diff --git a/docs/devel/roadmap/index.rst b/docs/devel/roadmap/index.rst
index bbcf896143ca8205a87c9e0784640b7c2bdd0e0c..190c39839a0a1be944253db0ddf903ab47816ed3 100644
--- a/docs/devel/roadmap/index.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/roadmap/index.rst
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ Current and past roadmaps
    :maxdepth: 2
+   roadmap-2023
diff --git a/docs/devel/roadmap/roadmap-2022.rst b/docs/devel/roadmap/roadmap-2022.rst
index 39f525df7ffc8371a48d772aa5fceebcbffccb21..c4b72535a901981acbf7813b10ee393a92c88d2c 100644
--- a/docs/devel/roadmap/roadmap-2022.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/roadmap/roadmap-2022.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-.. _roadmap-current:
 .. _roadmap-2022:
 Roadmap 2022
diff --git a/docs/devel/roadmap/roadmap-2023.rst b/docs/devel/roadmap/roadmap-2023.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b58fef06fa7eb730073cd59fa49cabf0190cf1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/devel/roadmap/roadmap-2023.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+.. _roadmap-current:
+.. _roadmap-2023:
+Roadmap 2023
+(Version 1.0, last modified 2023-03-13)
+This document provides an overview of the technical roadmap of the Software
+Heritage initiative for the year 2023.
+Live tracking of the roadmap implementation progress during the year is
+available from a dedicated `GitLab board
+.. contents::
+   :depth: 3
+Add support for write APIs features in GraphQL 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/98>`__
+- Priority: low
+Add support for write APIs in GraphQL (eg: an API for save code now) in order to cover 100% of the REST API features in the GraphQL API.
+**Includes work:**
+- Implement write APIs
+- Enforce authorization configuration for restricted access features
+- GraphQL coverage of 100% of the REST API in production
+Tooling for takedown notices 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/56>`__
+- Priority: high
+Set up a workflow to handle takedown requests and improve automation capabilities of the sysadmin tools for takedown notices processing.
+**Includes work:**
+- Set up a specification for workflow integration in swh-web
+- Implement workflow integration
+- Set up technical specification for sysadmin tooling
+- Implement missing sysadmin tools (verification and automation)
+- Create a sysadmin documentation for takedown notices
+- Takedown notice handling integrated to swh-web
+- Automated sysadmin tools for takedown notices processing 
+Automate add forge now 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/54>`__
+- Priority: low
+Set up automation capabilities on Add forge now to ease and facilitate the handling of Add forge now requests
+**Includes work:**
+- Automate ingestion process
+- Automate add forge now workflow
+- Setup and deploy automation process in staging
+- Deploy automation process in production
+- Automated Add forge now processing tools and wokflow in production
+Minimize archival lag w.r.t. upstream code hosting platforms 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/53>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Improve ingestion efficiency
+Make lag monitoring dashboards easy to find (for decision makers)
+**Includes work:**
+- Implement git protocol V2 for Dulwich
+- Optimize scheduling policies
+- Optimize loaders
+- Number of out of date repos (absolute and per platform)
+- Total archive lag (e.g., in days)
+Extend archive coverage 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/52>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Add listers and loaders for not-yet-supported forges/package managers and VCS 
+Listers and loaders can be developed in house or contributed by external partners, e.g., via dedicated grants.
+**Includes work:**
+- Validate public review and deploy Listers and loaders pending in staging (Arch, AUR, Crates, Packagist, Rubygems, Fedora, Puppet, Hackage, Golang, Bower, Nix/Guix, CVS, pub.dev)
+- Implement new listers and loader
+- Number of deployed listers
+- Number of deployed loaders
+Explore possibility of replacing SHA1 with SHA1-DC 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/112>`__
+- Priority: high
+Mainstream platforms like GitHub now use SHA1-DC
+**Includes work:**
+- Study implications of aligning with the SHA1-DC adoption
+- Decision/blockers whether to move to SHA1-DC
+Regularly scrub journal, storage, and objstorage 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/103>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Set up background jobs to regularly check - and repair when necessary - data validity, in all SWH data stores. This includes both blobs (swh-objstorage) and other graph objects (swh-storage) on all the copies (in-house, kafka, azure, upcoming mirrors, etc.)
