From 465353894cf1e047d17121106bb17202360d96da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Douard <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 12:34:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add an origin blocking proxy

This proxy prevent registered origins from being visited again. If an
origin url is matching a blocking rule, then any attempt to add an
Origin, OriginVisit or OriginVisitStatus object targeting this url will
be blocked, raising a BlockedOriginException.

This is implemented in a similar fashion than the MaskingProxy, sharing
the same management logic as this later.

The url matching rules are, given a checked URL:
- check for an exact match in the blocking rules on:
  1. the given URL
  2. the trimmed URL (if it has a trailing /)
  3. the extension-less URL if it ends with a know suffix (eg. '.git')
- if no exact match is found, look for the best prefix match on split
  sub-path urls (aka the longest url match in the blocking rules
  for which the URL starts with the match, splitting on '/')
 pyproject.toml                                |   2 +
 swh/storage/                            |  22 +
 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/      | 125 ++++
 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/           | 342 ++++++++++
 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/            | 430 +++++++++++++
 .../blocking/sql/10-superuser-init.sql        |   1 +
 .../proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql        |  40 ++
 .../proxies/blocking/sql/60-indexes.sql       |   5 +
 swh/storage/tests/blocking/        |   0
 swh/storage/tests/blocking/        |  37 ++
 swh/storage/tests/blocking/        | 585 ++++++++++++++++++
 swh/storage/tests/blocking/         | 280 +++++++++
 swh/storage/tests/blocking/      | 368 +++++++++++
 .../tests/blocking/     |  87 +++
 .../tests/blocking/  |  36 ++
 15 files changed, 2360 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/10-superuser-init.sql
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/60-indexes.sql
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/tests/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/tests/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/tests/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/tests/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/tests/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/tests/blocking/
 create mode 100644 swh/storage/tests/blocking/

diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 079c6b791..87e42f85a 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ journal = {file = ["requirements-swh-journal.txt"]}
 "validate" = ""
 "record_references" = ""
 "masking" = ""
+"blocking" = ""
 "" = ""
 "" = ""
+"" = ""
 "Homepage" = ""
diff --git a/swh/storage/ b/swh/storage/
index db7730070..a41b740d4 100644
--- a/swh/storage/
+++ b/swh/storage/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from import content_bytes_hashes, content_hex_hashes
     from swh.model.swhids import ExtendedSWHID
+    from import BlockingStatus
     from import MaskedStatus
@@ -61,6 +62,27 @@ class UnknownMetadataFetcher(StorageArgumentException):
+class BlockedOriginException(NonRetryableException):
+    """Raised when the blocking proxy prevent from inserting a blocked origin"""
+    def __init__(self, blocked: "Dict[str, BlockingStatus]"):
+        blocked = {
+            url: status
+            for url, status in blocked.items()
+            if != "NON_BLOCKED"
+        }
+        if not blocked:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Can't raise a BlockedOriginException if no origin is actually blocked"
+            )
+        self.blocked = blocked
+        super().__init__(blocked)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Some origins are blocked: %s" % ", ".join(self.blocked)
 class MaskedObjectException(NonRetryableException):
     """Raised when the masking proxy attempts to return a masked object"""
diff --git a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a08f6a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Union
+import psycopg2.pool
+from swh.model.model import Origin, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus
+from import get_storage
+from import BlockedOriginException
+from import StorageInterface
+from import DifferentialTimer
+from import BlockingState
+from .db import BlockingQuery
+BLOCKING_OVERHEAD_METRIC = "swh_storage_blocking_overhead_seconds"
+def get_datastore(cls, db):
+    assert cls == "postgresql"
+    from .db import BlockingAdmin
+    return BlockingAdmin.connect(db)
+def blocking_overhead_timer(method_name: str) -> DifferentialTimer:
+    """Return a properly setup DifferentialTimer for ``method_name`` of the storage"""
+    return DifferentialTimer(BLOCKING_OVERHEAD_METRIC, tags={"endpoint": method_name})
+class BlockingProxyStorage:
+    """Blocking storage proxy
+    This proxy prevents visits from a known list of origins to be performed at all.
+    It uses a specific PostgreSQL database (which for now is colocated with the
+ PostgreSQL database), the access to which is implemented in the
+    :mod:`.db` submodule.
