diff --git a/docs/contributing/gitlab.rst b/docs/contributing/gitlab.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17f725bc66d7a7162c0174ecab7063b40f632ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contributing/gitlab.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+.. highlight:: bash
+.. admonition:: Intended audience
+   :class: important
+   Contributors
+.. _gitlab-code-submission:
+Submitting code to SWH
+We use `gitlab <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/>`__ (`Community
+Edition <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss>`__) as the
+coding/collaboration forge.
+For a new contributor
+*  `Signup <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/users/sign_up>`__ to
+   create a new gitlab user and wait for approval
+*  Once approved, you will get notified
+*  If you are not already, familiarize with git and gitlab `gitlab
+   basics <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/tutorials/make_your_first_git_commit.html>`__
+*  Create a
+   `fork <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/forking_workflow.html#creating-a-fork>`__
+   of the project you wish to work on
+*  Setup `ssh keys <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/ssh.html>`__ to
+   communicate with Gitlab
+*  Sign the Software Heritage Contributor License Agreement
+*  [Optional] Install gitlab cli tools
+*  Create a local `feature
+   branch <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/gitlab-basics/feature_branch_workflow.html>`__
+   for the feature you are trying to add
+*  Commit code following the commit guidelines
+*  Push your branch to your fork
+*  Create a `merge
+   request <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/creating_merge_requests.html#when-you-work-in-a-fork>`__
+   against the SWH project master branch for your branch
+*  Make sure the merge request passes all the steps in the build
+*  Address the review comments, if any
+*  Once ready, wait for a team member to merge your code
+SSH key for pushes
+In your forge User Settings page (on the top right, click on your
+avatar, then click *Preferences*), you have access to a *SSH Keys*
+section (Direct link:
+``https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/-/profile/keys``). You then have
+the option to upload a SSH public key, which will authenticate your
+pushes from git.
+Note: if you use a dedicated SSH key for this (which is recommended),
+create key pair using recommended algorithm; ED25519 as of today; see
+`this gitlab help
+page <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/help/user/ssh.md>`__ for more
+You also need to configure ssh/git to use that key pair, for instance by
+editing the ``~/.ssh/config`` file:
+.. code-block::
+   # .ssh/config entry for gitlab.softwareheritage.org
+   Host gitlab.softwareheritage.org
+     User git
+     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/swh_gitlab_key
+     IdentitiesOnly yes
+     PreferredAuthentications publickey
+Finally, you should configure git to push over ssh when pushing to
+https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org, by running the following command:
+.. code-block::
+   git config --global url.git@gitlab.softwareheritage.org:.pushInsteadOf https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org
+This lets git know that it should use
+``git@gitlab.softwareheritage.org:`` as a base url when pushing
+repositories cloned from gitlab.softwareheritage.org over https.
+If you plan to `sign git revisions or
+tags <https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Signing-Your-Work>`__,
+you may also want to `upload your GPG
+key <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/-/profile/gpg_keys>`__ as well.
+Code Review in Gitlab
+As mentioned above, you can use the standard gitlab contribution
+workflow. This is based on having your own copy (fork) of the project
+you wan to hack on in your projects. The way you manage this fork of
+yours is up to you, but we strongly recommend the process described
+*  fork the project on https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org (clicking the
+   “Fork” button)
+*  clone the forked repository on your machine:
+.. code-block::
+      git clone https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/<username>/swh-xxx.git
+      cd swh-xxx
+*  add the upstream repository:
+.. code-block::
+      git remote add upstream https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/modules/swh-xxx.git
+this allows you to easily fetch new upstream revisions in your local
+*  work in a feature branch: ``git checkout -b my-feature``
+*  hack; add tests; commit; hack; rework git history;
+*  initial review request:
+   *  push your branch in your forked repository:
+      ``git push origin my-feature     [...]     remote:     To gitlab.softwareheritage.org:<username>/swh-xxx.git     * [new branch]      my-feature -> my-feature``
+   *  create a Merge Request from this branch in the gitlab web UI
+*  react to change requests: hack/commit/hack/commit;
+*  update your merge request:
+.. code-block::
+      git push origin my-feature
+   or, if you have reworked or rebased the git history of the
+   ``my-feature`` branch:
+.. code-block::
+      git push --force-with-lease origin my-feature
+*  landing change: once the merge request has been approved, it will be
+   merged in the upstream main branch ([name=david]: *by who?*); it will
+   be merge if and only if the git branch behind the merge request can
+   be pushed directly on the upstream main branch (without an actual
+   merge) and the resulting revisions all pass CI, to keep the upstream
+   git history as clean and linear as possible.
