diff --git a/swh/values/production/default.yaml b/swh/values/production/default.yaml
index f4bcd603ccb2c6f0dbe5ccebd2a750b717e16141..0fd2110ecfdd916b44a0fe52045bf024f5b09a18 100644
--- a/swh/values/production/default.yaml
+++ b/swh/values/production/default.yaml
@@ -320,6 +320,11 @@ pathslicingSaamZfsObjstorageConfiguration: &objstorage-saam-zfs-pathslicing-conf
   slicing: 0:2/0:5
   compression: none
+  cls: pathslicing
+  root: "/srv/softwareheritage/objects"
+  slicing: 0:2/2:4/4:6
   cls: multiplexer
@@ -548,6 +553,9 @@ externalServices:
       internalName: objstorage-ro-saam-zfs-rpc-ingress
       target: archive-production-rke2-ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local
+    objstorage-ro-banco-xfs:
+      internalName: objstorage-ro-banco-xfs-rpc-ingress
+      target: archive-production-rke2-ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local
       internalName: storage-rw-postgresql-saam-ingress
       target: archive-production-rke2-ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local
diff --git a/swh/values/production/swh.yaml b/swh/values/production/swh.yaml
index 25c33be0c33edc36d2e571c1e3361c5255cca0cd..e531bfb31c34e9ffb13e6230b7450ad46b809fe8 100644
--- a/swh/values/production/swh.yaml
+++ b/swh/values/production/swh.yaml
@@ -1510,6 +1510,57 @@ objstorage:
               - path: /
+    ro-banco-xfs:
+      enabled: true
+      requestedCpu: 250m
+      requestedMemory: 1024Mi
+      replicas: 2
+      gunicorn:
+        workers: 4
+        threads: 2
+        timeout: 3600
+      objstorageConfigurationRef: readonlyBancoXfsObjstorageConfiguration
+      extraRpcConfiguration:
+        client_max_size: 1073741824
+      extraVolumes:
+        pathslicing-ro:
+          mountPath: /srv/softwareheritage/objects
+          volumeDefinition:
+            hostPath:
+              path: /srv/softwareheritage/objects
+              type: Directory
+              readOnly: true
+      # Deploy only on saam
+      nodeSelector:
+        kubernetes.io/hostname: banco
+      # And add a specific affinity
+      affinity:
+        nodeAffinity:
+          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+            nodeSelectorTerms:
+            - matchExpressions:
+              - key: swh/objstorage-pathslicing
+                operator: In
+                values:
+                - "true"
+      # Deploy an ingress to access the objstorage
+      hosts:
+        - objstorage-ro-banco-xfs-rpc-ingress
+      ingress:
+        enabled: true
+        # mandatory if ingress is enabled
+        # the hostname on which the objstorage must be reachable
+        # Optional: the ingress classname to use
+        className: nginx
+        whitelistSourceRangeRef: internalNetworkRanges
+        extraAnnotations:
+          nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 4G
+          nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffering: "on"
+          nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/client-body-buffer-size: 128K
+        endpoints:
+          default:
+            paths:
+              - path: /
   enabled: true