diff --git a/docs/devel/configuration.rst b/docs/devel/configuration.rst
index f8af736470236d6a7654deb85cb4321ff94d4af9..23c49f126d47cd2c10fe854a2c963ecc883be601 100644
--- a/docs/devel/configuration.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/configuration.rst
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ The :ref:`graph <swh-graph>` can only be accessed as a remote service, and
 its configuration block is a single key: ``url``, which is the URL to its
 HTTP endpoint; usually on port 5009 or at the path ``/graph/``.
 .. _cli-config-journal:
@@ -82,6 +83,26 @@ directly from Kafka::
       group_id: "..."
+.. _cli-config-metadata_fetcher_credentials:
+Nested dictionary of strings.
+The first level identifies a :term:`metadata <extrinsic metadata>` fetcher's name
+(eg. ``gitea`` ``github``), the second level the lister instance (eg. ``codeberg.org``
+or ``github``). The final level is a list of dicts containing the expected API
+credentials for the given instance of that fetcher. For example::
+    metadata_fetcher_credentials:
+      github:
+        github:
+        - username: ...
+          password: ...
+        - ...
 .. _cli-config-scheduler: