resource "rancher2_cluster" "cluster-admin" { name = "cluster-admin" description = "cluster for admin tools (argocd, minio, ...)" rke_config { kubernetes_version = "v1.26.7-rancher1-1" enable_cri_dockerd = true network { plugin = "canal" } ingress { default_backend = false provider = "none" } upgrade_strategy { drain = true drain_input { delete_local_data = true timeout = 300 } } } } output "cluster-admin-config-summary" { sensitive = true value = rancher2_cluster.cluster-admin.kube_config } output "cluster-admin-register-command" { sensitive = true value = rancher2_cluster.cluster-admin.cluster_registration_token[0].node_command } module "rancher-node-admin-mgmt1" { hostname = "rancher-node-admin-mgmt1" vmid = 171 source = "../modules/node" template = var.templates["stable-zfs"] config = local.config description = "Admin cluster node with etcd, controlplane and worker roles" hypervisor = "hypervisor3" sockets = "1" cores = "4" onboot = true memory = "12288" balloon = "8192" networks = [{ id = 0 ip = "" gateway = local.config["gateway_ip"] bridge = local.config["bridge"] }] storages = [{ storage = "proxmox" size = "20G" }, { storage = "proxmox" size = "20G" } ] post_provision_steps = [ "systemctl restart docker", # workaround "${rancher2_cluster.cluster-admin.cluster_registration_token[0].node_command} --etcd --controlplane" ] } output "rancher-node-admin-mgmt1_summary" { value = module.rancher-node-admin-mgmt1.summary } module "rancher-node-admin-node01" { hostname = "rancher-node-admin-node01" vmid = 172 source = "../modules/node" template = var.templates["stable-zfs"] config = local.config description = "Admin cluster node01" hypervisor = "hypervisor3" sockets = "1" cores = "4" onboot = true memory = "16384" balloon = "8192" networks = [{ id = 0 ip = "" gateway = local.config["gateway_ip"] bridge = local.config["bridge"] }] storages = [{ storage = "proxmox" size = "20G" }, { storage = "proxmox" size = "20G" } ] post_provision_steps = [ "systemctl restart docker", # workaround "${rancher2_cluster.cluster-admin.cluster_registration_token[0].node_command} --worker" ] } output "rancher-node-admin-node01_summary" { value = module.rancher-node-admin-node01.summary } module "rancher-node-admin-node02" { hostname = "rancher-node-admin-node02" vmid = 173 source = "../modules/node" template = var.templates["stable-zfs"] config = local.config description = "Admin cluster node02" hypervisor = "branly" sockets = "1" cores = "4" onboot = true memory = "16384" balloon = "8192" networks = [{ id = 0 ip = "" gateway = local.config["gateway_ip"] bridge = local.config["bridge"] }] storages = [{ storage = "proxmox" size = "20G" }, { storage = "proxmox" size = "20G" } ] post_provision_steps = [ "systemctl restart docker", # workaround "${rancher2_cluster.cluster-admin.cluster_registration_token[0].node_command} --worker" ] } output "rancher-node-admin-node02_summary" { value = module.rancher-node-admin-node02.summary } module "rancher-node-admin-node03" { hostname = "rancher-node-admin-node03" vmid = 174 source = "../modules/node" template = var.templates["stable-zfs"] config = local.config description = "Admin cluster node03" hypervisor = "mucem" sockets = "1" cores = "4" onboot = true memory = "16384" balloon = "8192" networks = [{ id = 0 ip = "" gateway = local.config["gateway_ip"] bridge = local.config["bridge"] }] storages = [{ storage = "proxmox" size = "20G" }, { storage = "proxmox" size = "20G" } ] post_provision_steps = [ "systemctl restart docker", # workaround "${rancher2_cluster.cluster-admin.cluster_registration_token[0].node_command} --worker" ] } output "rancher-node-admin-node03_summary" { value = module.rancher-node-admin-node03.summary } resource "rancher2_app_v2" "cluster-admin-rancher-monitoring" { cluster_id = name = "rancher-monitoring" namespace = "cattle-monitoring-system" repo_name = "rancher-charts" chart_name = "rancher-monitoring" chart_version = "102.0.1+up40.1.2" values = <<EOF alertmanager: alertmanagerSpec: logLevel: debug global: cattle: clusterId: c-q2wd4 clusterName: cluster-admin systemDefaultRegistry: "" systemDefaultRegistry: "" nodeExporter: serviceMonitor: enabled: true relabelings: - action: replace regex: ^(.*)$ replacement: $1 sourceLabels: - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name targetLabel: instance prometheus: enabled: true prometheusSpec: externalLabels: cluster: ${} domain: admin environment: admin infrastructure: kubernetes resources: limits: cpu: 1500m retention: 15d thanos: objectStorageConfig: key: thanos.yaml name: thanos-objstore-config-secret thanosIngress: annotations: letsencrypt-production "true" clusterIP GRPC enabled: true hosts: - loadBalancerIP: pathType: Prefix tls: - hosts: - secretName: thanos-crt thanosService: enabled: false thanosServiceExternal: annotations: clusterIP enabled: false loadBalancerIP: prometheusOperator: logLevel: debug EOF depends_on = [rancher2_cluster_sync.cluster-admin, rancher2_cluster.cluster-admin, module.rancher-node-admin-mgmt1, module.rancher-node-admin-node01, module.rancher-node-admin-node02, module.rancher-node-admin-node03] } resource "rancher2_cluster_sync" "cluster-admin" { cluster_id = state_confirm = 2 timeouts { create = "45m" } }