entry deposit === TBD Note: This kind of deposit should be partial (In-Progress: True) since no archive will be associated to those metadata. ==== One request deposit / Multipart deposit ==== The one request deposit is a single request containing both the metadata (as atom entry attachment) and the archive (as payload attachment). Thus, it is a multipart deposit. Client provides: - Content-Disposition (text): header of type 'attachment' on the Entry Part with a name parameter set to 'atom' - Content-Disposition (text): header of type 'attachment' on the Media Part with a name parameter set to payload and a filename parameter (the filename will be expressed in ASCII). - Content-MD5 (text): md5 checksum hex encoded of the tarball - Packaging (text): http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip (packaging format used on the Media Part) - In-Progress (bool): true|false; true means partial upload and we can expect other requests in the future, false means the deposit is done. - add metadata formats or foreign markup to the atom:entry element ==== sample request for multipart deposit: ==== ``` lang=xml POST deposit HTTP/1.1 Host: archive.softwareheritage.org Content-Length: [content length] Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="===============1605871705=="; type="application/atom+xml" In-Progress: false MIME-Version: 1.0 Media Post --===============1605871705== Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Disposition: attachment; name="atom" MIME-Version: 1.0 <?xml version="1.0"?> <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> <title>Title</title> <id>hal-or-other-archive-id</id> <updated>2005-10-07T17:17:08Z</updated> <author><name>Contributor</name></author> <!-- some embedded metadata TO BE DEFINED --> </entry> --===============1605871705== Content-Type: application/zip Content-Disposition: attachment; name=payload; filename=[filename] Packaging: http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip Content-MD5: [md5-digest] MIME-Version: 1.0 [...binary package data...] --===============1605871705==-- ``` == Deposit Creation - server point of view == The server receives the request and: === [3.1] Validation of the header and body request === === [3.2] Server uploads the content in a temporary location == (deposit table in a separated DB). - saves the archives in a temporary location - executes a md5 checksum on that archive and check it against the same header information - adds a deposit entry and retrieves the associated id === [4] Servers answers the client === an 'http 201 Created' with a deposit receipt id in the Location header of the response. The server possible answers are: - OK: '201 created' + one header 'Location' holding the deposit receipt id - KO: with the error status code and associated message (cf. [possible errors paragraph](#possible errors)). === [5] Deposit Update === The client previously uploaded an archive and wants to add either new metadata information or a new version for that previous deposit (possibly in multiple steps as well). The important thing to note here is that for swh, this will result in a new version of the previous deposit in any case. Providing the identifier of the previous version deposit received from the status URI, the client executes a PUT request on the same URI as the deposit one. After validation of the body request, the server: - uploads such content in a temporary location (to be defined). - answers the client an 'http 204 (No content)'. In the Location header of the response lies a deposit receipt id permitting the client to check back the operation status later on. - Asynchronously, the server will inject the archive uploaded and the associated metadata. The operation status mentioned earlier is a reference to that injection operation. The fact that the version is a new one is dealt with at the injection level. URL: PUT /1/deposit/<previous-swh-id> === [6] Deposit Removal === [#limitation](As explained in the limitation paragraph), removal won't be implemented. Nothing is removed from the SWH archive. The server answers a '405 Method not allowed' error. === Operation Status === Providing a deposit receipt id, the client asks the operation status of a prior upload. URL: GET /1/collection/{deposit_receipt} or GET /1/deposit/{deposit_receipt} NOTE: depends of the decision taken about collections ## <a name="errors"> Possible errors ### sword:ErrorContent IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/ErrorContent The supplied format is not the same as that identified in the Packaging header and/or that supported by the server Associated HTTP Status: 415 (Unsupported Media Type) or 406 (Not Acceptable) ### sword:ErrorChecksumMismatch IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/ErrorChecksumMismatch Checksum sent does not match the calculated checksum. The server MUST also return a status code of 412 Precondition Failed ### sword:ErrorBadRequest IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/ErrorBadRequest Some parameters sent with the POST/PUT were not understood. The server MUST also return a status code of 400 Bad Request. ### sword:MediationNotAllowed IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/MediationNotAllowed Used where a client has attempted a mediated deposit, but this is not supported by the server. The server MUST also return a status code of 412 Precondition Failed. ### sword:MethodNotAllowed IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/MethodNotAllowed Used when the client has attempted one of the HTTP update verbs (POST, PUT, DELETE) but the server has decided not to respond to such requests on the specified resource at that time. The server MUST also return a status code of 405 Method Not Allowed ### sword:MaxUploadSizeExceeded IRI: http://purl.org/net/sword/error/MaxUploadSizeExceeded Used when the client has attempted to supply to the server a file which exceeds the server's maximum upload size limit Associated HTTP Status: 413 (Request Entity Too Large) --------------- == Tarball Injection == Providing we use indeed synthetic revision to represent a version of a tarball injected through the sword use case, this needs to be improved so that the synthetic revision is created with a parent revision (the previous known one for the same 