diff --git a/swh/web/client/client.py b/swh/web/client/client.py
index f59c2ff1fffd9cfdc962dccd3297cd33126c53de..9833e90bdd34688e09d2565f753347013f41e2ec 100644
--- a/swh/web/client/client.py
+++ b/swh/web/client/client.py
@@ -916,6 +916,137 @@ class WebAPIClient:
         with self._call(q, http_method="get") as r:
             return r.text
+    def _get_one_leaf(
+        self,
+        node: str,
+        return_types: str,
+        direction="forward",
+        edges="*",
+        resolve_origins=True,
+    ) -> Optional[str]:
+        """internal function used by get_provenance_info"""
+        query = (
+            f"graph/leaves/{node}/?direction={direction}"
+            f"&edges={edges}"
+            f"&return_types={return_types}"
+            f"&max_matching_nodes=1"
+        )
+        if resolve_origins:
+            query += "&resolve_origins=true"
+        try:
+            with self._call(query, http_method="get") as r:
+                value = r.text.rstrip("\n")
+        except requests.HTTPError as fail:
+            # the graph raise 404 for unknown node so we have catch 404 for now
+            # https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/swh/devel/swh-graph/-/issues/4763
+            if fail.response.status_code not in (400, 404):
+                raise
+            return None
+        if not value:  # empty result
+            return None
+        return value
+    def get_provenance_info(self, swhid: CoreSWHID) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
+        """find a revision, release and origin containing this revision
+        Revision and Release might not be found, we prioritize finding a
+        Release over finding a Revision when possible.
+        note: The quality of the result is not guaranteed whatsoever. Since the
+        definition of "best" likely vary from one usage to the next, this API
+        will evolve in the futur when this notion get better defined.
+        For example, if we are looking for provenance information to detect
+        prior art. We search for the first appearance of a content. So the
+        "best answer" is the oldest content, something a bit tricky to
+        determine as we can't fully trust the date of revision. On the other
+        hand, if we try to known which library are used and at which version,
+        to detect CVE or outdated dependencies, the best answer is the most
+        recent release/revision in the authoritative origin relevant to a
+        content.  Finding the authoritative origin is a challenge in itself.
+        This method exist for the swh-scanner and is likely to change
+        significantly and/or be replaced, we do not recommend using it.
+        Args:
+            swhid: the SWHID of the Content or Directory to find info for
+        Returns:
+            {"revision": rev, "release": rev, "origin": ori)
+            rev: information about the revision, unset if none found
+            rel: information unset if none found
+            ori: information about the origin, unset if none found
+            For unknown content, an empty dict will be returned.
+        Raises:
+            requests.HTTPError: if HTTP request fails
+        """
+        if swhid.object_type not in (ObjectType.DIRECTORY, ObjectType.CONTENT):
+            msg = "swhid should be %r or %r as parameter, not: %r"
+            msg %= (ObjectType.DIRECTORY, ObjectType.CONTENT, swhid.object_type)
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+        content_or_dir = str(swhid)
+        # XXX: If we have a content, the provenance API could search for a rev
+        # or rel more efficiently. However it does not work for Directory and
+        # only cover some of the node, so we need the call the graph anyway.
+        # XXX: The graph can also lag behind the archive so it is possible that
+        # we identify a known content without being able to find an origin.
+        # Try to find a release first
+        top_id = release = self._get_one_leaf(
+            node=content_or_dir,
+            direction="backward",
+            edges="dir:dir,cnt:dir,dir:rev,rev:rel,dir:rel,cnt:rel",
+            return_types="rel",
+        )
+        if release is not None:
+            revision = self._get_one_leaf(
+                node=release,
+                edges="rel:rev",
+                return_types="rev",
+            )
+        else:
+            # We did not find a release,
+            # directly search for a revision instead.
+            top_id = revision = self._get_one_leaf(
+                node=content_or_dir,
+                direction="backward",
+                edges="dir:dir,cnt:dir,dir:rev",
+                return_types="rev",
+            )
+        if top_id is None:
+            # could not find anything, give up
+            return {}
+        # now search the associated origin
+        origin = self._get_one_leaf(
+            node=top_id,
+            direction="backward",
+            edges="*:snp,*:ori",
+            return_types="ori",
+        )
+        info: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
+        if revision is not None:
+            rev_info = self.get(revision, typify=False)
+            rev_info["swhid"] = CoreSWHID.from_string(revision)
+            info["revision"] = rev_info
+        if release is not None:
+            rel_info = self.get(release, typify=False)
+            rel_info["swhid"] = CoreSWHID.from_string(release)
+            info["release"] = rel_info
+        if origin is not None:
+            info["origin"] = {
+                "url": origin,
+            }
+        return info
     def cooking_request(
         self, bundle_type: str, swhid: SWHIDish, email: Optional[str] = None, **req_args
     ) -> Dict[str, Any]: