SWHID mishandling in Word and Outlook
On Windows (tested on W10, but may be present in all versions), links to URLs containing qualified SWHIDs are mishandled in Word and Outlook: if one tries to follow the link by the usual Ctrl-click method, one gets a 404 on SWH.
To reproduce: here are two sample files, a .docx and a PDF generated from it test.docx test.pdf
Clicking on the links in the PDF from Acrobat works seamlessly.
Ctrl-clicking on the links in the .docx from Word leads to a 404 (the URL has been mismangled somewhere on the W10/Word side)
Copying the link and pasting it in a browser works seamlessly
Mail messages in Outlook behave the same (bad) way.
It is clearly an issue on the W10/Word/Outlook side, maybe some anti-fishing protection, but unfortunately //it makes us look bad//.
Migrated from T2878 (view on Phabricator)