'origin'). === Injection mapping === | origin | https://hal.inria.fr/hal-id | |-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | origin_visit | 1 :reception_date | | occurrence & occurrence_history | branch: client's version n° (e.g hal) | | revision | synthetic_revision (tarball) | | directory | upper level of the uncompressed archive| === Questions raised concerning injection: === - A deposit has one origin, yet an origin can have multiple deposits ? No, an origin can have multiple requests for the same deposit, which should end up in one single deposit (when the client pushes its final request saying deposit 'done' through the header In-Progress). When an update of a deposit is requested, the new version is identified with the external_id. Illustration First deposit injection: HAL's deposit 01535619 = SWH's deposit **01535619-1** + 1 origin with url:https://hal.inria.fr/medihal-01535619 + 1 synthetic revision + 1 directory HAL's update on deposit 01535619 = SWH's deposit **01535619-2** (*with HAL updates can only be on the metadata and a new version is required if the content changes) + 1 origin with url:https://hal.inria.fr/medihal-01535619 + new synthetic revision (with new metadata) + same directory HAL's deposit 01535619-v2 = SWH's deposit **01535619-v2-1** + same origin + new revision + new directory == Technical details == We will need: - one dedicated db to store state - swh-deposit - one dedicated temporary storage to store archives before injection - one client to test the communication with SWORD protocol === Deposit reception schema === - **deposit** table: - id (bigint): deposit receipt id - external id (text): client's internal identifier (e.g hal's id, etc...). - origin id : null before injection - swh_id : swh identifier result once the injection is complete - reception_date: first deposit date - complete_date: reception date of the last deposit which makes the deposit complete - status (enum): ``` 'partial', -- the deposit is new or partially received since it -- can be done in multiple requests 'expired', -- deposit has been there too long and is now deemed -- ready to be garbage collected 'ready', -- deposit is fully received and ready for injection 'scheduled', -- injection is scheduled on swh's side 'success', -- injection successful 'failure' -- injection failure ``` - **deposit_request** table: - id (bigint): identifier - deposit_id: deposit concerned by the request - metadata: metadata associated to the request - **client** table: - id (bigint): identifier - name (text): client's name (e.g HAL) - credentials All metadata (declared metadata) are stored in deposit_request (with the request they were sent with). When the deposit is complete metadata fields are aggregated and sent to injection. During injection the metadata is kept in the origin_metadata table (see [metadata injection](#metadata-injection)). The only update actions occurring on the deposit table are in regards of: - status changing - partial -> {expired/ready}, - ready -> scheduled, - scheduled -> {success/failure} - complete_date when the deposit is finalized (when the status is changed to ready) - swh-id being populated once we have the result of the injection ==== SWH Identifier returned? ==== swh-<client-name>-<synthetic-revision-id> e.g: swh-hal-47dc6b4636c7f6cba0df83e3d5490bf4334d987e We could have a specific dedicated 'client' table to reference client identifier. === Scheduling injection === All data and metadata separated with multiple requests should be aggregated before injection. TODO: injection modeling === Metadata injection === - the metadata received with the deposit should be kept in the origin_metadata table before translation as part of the injection process and a indexation process should be scheduled. origin_metadata table: ``` origin bigint PK FK discovery_date date PK FK translation_date date PK FK provenance_type text // (enum: 'publisher', 'lister' needs to be completed) raw_metadata jsonb // before translation indexer_configuration_id bigint FK // tool used for translation translated_metadata jsonb // with codemeta schema and terms ``` == Nomenclature == SWORD uses IRI. This means Internationalized Resource Identifier. In this chapter, we will describe SWH's IRI. === Col-IRI - The Collection IRI === The software collection associated to one user. The SWORD Collection IRI is the IRI to which the initial deposit will take place, and which is listed in the Service Document. Following our previous example, this is: https://deposit.softwareheritage.org/1/hal/. HTTP verbs supported: POST === Cont-IRI - The Content IRI === This is the endpoint which permits the client to retrieve representations of the object as it resides in the SWORD server. This will display information about the content and its associated metadata. HTTP verbs supported: GET === EM-IRI - The Atom Edit Media IRI === This is the endpoint to upload other related archives for the same deposit. Typically, if a first archive is too big, the client can split it. Post the first partial archive in the Col-IRI (with In-Progress: True). Then other archives needs to be uploaded to this IRI. The last one mentioning the In-Progress flag to False to notify the deposit is done. HTTP verbs supported: PUT === Edit-IRI - The Atom Entry Edit IRI === This is the endpoint to update metadata for a previous incomplete deposit. HTTP verbs supported: PUT === SE-IRI - The SWORD Edit IRI === This is the IRI to which clients may POST additional content to an Atom Entry Resource. This is the same as Edit-IRI. HTTP verbs supported: POST === State-IRI - The SWORD Statement IRI === This is the one of the IRIs which can be used to retrieve a description of the object from the sword server, including the structure of the object and its state. This will be used as the operation status endpoint. HTTP verbs supported: GET == Sources == - [SWORD v2 specification](http://swordapp.github.io/SWORDv2-Profile/SWORDProfile.html) - [arxiv documentation](https://arxiv.org/help/submit_sword) - [Dataverse example](http://guides.dataverse.org/en/4.3/api/sword.html) - [SWORD used on HAL](https://api.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/sword) - [xml examples for CCSD](https://github.com/CCSDForge/HAL/tree/master/Sword)
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