diff --git a/docs/devel/contributing/code-review.rst b/docs/devel/contributing/code-review.rst
index 9d85ba7957df84b30cc669d2804d7f22c8d434e0..8d438494f57cf39c07a7366bdf04abe9a5a57bc0 100644
--- a/docs/devel/contributing/code-review.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/contributing/code-review.rst
@@ -1,39 +1,92 @@
 .. _code-review:
-Code Review
+Code review
 This page documents code review practices used for Software Heritage development.
+`GitLab has many useful features
+<https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/reviews/>`_ to ease
+reviewing the changes, communicating around questions or comments, and making
+suggestions. Learning how to use them will help you and the team.
-Please adhere to the following guidelines to perform and obtain code reviews
-(CRs) in the context of Software Heritage development:
-1. **CRs are strongly recommended** for any non-trivial code change,
-   but not mandatory (nor enforced at the VCS level).
-2. The CR :ref:`workflow <patch-submission>` is implemented using
-   Phabricator/Differential.
-3. Explicitly **suggest reviewer(s)** when submitting new CR requests:
-   either the most knowledgeable person(s) for the target code or the general
-   `reviewers <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/project/view/50/>`_
-   (which is the `default <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/H18>`_).
-4. **Review anything you want**: no matter the suggested reviewer(s),
-   feel free to review any outstanding CR.
-5. **One LGTM is enough**: feel free to approve any outstanding CR.
-6. **Review every day**: CRs should be timely as fellow developers
-   will wait for them.
-   To make CRs sustainable each developer should strive to dedicate
-   a fixed minimum amount of CR time every (work) day.
-For more detailed suggestions (and much more) on the motivational
-and practical aspects of code reviews see Good reads below.
-Good reads
+Please adhere to the following guidelines in the context of Software Heritage
+When submitting changes:
+- **Reviews are strongly recommended** for any non-trivial code change,
+  but not mandatory (nor enforced at Git level).
+- The :ref:`code submission workflow <patch-submission>` is implemented using
+  merge requests sent to our GitLab instance.
+- The `assignee
+  <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#assignee>`_
+  in the context of merge request is the person supposed to drive it to
+  completion. **In almost all cases, you should assign yourself to merge requests you
+  create.**
+- If your changes are meant to address a specific issue, you should `prefix the
+  branch name with the issue number
+  <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/branches/index.html#naming>`_.
+- Feel free to explicitly **mention one or more specific
+  reviewer** from people most knowledgeable with the target code. You can also
+  assign a single person [#multiple-reviewers]_ as reviewer using the relevant
+  field. It will prevent the merge request from going unnoticed.
+- **One approval is enough** before merging a request.
+As a team member:
+- **Review any merge requests you want**: no matter the suggested reviewers,
+  feel free to review any pending merge requests.
+- **Review every day**: reviews should be timely as fellow developers
+  will wait for them. To make the process sustainable each developer should
+  strive to dedicate a fixed minimum amount of review time every workday.
+.. [#multiple-reviewers] Assigning multiple reviewers are only supported in
+   paid editions of GitLab. As we currently use the free *Community Edition*,
+   mentions are the only way to get the attention of multiple people at once.
+Learning about pending reviews
+As we aim to review merge requests in a timely manner, here are several ways to
+know about merge requests waiting for input.
+To be sure to receive notifications of new merge requests:
+1. Open the `notification controls
+   <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/-/profile/notifications>`_ for your
+   GitLab account.
+2. Locate the *Platform* group.
+3. Select *Custom* in the list of notification levels.
+4. Click on the bell icon.
+5. Make sure *New merge request* is ticked. You probably also want to select at
+   least *New issue*, *Failed pipeline*, and *Fixed pipeline*.
+6. Click *Ok*.
+7. Repeat the operation for other groups of interest.
+List pending merge requests
+Sadly, notifications can easily be missed and GitLab by itself does not provide
+a view with all merge requests waiting for action across multiple projects. To
+have a better view of pending merge requests, you should consider using:
+- `GitLab Notify Extension
+  <https://github.com/Mikescops/gitlab-notify-extension>`_ available for Chrome
+  and Firefox. It can list all merge requests you are assigned to and all merge
+  requests you created.
+- `gitlab-revq <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/vlorentz/gitlab-revq/>`_, a
+  command-line tool listing all actionable pending requests.
-Good reads on various angles of code review:
+Recommended readings
 * `Best practices (Palantir) <https://medium.com/palantir/code-review-best-practices-19e02780015f>`_ ← comprehensive and recommended read, especially if you're short on time
 * `Best practices (Thoughtbot) <https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/code-review>`_
diff --git a/docs/devel/contributing/gitlab.rst b/docs/devel/contributing/gitlab.rst
index c447ab3866b3575e038211cec43330de72cc172d..e1f580941d712cd8e7671ece5fde86a688df4707 100644
--- a/docs/devel/contributing/gitlab.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/contributing/gitlab.rst
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ documentation. Please follow the steps below to setup your account.
 -  Sign the Software Heritage Contributor License Agreement. Please
    contact us to know more about this.
+.. _patch-submission:
 Development workflow
diff --git a/docs/devel/contributing/phabricator.rst b/docs/devel/contributing/phabricator.rst
index 40b26afe4253bac5f583a7740a1c8fac5e57c03d..4f434be5fbfe74b4c475c21505e32ea6c043781f 100644
--- a/docs/devel/contributing/phabricator.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/contributing/phabricator.rst
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/
 The content below is no longer relevant and will be updated soon.
-.. _patch-submission:
 Submitting patches