+Starting a new feature and submit it for review
+As mentioned above, you should work on your fork of the upstream
+project, in dedicated feature branches. In the following document, we
+assume you have forked the upstream project in your namespace on
+gitlab.softwareheritage.org, and you have cloned the repository with 2
+remote tracked repositories:
+.. code-block::
+   git remove -v
+   origin  git@gitlab.softwareheritage.org:<username>/swh-xxx.git (fetch)
+   origin  git@gitlab.softwareheritage.org:<username>/swh-xxx.git (push)
+   upstream    git@gitlab.softwareheritage.org:swh/modules/swh-xxx.git (fetch)
+   upstream    git@gitlab.softwareheritage.org:swh/modules/swh-xxx.git (push)
+Use a **one branch per feature** workflow, with well-separated **logical
+commits** (:ref:``following those conventions <git-style-guide>``).
+Please create one merge request per logical feature/fix to keep the
+merge request size to a minimum.
+.. code-block::
+   git checkout -b my-shiny-feature
+   ... hack hack hack ...
+   git commit -m 'architecture skeleton for my-shiny-feature'
+   ... hack hack hack ...
+   git commit -m 'my-shiny-feature: implement module foo'
+   ... etc ...
+To **submit your code for review** the first time, you need to create a
+merge request. This is a 2 steps process:
+*  first you need to push your branch in your forked project,
+*  then you need to create the merge request from that branch against
+   the main branch upstream.
+This is typically a matter of:
+.. code-block::
+   git push origin my-shiny-feature
+   [...]
+   remote:
+   remote: To create a merge request for my-shiny-feature, visit:
+   remote:   https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/<username>/swh-xxx/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=my-shiny-feature
+   remote:
+   To gitlab.softwareheritage.org:douardda/swh-xxx.git
+    * [new branch]      my-shiny-feature -> my-shiny-feature
+and follow the URL provided to create the merge request from the gitlab
+web UI.
+Check the CI is green
+When you create (or update) a merge request, the CI should be triggered
+automatically and test your proposed changes.
+If the result is not OK, it is your responsibility to update and fix
+your code to make the merge request ready for review.
+Ask for review
+Normally, any green merge request is automatically ready for review. By
+default, no specific reviewer is assigned to a merge request, meaning
+that it can be reviewed by any team member.
+You may want to ask specifically for a person to review your merge
+request. In this case, you can choose in the merge request web page to
+define one (or more) reviewers for your merge request.
+Updating your branch to reflect requested changes
+Your feature might get accepted as is, YAY! Or, reviewers might request
+changes; no big deal!
+To implement requested changes in the code, hack on your branch as usual
+*  adding new commits, and/or
+*  rewriting old commits with git rebase (to preserve a nice, easy to
+   bisect history)
+*  pulling on master and rebasing your branch against it if meanwhile
+   someone landed commits on master:
+.. code-block::
+   git checkout master
+   git pull
+   git checkout my-shiny-feature
+   git rebase master
+When you’re ready to **update your review request**, you just have to
+push your modifications in your local branch on gitlab:
+.. code-block::
+   git push origin my-shiny-feature
+or, it you made some git history rework (rebase etc), you need to use:
+.. code-block::
+   git push --force-with-lease origin my-shiny-feature
+The merge request should be updated automatically with your updated
+Draft merge requests
+It is possible to prepare a merge request but keep it in a “draft”
+state, to make it clear to reviewers it is not ready for review yet.
+This can be done either by prefixing the merge request title with
+You may also use the web UI feature “Mark as draft” (in the “Merge
+request actions” menu).
+Landing your change onto master
+Reviewing locally / landing someone else’s changes
+See also
+*  :ref:`code-review` for guidelines on how code is reviewed when
+   developing for Software Heritage