+    Sample configuration
+    .. code-block: yaml
+        storage:
+          cls: blocking
+          blocking_db: 'dbname=swh-blocking-proxy'
+          max_pool_conns: 10
+          storage:
+          - cls: remote
+            url:
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        blocking_db: str,
+        storage: Union[Dict, StorageInterface],
+        min_pool_conns: int = 1,
+        max_pool_conns: int = 5,
+    ):
+ StorageInterface = (
+            get_storage(**storage) if isinstance(storage, dict) else storage
+        )
+        self._blocking_pool = psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool(
+            min_pool_conns, max_pool_conns, blocking_db
+        )
+    def origin_visit_status_add(
+        self, visit_statuses: List[OriginVisitStatus]
+    ) -> Dict[str, int]:
+        with self._blocking_query() as q:
+            statuses = q.origins_are_blocked([v.origin for v in visit_statuses])
+            if statuses and any(
+                status.state != BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED
+                for status in statuses.values()
+            ):
+                raise BlockedOriginException(statuses)
+        return
+    def origin_visit_add(self, visits: List[OriginVisit]) -> Iterable[OriginVisit]:
+        with self._blocking_query() as q:
+            statuses = q.origins_are_blocked([v.origin for v in visits])
+            if statuses and any(
+                status.state != BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED
+                for status in statuses.values()
+            ):
+                raise BlockedOriginException(statuses)
+        return
+    def origin_add(self, origins: List[Origin]) -> Dict[str, int]:
+        with self._blocking_query() as q:
+            statuses = {}
+            for origin in origins:
+                status = q.origin_is_blocked(origin.url)
+                if status and status.state != BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED:
+                    statuses[origin.url] = status
+            if statuses:
+                raise BlockedOriginException(statuses)
+        return
+    @contextmanager
+    def _blocking_query(self) -> Iterator[BlockingQuery]:
+        ret = None
+        try:
+            ret = BlockingQuery.from_pool(self._blocking_pool)
+            yield ret
+        finally:
+            if ret:
+                ret.put_conn()
+    def __getattr__(self, key):
+        method = getattr(, key)
+        if method:
+            # Avoid going through __getattr__ again next time
+            setattr(self, key, method)
+            return method
+        # Raise a NotImplementedError to make sure we don't forget to add
+        # masking to any new storage functions
+        raise NotImplementedError(key)
diff --git a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..317e727e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024  The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, List, Optional, TextIO
+import click
+from import storage as storage_cli_group
+from import EditAborted, edit_message, output_message
+    from .db import BlockingRequest, BlockingState
+def blocking_cli_group(ctx: click.Context) -> click.Context:
+    """Configure blocking of origins, preventing them from being archived
+    These tools require read/write access to the blocking database.
+    An entry must be added to the configuration file as follow::
+        \b
+        storage:
+          …
+        \b
+        blocking_admin:
+          blocking_db: "service=swh-blocking-admin"
+    """
+    if (
+        "blocking_admin" not in ctx.obj["config"]
+        or "blocking_db" not in ctx.obj["config"]["blocking_admin"]
+    ):
+            "You must have a blocking_admin section, with a blocking_db entry, "
+            "configured in your config file."
+        )
+    from psycopg2 import OperationalError
+    from .db import BlockingAdmin
+    try:
+        ctx.obj["blocking_admin"] = BlockingAdmin.connect(
+            ctx.obj["config"]["blocking_admin"]["blocking_db"]
+        )
+    except OperationalError as ex:
+        raise click.ClickException(str(ex))
+    return ctx
+class RequestType(click.ParamType):
+    name = "request slug or uuid"
+    def convert(self, value, param, ctx) -> "BlockingRequest":
+        # Try from UUID first
+        from uuid import UUID
+        try:
+            uuid = UUID(value)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            request = ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].find_request_by_id(uuid)
+            if not request:
+                raise click.ClickException(f"Request “{uuid}” not found from id.")
+            return request
+        # Try from slug
+        request = ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].find_request(value)
+        if not request:
+            raise click.ClickException(f"Request “{value}” not found.")
+        return request
+    "-m", "--message", "reason", metavar="REASON", help="why the request was made"
+def new_request(ctx: click.Context, slug: str, reason: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
+    """Create a new request to block objects
+    SLUG is a human-readable unique identifier for the request. It is an
+    internal identifier that will be used in subsequent commands to address this
+    newly recorded request.
+    A reason for the request must be specified, either using the `-m` option or
+    via the provided editor.
+    """
+    from .db import DuplicateRequest
+    if reason is None or reason == "":
+        try:
+            reason = edit_message(f"Please enter a reason for the request “{slug}”.")