+**Includes work:**
+- Implement storage scrubber for Cassandra
+- Add scrubbing for the object storage
+- Add metrics and Grafana dashboard for scrubbing process
+- Automatically repair and recover objects found to be invalid
+- List of scrubbers deployed in production
+- Monitoring tools deployed in production
+- Rolling report of operations per datastore including errors found and fixed at each iteration
+Publicly available standard for SWHID version 1 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/66>`__
+- Priority: high
+Publish a stable version of the SWHID version 1 specification, approved by a standard organization body.
+**Includes work:**
+- Publish publicly available standard
+- Start ISO normalization for SWHID V1
+- Published standard for SWHID version 1
+SWH Mirror at GRNET 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/65>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Collaborate with GRNET to create a SWH Mirror
+**Includes work:**
+- Guidance and contribution to GRNET architecture and infrastructure choices 
+- Specific developments if necessary (to be determined according to the chosen technical solutions)
+- Help to deployment
+- validated architecture and first POC
+SWH Mirror at Duisburg-Essen university 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/64>`__
+- Priority: low
+Collaborate with Duisburg-Essen university to create a SWH Mirror
+**Includes work:**
+- Guidance and contribution to UniDue architecture and infrastructure choices 
+- Specific developments if necessary (to be determined according to the chosen technical solutions)
+- Developments of tools for Winery replication (for Ceph-based object storage)
+- Help to deployment
+- validated architecture and first POC
+SWH Mirror at ENEA 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/62>`__
+- Priority: high
+Collaborate with ENEA to create a SWH Mirror
+**Includes work:**
+- Finalize object storage copy
+- Configure the stack for the mirror public deployment
+- SWH Mirror deployed on ENEA infrastructure and publicly available
+Mirrors tooling 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/61>`__
+- Priority: high
+Provide common features required the SWH mirrors
+**Includes work:**
+- Set up feature flags on the web app and test modules activation/deactivation
+- Implement fallback mechanism for objstorage
+- Dedicated CI for the mirroring stack
+- Common features available for specific mirrors instances
+Archive cold-copy at CINES via Vitam 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/60>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Perform a first complete copy of the archive stored in Vitam @ CINES
+Maintain the copy up-to-date periodically (on a period TBD)
+**Includes work:**
+- Validate implementation of ORC format in Vitaam
+- Run a Proof of Concept
+- Run the complete copy @ CINES
+- Configure/schedule the copy update process
+- First copy stored in Vitam
+- Updates calendar defined
+Support archiving repositories containing SHA1 hash conflicts on blobs 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/58>`__
+- Priority: high
+Enable the possibility to use multiple hash types for objects checksums in order to get rid of the limitations imposed by having SHA1 as a primary key for the object storage internally.
+**Includes work:**
+- Implement the remaining low-level layers (model and API are ready)
+- Multiple hash storage facility in production
+- Ability to archive git repos that contains sample SHAttered collisions blobs (they are currently detected and refused)
+Propose Web UI sections for dedicated partner collections 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/113>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Design and test the creation of dedicated collections pages (list of origins associated to/provided by a partner)
+**Includes work:**
+- design a web ui feature for specific software collection (list of origins) based on custom criteria (intrinsic and/or extrinsic metadata)
+- Specification and mockup for this feature
+Create a cost-calculator in the Vault 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/106>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Implement a cost-calculator feature in swh-vault in order to estimate the cost of computing before cooking an artifact. The purpose of this feature is to prevent overload in some edge cases and possibly establish a rate-limiting system to avoid abusive usage of the vault. 
+**Includes work:**
+- Design calculation rules
+- Implement the cost-calculator
+- Make it configurable according to the user profile
+- Cost-calculation activated on swh-vault in production
+Publish derived datasets 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/94>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Setup tools to automate the publication of derived datasets, and generate specific datasets for research purposes throughout the year, on request by rdicosmo and zack
+**Includes work:**
+- Finalize and maintain the automation pipeline (Luigi) for datasets generation
+- Build new datasets when requested
+- Generation pipeline available in production
+- Scheduled and regularly published derived datasets
+Collect and index forge metadata 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/91>`__
+- Priority: high
+Collect and index metadata from more forges and package managers in order to expand metadata coverage.
+**Includes work:**
+- Provide a prioritized list of forges/package managers to process
+- Improve the performance of indexers to reduce lag vs metadata collection
+- Implement and deploy indexers for not supported forges/package managers
+- number of new forges supported / % indexed for each
+- number of new package managers supported / % indexed for each
+Evaluate the storage of indexed metadata in a triple-store  
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/89>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Evaluate the opportunity of storing indexed metadata in a triple store, instead of the actual ElasticSearch architecture, to prevent crashes due to embedded JSON-LD documents treated as regular JSON, and add support of relations between documents.
