Propose a @software BibTeX template
We would like to suggest a standard template for software BibTeX entries, based on the work of the Inria WG on software citation, and other initiatives.
A good starting point is the list of entries described in the biblatex documentation, see pages 16 and following of
Working document in:
First proposal base on hal software deposit:
@software {delebecque:hal-02090402,
TITLE = {{Scilab 1.1}},
AUTHOR = {Delebecque, Fran{\c c}ois and Gomez, Claude and Goursat, Maurice and Nikoukhah, Ramine and Steer, Serge and Chancelier, Jean-Philippe},
URL = {},
NOTE = {First Scilab version. It was distributed by anonymous ftp.}, => le contenu du champ description
YEAR = {1994},
MONTH = Jan,
DOCUMENTS = {}, => autres proposition FILES
HAL_ID = {hal-02090402},
SWH_ID = {⟨swh:1:dir:1ba0b67b5d0c8f10961d878d91ae9d6e499d746a⟩},
VERSION = {1.1},
CODE_REPOSITORY= exemple {url GIthub},
ABSTRACT = {Résumé si il est renseigné}
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