This module contains (the logics for generating) the Software Heritage development documentation.
Specifically, it contains some general information about Software Heritage internals (stuff that would not fit in any other specific software component of the Software Heritage stack) and bundle them together component-specific documentation coming from other modules of the stack.
All documentation is written and typeset using Sphinx. General
documentation is shipped as part of this module. Module-specific documentation
is centralized here via symlinks to the docs/
dirs of individual modules.
Therefore to build the full documentation you need a working and
complete Software Heritage development environment.
How to build the doc
Install the Software Heritage development environment
$ git clone https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-environment
$ cd swh-environment
$ ./bin/update # this will clone needed git repos, inc. swh-doc
$ cd swh-doc
Ensure you have the required tools to generate images (graphviz's dot
and plantuml). On a Debian system:
$ sudo apt install plantuml graphviz
It is also recomanded to build the doc using tox, so ensure you have it installed, eg. on a Debian system:
$ sudo apt install tox
Then (from the swh-environment/swh-doc/
$ tox -e sphinx-dev
This tox environment will build the documentation from the sources available in
the parent directory (swh-environment
Behind the scene, this tox environment will run the sphinx documentation building process via pifpaf to encapsulate the need os Postgresql to generate database schemas. The documentation building process itself consists mainly in 3 steps:
1. Generate documentation assets for all modules
$ cd swh-environment
$ make docs-assets
This will not build the documentation in each module (there is make docs
for that).
2. Build the api docs for all swh python packages
$ cd swh-docs/docs
$ make apidoc
3. Build the documentation
$ cd swh-docs/docs
$ make
The HTML documentation is now available starting from _build/html/index.html
Cleaning up
$ cd docs
$ make distclean
The former (make clean
) will only clean the local Sphinx build, without
touching other modules. The latter (make distclean
) will also clean Sphinx
builds in all other modules.
Publishing the doc
The publication of the documentation is now managed by the [CI][7].