+Therefore, I would like to try using a proper triple-store. [Virtuoso](https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com) in particular looks promising, as it support both SPARQL and full-text search.
+**Includes work:**
+- Try and evaluate a proper triple-store (Virtuoso) on a testing infrastructure 
+- According to the conclusions of the evaluation, decide whether to choose this triple-store solution
+- Decision to switch to a triple-store for indexed metadata storage
+Release a first version of the swh-scanner product 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/72>`__
+- Priority: high
+Industrialize and improve the swh-scanner CLI to provide a full-featured product ready for regular use. 
+**Includes work:**
+- Improve the concurrency model on edge cases
+- Set up an enhanced result dashboard
+- Implement advanced filtering capabilities
+- Provide an exhaustive documentation
+- Add provenance information (depending on provenance progress)
+- Release and announce a first version of swh-scanner
+Webhook-based notification for long-running user tasks 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/71>`__
+- Priority: high
+Create a reusable event-based webhook architecture and implement it on adequate SWH features
+**Includes work:**
+- Identify technical issues and design options
+- Specification and implementation of a standard core
+- Implementation for origin visit
+- Implementation for add forge now
+- Implementation for save code now
+- Implementation for vault cooking
+- Implementation for deposit 
+- Number of services that support webhook-based notifications
+Self-host Software Stories software stack 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/70>`__
+- Priority: high
+Deploy a `Software Stories instance <https://github.com/ScienceStories/swh-stories>`__ hosted on the SWH infrastructure
+**Includes work:**
+- Define and document the infrastructure requirements
+- Deploy and document (Operations / backups / ...)
+- Migrate the current stories to the SWH instance
+- Establish the migration plan / redirection plan
+- SWH stories site available
+- Documentation written
+- Current stories migrated to the SWH instance
+- Public software stories instance migrated to the SWH instance
+Design presentation of Metadata on Web UI 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/68>`__
+- Priority: high
+Design presentation of intrinsic and extrinsic metadata for any artifact on web UI and add linked data capabilities (Semantic Web solutions)
+**Includes work:**
+- Specify the expected use cases
+- Design metadata view for Web UI
+- Allow export of metadata (in multiple formats - APA/ BibTeX/ CodeMeta/ CFF)
+- Assistance and contribution to CodeMeta
+- Add linked data capabilities
+- Specification and POC
+Provide a landing page for docs.s.o 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/73>`__
+- Priority: high
+Provide a user-friendly landing page for all documentation at docs.s.o, providing guidelines for each user type.
+**Includes work:**
+- Finalize and publish the landing page content
+- Improve the organization of the left-column menus
+- Landing page in production
+Technical debt
+Setup efficient and consistent swh-storage pagination 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/96>`__
+- Priority: high
+Define and implement an efficient structure for pagination in the data sources for swh-storage.
+Pagination in the data sources (eg storage) is not very consistent and client friendly. Defining and implementing an efficient structure will be a good improvement. This will also involve re-factoring some clients.
+**Includes work:**
+- Design an efficient pagination architecture
+- Refactor obj-storage to implement the pagination
+- Identify and refactor existing clients that use swh-storage pagination
+- New pagination solution in production for swh-storage
+- Existing clients updated to use this solution
+Improve support for malformed git commits 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/92>`__
+- Priority: high
+Improve the git loader to make it able to deal with edge-case commits that cause Dulwich to crash due to unnecessary data validation.
+**Includes work:**
+- Fix all crashes of the git loader caused by malformed git objects
+- Support commits whose "author" or "committer" field is missing
+- ratio of crashes on commits ingestion by the git loader (before/after)
+Tooling and infrastructure
+Dynamic infrastructure 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/105>`__
+- Priority: high
+Setup a dynamically scalable infrastructure for Software Heritage services
+**Includes work:**
+- Setup an elastic workers infrastructure
+- Configure Kubernetes clusters
+- Monitoring/Alerting solution for container-based services
+- Ingest the logs of the dynamic components into the current elk infrastructure
+- Dashboard displaying the status of the dynamic components
+  - Number of listers running
+  - Number of loaders running
+  - RPC services status 
+- Logs ingested and correctly parsed in kibana
+- Clusters fully backuped
+Use a common workflow management tool for swh-web 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/100>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Find and integrate a common workflow management tool in swh-web for future modules that will require a workflow logic (takedown notices process, user support, etc.)