+        except EditAborted:
+            raise click.ClickException("Aborting due to an empty reason.")
+    try:
+        request = ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].create_request(slug, reason)
+    except DuplicateRequest:
+        raise click.ClickException(f"Request “{slug}” already exists.")
+    click.echo(
+        f"New request “{, fg='green', bold=True)}” "
+        f"recorded with identifier {}"
+    )
+    "-a",
+    "--include-cleared-requests/--exclude-cleared-requests",
+    default=False,
+    help="Show requests without any blocking state",
+def list_requests(ctx: click.Context, include_cleared_requests: bool) -> None:
+    """List blocking requests"""
+    def list_output() -> Iterator[str]:
+        for request, block_count in ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].get_requests(
+            include_cleared_requests=include_cleared_requests
+        ):
+            yield f"📄 {, bold=True)}\n"
+            yield f"📊 {block_count} object{'s' if block_count != 1 else ''}\n"
+            yield f"🪪 {}\n"
+            # XXX: humanize would be nice here as well
+            yield f"📅 {'%c %z')}\n"
+            yield from output_message(request.reason)
+            yield "\n"
+    click.echo_via_pager(list_output())
+class BlockedStateType(click.Choice):
+    def __init__(self):
+        from .db import BlockingState
+        super().__init__(
+            [format_blocked_state(state) for state in BlockingState],
+            case_sensitive=False,
+        )
+def parse_blocked_state(str: str) -> "BlockingState":
+    from .db import BlockingState
+    return BlockingState[str.replace("-", "_").upper()]
+def format_blocked_state(state: "BlockingState") -> str:
+    return"_", "-")
+def read_origins(file: TextIO) -> List[str]:
+    import re
+    filter_re = re.compile(r"^(#|$)")
+    return [
+        line.strip() for line in"\n") if not filter_re.match(line)
+    ]
+@click.option("-m", "--message", help="an explanation for this change")
+@click.option("-f", "--file", type=click.File(), help="a file with one Origin per line")
+@click.argument("request", metavar="SLUG", type=RequestType())
+@click.argument("new-state", metavar="NEW_STATE", type=BlockedStateType())
+def update_objects(
+    ctx: click.Context,
+    request: "BlockingRequest",
+    new_state: str,
+    message: Optional[str] = None,
+    file: Optional[TextIO] = None,
+) -> None:
+    """Update the blocking state of given objects
+    The blocked state of the provided Origins will be updated to NEW_STATE for the
+    request SLUG.
+    NEW_STATE must be one of “blocked”, “decision-pending” or “non_blocked”.
+    origins must be provided one per line, either via the standard input or a
+    file specified via the `-f` option. `-` is synonymous for the standard
+    input.
+    An explanation for this change must be added to the request history. It can
+    either be specified by the `-m` option or via the provided editor.
+    """
+    import sys
+    from .db import RequestNotFound
+    if file is None:
+        file = sys.stdin
+    blocked_state = parse_blocked_state(new_state)
+    origins = read_origins(file)
+    if len(origins) == 0:
+        raise click.ClickException("No origin given!")
+    if message is None or message == "":
+        try:
+            message = edit_message(
+                f"Please enter an explanation for this update on request “{request.slug}”."
+            )
+        except EditAborted:
+            raise click.ClickException("Aborting due to an empty explanation.")
+    try:
+        ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].set_origins_state(, blocked_state, origins)
+        ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].record_history(, message)
+    except RequestNotFound:
+        raise click.ClickException(f"Request with id “{}” not found.")
+    click.echo(
+        f"Updated blocking state for {len(origins)} origins in request “{request.slug}”."
+    )
+@click.argument("request", metavar="SLUG", type=RequestType())
+def status_cmd(ctx: click.Context, request: "BlockingRequest") -> None:
+    """Get the blocking states defined by a request"""
+    states = ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].get_states_for_request(
+    for swhid, state in states.items():
+        click.echo(f"{swhid} {format_blocked_state(state)}")
+@click.argument("request", metavar="SLUG", type=RequestType())
+def history_cmd(ctx: click.Context, request: "BlockingRequest") -> None:
+    """Get the history for a request"""
+    def history_output() -> Iterator[str]:
+        # XXX: we have no way to tie a record to a set of swhids or their state
+        # the only thing we can do is display the messages
+        yield f"History for request “{request.slug}” ({}) \n"
+        yield from output_message(request.reason)
+        yield "\n"
+        for record in ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].get_history(
+            # XXX: if we agree to bring humanize in the dependencies
+            # relative_time = humanize.naturaltime(
+            # -
+            # )
+            yield f"📅 {'%c %z')}\n"
+            for i, line in enumerate(record.message.splitlines()):
+                yield from output_message(record.message)
+    click.echo_via_pager(history_output())
+@click.argument("origins", metavar="ORIGIN", nargs=-1, type=str)
+def object_state(ctx: click.Context, origins: List[str]) -> None:
+    """Get the blocking state for a set of Origins
+    If an object given in the arguments is not listed in the output,
+    it means no blocking state is set in any requests.
