swh-loader-core Debian release 0.19.0-1~swh1
v0.19.0 - deposit: Make deposit loader deal with tarball as well - deposit: Update deposit status when the load status is 'partial' - Make finalize_visit a method instead of nested function.
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.18.1-1~swh1~bpo10+1
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.18.1-1~swh1
v0.18.1 nixguix: Fix missing max_content_size constructor parameter
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.18.0-1~swh1~bpo10+1
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.18.0-1~swh1
v0.18.0 - core.loader: Merge Loader into BaseLoader - Unify loader instantiation - nixguix: Ensure interaction with the origin url for edge case tests
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.17.0-1~swh1~bpo10+1
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.17.0-1~swh1
v0.17.0 - package: Mark visit as not_found when relevant - package: Mark visit status as failed when relevant - core: Allow vcs loaders to deal with not_found status - core: Mark visit status as failed when relevant - loader: Make loader write the origin_visit_status' type
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.16.0-1~swh2~bpo10+1
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.16.0-1~swh2
swh-loader-core Debian release 0.16.0-1~swh1
v0.16.0 - Adapt origin_get_latest_visit_status according to latest api change - Add a cli section in the doc - tox.ini: Add swh.core[testing] requirement - Small docstring improvements in the deposit loader code