+**Includes work:**
+- Investigate the existing tools, measuring advantages and drawbacks for each
+- Integrate the most relevant tool in swh-web
+- Document the usage with a sample module
+- Integrated workflow tool, ready to use, in swh-web 
+Provide a management-friendly monitoring dashboard of services 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/86>`__
+- Priority: high
+Provide a high-level and easy to find dashboard of running services with documented key indicators.
+**Includes work:**
+- Gather public site metrics
+- Publish and document a dedicated dashboard
+- Add links to it on common web applications (web app and docs.s.o)
+- Indicators available for public sites status
+- Indicators for archive workers status
+- Indicators for archive behavior
+- Main dashboard that aggregates the indicators
+- Dashboard referenced in common web applications
+Provenance in production 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/84>`__
+- Priority: high
+Publish swh-provenance services in production, including revision and origin layers.
+**Includes work:**
+- Build and deploy content index based on a winnowing algorithm
+- Filter provenance pipeline to process only tags and releases
+- Setup a production infrastructure for the kafka-based revision layer (including monitoring)
+- Refactor and process the origin layer
+- Release provenance documentation
+- Provenance services available in production
+- % of archive covered
+Scale-out objstorage in production as primary objstorage 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/83>`__
+- Priority: high
+Have the Ceph-based objstorage for SWH (Winery) in production as primary storage and set up equivalent MVP in staging (maybe use the same Ceph cluster for this)
+**Includes work:**
+- Deploy Ceph objstorage/Winery on CEA infrastructure
+- Benchmark Ceph-based objstorage
+- Switch to Ceph-based objstorage as primary storage
+- Handle Mirroring
+- Ceph-based obj-storage in production
+Cassandra in production as primary storage 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/82>`__
+- Priority: high
+Use Cassandra as primary storage in production, in replacement of PostgreSQL
+**Includes work:**
+- Finalize and validate the replayed data
+- Install the new bare metal servers for staging and production
+- Deploy a Cassandra-based production instance for tests
+- Benchmark the Cassandra infrastructure
+- Switch to Cassandra in production for primary storage
+- History of takedown notices applied in the cassandra dataset
+- Replayed data validated
+- Live staging archive instance in parallel of the legacy postgresql instance
+- Live production archive instance in parallel of the legacy postgresql instance
+- Cassandra primary storage in staging
+- Cassandra primary storage in production
+Desing and test a Continuous Deployment infrastructure 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/80>`__
+- Priority: medium
+Set up a Continuous Deployment infrastructure in order to improve bug detection and validate the future elastic infrastructure components
+**Includes work:**
+- Migrate away from Debian packaging for deployment (to pypi packages?)
+- Build a docker image per deployable service
+- Build the deployment tooling
+- Reset and redeploy the stack after commits
+- Execute acceptance tests
+- Identify if a deployment can be done by the ci or needs human interaction (mostly detect if a migration is present)
+- Integration tests
+- Docker image build triggered by a new version deployed in pypi
+- Docker image build by the CI
+- Component versions updated by the CI
+- Automatically redeployed staging on new release
+- Staging / whatever environment testing before pushing to production
+Desing and test next generation CI Automation 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/79>`__
+- Priority: low
+Design and tests solutions in order to improve the actual Continuous Integration tools to match the infrastructure evolutions and provide more features
+**Includes work:**
+- Actual CI state of the art and requirements specification
+- Evaluation of a migration from Jenkins to GitLab CI (and effective migration if relevant)
+- Code audit tools integration (static and/or dynamic analysis)
+- Gitlab CI used or tested in one or more sysadmin projects
+- Evaluation matrix (Pros/Cons) for a migration from jenkins to gitlab ci or other tool
+- Pros/Cons to deploy a code audit tool
+Graph export and graph compression in production 
+- `View milestone in GitLab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/swh/-/milestones/59>`__
+- Priority: high
+Have the graph compression pipeline running in production with less then a month of lag Deployment, hosting and pipeline tooling 
+**Includes work:**
+- Add JVM monitoring
+- Finish automation scripts
+- Deploy on a dedicated machine
+- Graph compression pipeline in production
+- Last update date / number of updates per year