+    """
+    import itertools
+    from .db import BlockingState
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: "bright_green",
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: "bright_yellow",
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: "bright_red",
+    }
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: "allowed",
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: "decision-pending",
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: "blocked",
+    }
+    def state_output() -> Iterator[str]:
+        # find_blocks() will group blocks for the same Origin
+        for origin, blocks_iter in itertools.groupby(
+            ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].find_blocking_states(origins),
+            key=lambda block: block.url_pattern,
+        ):
+            blocks = list(blocks_iter)
+            blocked = any(block.state != BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED for block in blocks)
+            yield (
+                f"{'blocked ' if blocked else 'visible'} "
+                f"{[0].url_pattern), bold=blocked)}\n"
+            )
+            for block in blocks:
+                yield
+                    f"        {block.request_slug}: {STATE_TO_LABEL[block.state]}\n",
+                    fg=STATE_TO_COLORS[block.state],
+                )
+    click.echo_via_pager(state_output())
+@click.option("-m", "--message", help="an explanation for this change")
+@click.argument("request", metavar="SLUG", type=RequestType())
+def clear_request(
+    ctx: click.Context, request: "BlockingRequest", message: Optional[str]
+) -> None:
+    """Remove all blocking states for the given request"""
+    from .db import RequestNotFound
+    if message is None or message == "":
+        states = ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].get_states_for_request(
+        extra_lines = ["Associated object states:", ""]
+        for url, state in states.items():
+            extra_lines.append(f"{url} {format_blocked_state(state)}")
+        try:
+            message = edit_message(
+                "Please enter an explanation for clearing blocks"
+                f" from request “{request.slug}”.",
+                extra_lines=extra_lines,
+            )
+        except EditAborted:
+            raise click.ClickException("Aborting due to an empty explanation.")
+    try:
+        ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].delete_blocking_states(
+        ctx.obj["blocking_admin"].record_history(, message)
+    except RequestNotFound:
+        raise click.ClickException(f"Request with id “{}” not found.")
+    click.echo(f"Blockings cleared for request “{request.slug}”.")
diff --git a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69488035d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import datetime
+import enum
+import logging
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from uuid import UUID
+import attr
+import psycopg2.errors
+from psycopg2.extras import execute_values
+from swh.core.db import BaseDb
+from swh.core.statsd import statsd
+from import DuplicateRequest, RequestNotFound
+METRIC_QUERY_TOTAL = "swh_storage_blocking_queried_total"
+METRIC_BLOCKED_TOTAL = "swh_storage_blocking_blocked_total"
+KNOWN_SUFFIXES = ("git", "svn", "hg", "cvs", "CVS")
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class BlockingState(enum.Enum):
+    """Value recording "how much" an url associated to a blocking request is blocked"""
+    """The origin url can be ingested/updated"""
+    """Ingestion from origin url is temporarily blocked until the request is reviewed"""
+    BLOCKED =
+    """Ingestion from origin url is permanently blocked"""
+class BlockingStatus:
+    """Return value when requesting if an origin url ingestion is blocked"""
+    state = attr.ib(type=BlockingState)
+    request = attr.ib(type=UUID)
+class BlockingRequest:
+    """A request for blocking a set of origins from being ingested"""
+    id = attr.ib(type=UUID)
+    """Unique id for the request (will be returned to requesting clients)"""
+    slug = attr.ib(type=str)
+    """Unique, human-readable id for the request (for administrative interactions)"""
+    date = attr.ib(type=datetime.datetime)
+    """Date the request was received"""
+    reason = attr.ib(type=str)
+    """Why the request was made"""  # TODO: should this be stored here?
