diff --git a/swh/templates/storage/configmap.yaml b/swh/templates/storage/configmap.yaml
index 21a6e48901affe7b7fd649e1fd1aaf1ad166e1ad..1c32e5440737ecbe803c5d28ab25bd127872fde7 100644
--- a/swh/templates/storage/configmap.yaml
+++ b/swh/templates/storage/configmap.yaml
@@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ data:
   config.yml.template: |
       cls: {{ .Values.storage.storageClass }}
+      {{- if eq .Values.storage.storageClass "cassandra" }}
-      {{- range $seed := .Values.storage.cassandra.seeds }}
+        {{- range $seed := .Values.storage.cassandra.seeds }}
         - {{ $seed }}
-      {{- end }}
+        {{- end }}
       keyspace: {{ .Values.storage.cassandra.keySpace }}
       consistency_level: {{ .Values.storage.cassandra.consistencyLevel }}
+      {{- else if eq .Values.storage.storageClass "postgresql" }}
+      db: host={{ .Values.storage.postgresql.host }} port={{ .Values.storage.postgresql.port | default "5432" }} user={{ .Values.storage.postgresql.user | default "guest" }} dbname={{ .Values.storage.postgresql.db | default "swh" }} password=${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}
+      {{- end }}
       {{- if .Values.storage.specific_options -}}
         {{- range $option, $value := .Values.storage.specific_options }}
       {{ $option }}: {{ $value }}
diff --git a/swh/templates/storage/deployment.yaml b/swh/templates/storage/deployment.yaml
index 13729abe87e364138a68c17f812db723058f7ad8..7701ca9f32fe94a3817c4dc0eb4bce52fc7bbd8e 100644
--- a/swh/templates/storage/deployment.yaml
+++ b/swh/templates/storage/deployment.yaml
@@ -37,12 +37,23 @@ spec:
           - -c
           - eval echo "\"$(</etc/swh/configuration-template/config.yml.template)\"" > /etc/swh/config.yml
+          {{- if eq .Values.storage.storageClass "postgresql" }}
+          env:
+          - name: POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD
+            valueFrom:
+              secretKeyRef:
+                name: {{ .Values.storage.postgresql.secretKeyRef }}
+                key: {{ .Values.storage.postgresql.secretKeyName }}
+                # 'name' secret must exist & include that ^ key
+                optional: false
+          {{- end }}
           - name: configuration
             mountPath: /etc/swh
           - name: configuration-template
             mountPath: /etc/swh/configuration-template
-        {{- if .Values.storage.cassandra.initKeyspace }}
+        {{- if eq .Values.storage.storageClass "cassandra" }}
+          {{- if .Values.storage.cassandra.initKeyspace }}
         - name: init-database
           image: {{ .Values.swh_storage_image }}:{{ .Values.swh_storage_image_version }}
           imagePullPolicy: Always
@@ -51,6 +62,7 @@ spec:
           - -c
           - eval "echo \"from swh.storage.cassandra import create_keyspace; create_keyspace(['{{ first .Values.storage.cassandra.seeds }}'], 'swh')\" | python3"
+          {{- end }}
         {{- end }}
         - name: storage
diff --git a/swh/values.yaml b/swh/values.yaml
index afdeec9fcfd89ff45197e0bf03c1af845b9a98c7..327fe90a825d407cebe2af828cb8743106935141 100644
--- a/swh/values.yaml
+++ b/swh/values.yaml
@@ -167,7 +167,6 @@ storage:
   requestedMemory: 100Mi
     maxReplicaCount: 1
-  storageClass: cassandra
 #  affinity:
 #    nodeAffinity:
 #      requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
@@ -188,12 +187,24 @@ storage:
     # like https://token@sentry.host/id
     secretKeyRef: common-secrets
     secretKeyName: storage-sentry-dsn
-  cassandra:
-    initKeyspace: false # only to bootstrap a new cassandra database
-    seeds:
-      - seed1
-    keySpace: swh
-    consistencyLevel: LOCAL_QUORUM
+  # Mandatory: must be 'postgresql' or 'cassandra'
+  storageClass:
+  # if storageClass is 'cassandra'
+  # cassandra:
+  #   initKeyspace: false # only to bootstrap a new cassandra database
+  #   seeds:
+  #     - seed1
+  #   keySpace: swh
+  #   consistencyLevel: LOCAL_QUORUM
+  #  if storageClass is 'postgresql'
+  # postgresql:
+  #   host: postgresql
+  #   port: 5432
+  #   db: softwareheritage
+  #   user: guest
+  #   # name of the secret containing the $secretKeyName value
+  #   secretKeyRef: common-secrets
+  #   secretKeyName: storage-postgresql-password
     cls: noop
diff --git a/swh/values/staging-cassandra.yaml b/swh/values/staging-cassandra.yaml
index 4f0f9229d4919a7dc97a5232f75e0e7cd956110f..6b318f57b0ad8f11b4d9fb2c96a915a5699801ee 100644
--- a/swh/values/staging-cassandra.yaml
+++ b/swh/values/staging-cassandra.yaml
@@ -183,4 +183,13 @@ storage:
       - cassandra1.internal.staging.swh.network
       - cassandra2.internal.staging.swh.network
-      - cassandra3.internal.staging.swh.network
\ No newline at end of file
+      - cassandra3.internal.staging.swh.network
+    keySpace: swh
+    consistencyLevel: LOCAL_QUORUM
+  objstorage:
+    cls: filtered
+    storage_conf:
+      cls: remote
+      url: http://storage1.internal.staging.swh.network:5003/
+    filters_conf:
+    - type: readonly
\ No newline at end of file