+class RequestHistory:
+    request = attr.ib(type=UUID)
+    """id of the blocking request"""
+    date = attr.ib(type=datetime.datetime)
+    """Date the history entry has been added"""
+    message = attr.ib(type=str)
+    """Free-form history information (e.g. "policy decision made")"""
+class BlockedOrigin:
+    request_slug = attr.ib(type=str)
+    url_pattern = attr.ib(type=str)
+    state = attr.ib(type=BlockingState)
+class BlockingDb(BaseDb):
+    current_version = 1
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.conn.autocommit = True
+class BlockingAdmin(BlockingDb):
+    def create_request(self, slug: str, reason: str) -> BlockingRequest:
+        """Record a new blocking request
+        Arguments:
+          slug: human-readable unique identifier for the request
+          reason: free-form text recording why the request was made
+        Raises:
+          DuplicateRequest when the slug already exists
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        try:
+            cur.execute(
+                """
+                INSERT INTO blocking_request (slug, reason)
+                VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING id, date
+                """,
+                (slug, reason),
+            )
+        except psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation:
+            raise DuplicateRequest(slug)
+        res = cur.fetchone()
+        assert res is not None, "PostgreSQL returned an inconsistent result"
+        id, date = res
+        return BlockingRequest(id=id, date=date, slug=slug, reason=reason)
+    def find_request(self, slug: str) -> Optional[BlockingRequest]:
+        """Find a blocking request using its slug
+        Returns: :const:`None` if a request with the given slug doesn't exist
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        cur.execute(
+            """
+            SELECT id, slug, date, reason
+            FROM blocking_request
+            WHERE slug = %s
+            """,
+            (slug,),
+        )
+        res = cur.fetchone()
+        if not res:
+            return None
+        id, slug, date, reason = res
+        return BlockingRequest(id=id, date=date, slug=slug, reason=reason)
+    def find_request_by_id(self, id: UUID) -> Optional[BlockingRequest]:
+        """Find a blocking request using its id
+        Returns: :const:`None` if a request with the given request doesn't exist
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        cur.execute(
+            """
+            SELECT id, slug, date, reason
+            FROM blocking_request
+            WHERE id = %s
+            """,
+            (id,),
+        )
+        res = cur.fetchone()
+        if not res:
+            return None
+        id, slug, date, reason = res
+        return BlockingRequest(id=id, date=date, slug=slug, reason=reason)
+    def get_requests(
+        self, include_cleared_requests: bool = False
+    ) -> List[Tuple[BlockingRequest, int]]:
+        """Get known requests
+        Args:
+            include_cleared_requests: also include requests with no associated
+            blocking states
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        query = """SELECT id, slug, date, reason, COUNT(url_match) AS blocking_count
+                     FROM blocking_request
+                     LEFT JOIN blocked_origin ON (request = id)
+                     GROUP BY id"""
+        if not include_cleared_requests:
+            query += "  HAVING COUNT(url_match) > 0"
+        query += "  ORDER BY date DESC"
+        cur.execute(query)
+        result = []
+        for id, slug, date, reason, block_count in cur:
+            result.append(
+                (
+                    BlockingRequest(id=id, slug=slug, date=date, reason=reason),
+                    block_count,
+                )
+            )
+        return result
+    def set_origins_state(
+        self, request_id: UUID, new_state: BlockingState, urls: List[str]
+    ):
+        """Within the request with the given id, record the state of the given
+        objects as ``new_state``.
+        This creates entries or updates them as appropriate.
+        Raises: :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request is not found.
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM blocking_request WHERE id = %s", (request_id,))
+        if cur.fetchone() is None:
+            raise RequestNotFound(request_id)
+        execute_values(
+            cur,
+            """
+            INSERT INTO blocked_origin (url_match, request, state)
+            VALUES %s
+            ON CONFLICT (url_match, request)
+            DO UPDATE SET state = EXCLUDED.state
+            """,
+            (
+                (
+                    url,
+                    request_id,
+          ,
+                )
+                for url in urls
+            ),
+        )
+    def get_states_for_request(self, request_id: UUID) -> Dict[str, BlockingState]:
+        """Get the state of urls associated with the given request.
+        Raises :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request is not found.
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM blocking_request WHERE id = %s", (request_id,))
+        if cur.fetchone() is None:
+            raise RequestNotFound(request_id)
+        result = {}
+        cur.execute(
+            """SELECT url_match, state
+                 FROM blocked_origin
+                WHERE request = %s""",
+            (request_id,),
+        )
+        for url, state in cur:
+            result[url] = BlockingState[state.upper()]
+        return result
+    def find_blocking_states(self, urls: List[str]) -> List[BlockedOrigin]:
+        """Lookup the blocking state and associated requests for the given urls
+        (exact match)."""
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        result = []
+        for (
+            url,
+            request_slug,
+            state,
+        ) in psycopg2.extras.execute_values(
+            cur,
+            """SELECT url_match, slug, state
+                 FROM blocked_origin
+                INNER JOIN (VALUES %s) v(url_match)
+                USING (url_match)
+                 LEFT JOIN blocking_request ON ( = request)
+                ORDER BY url_match, DESC
+            """,
+            ((url,) for url in urls),
+            fetch=True,
+        ):
+            result.append(
+                BlockedOrigin(
+                    request_slug=request_slug,
+                    url_pattern=url,
+                    state=BlockingState[state.upper()],
+                )
+            )
+        return result
+    def delete_blocking_states(self, request_id: UUID) -> None:
+        """Remove all blocking states for the given request.
+        Raises: :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request is not found.
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM blocking_request WHERE id = %s", (request_id,))
+        if cur.fetchone() is None:
+            raise RequestNotFound(request_id)
+        cur.execute("DELETE FROM blocked_origin WHERE request = %s", (request_id,))
+    def record_history(self, request_id: UUID, message: str) -> RequestHistory:
+        """Add an entry to the history of the given request.
+        Raises: :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request is not found.
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        try:
+            cur.execute(
+                """
+                INSERT INTO blocking_request_history (request, message)
+                VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING date
+                """,
+                (request_id, message),
+            )
+        except psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation:
+            raise RequestNotFound(request_id)
+        res = cur.fetchone()
+        assert res is not None, "PostgreSQL returned an inconsistent result"
+        return RequestHistory(request=request_id, date=res[0], message=message)
+    def get_history(self, request_id: UUID) -> List[RequestHistory]:
+        """Get the history of a given request.
+        Raises: :exc:`RequestNotFound` if the request if not found.
+        """
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        cur.execute("SELECT 1 FROM blocking_request WHERE id = %s", (request_id,))
+        if cur.fetchone() is None:
+            raise RequestNotFound(request_id)
+        cur.execute(
+            """SELECT date, message
+                    FROM blocking_request_history
+                WHERE request = %s
+                ORDER BY date DESC""",
+            (request_id,),
+        )
+        records = []
+        for date, message in cur:
+            records.append(
+                RequestHistory(request=request_id, date=date, message=message)
+            )
+        return records
+class BlockingQuery(BlockingDb):
+    def origins_are_blocked(
+        self, urls: List[str], all_statuses=False
+    ) -> Dict[str, BlockingStatus]:
+        """Return the blocking status for eeach origin url given in urls
+        If all_statuses is False, do not return urls whose blocking status is
+        defined as NON_BLOCKING (so only return actually blocked urls).
+        Otherwise, return all matching blocking status.
+        """
+        ret = {}
+        for url in urls:
+            status = self.origin_is_blocked(url)
+            if status and (all_statuses or status.state != BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED):
+                ret[url] = status
+        return ret
+    def origin_is_blocked(self, url: str) -> Optional[BlockingStatus]:
+        """Checks if the origin URL should be blocked.
+        If the given url matches a set of registered blocking rules, return the
+        most appropriate one. Otherwise, return None.
+        """
+        logging.debug("url: %s", url)
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        statsd.increment(METRIC_QUERY_TOTAL, 1)
+        # first look for an exact match on
+        # 1. the given URL
+        # 2. the trimmed URL (if trailing /)
+        # 3. the extension-less URL (if any)
+        checked_urls = [url]
+        if url.endswith("/"):
+            trimmed_url = url.rstrip("/")
+            checked_urls.insert(0, trimmed_url)
+        else:
+            trimmed_url = url
+        if trimmed_url.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] in KNOWN_SUFFIXES:
+            checked_urls.append(trimmed_url.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
+        logger.debug("Checked urls for exact match: %s", checked_urls)
+        psycopg2.extras.execute_values(
+            cur,
+            """
+            SELECT url_match, request, state
+            FROM blocked_origin
+            INNER JOIN (VALUES %s) v(url_match)
+            USING (url_match)
+            ORDER BY char_length(url_match) DESC LIMIT 1
+            """,
+            ((_url,) for _url in checked_urls),
+        )
+        row = cur.fetchone()
+        if not row:
+            # no exact match found, check for prefix matches on sub-path urls
+            checked_urls = []
+            parsed_url = urlparse(trimmed_url)
+            path = parsed_url.path
+            baseurl = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}"
+            checked_urls.append(baseurl)
+            for path_element in path.split("/"):
+                if path_element:
+                    checked_urls.append(f"{checked_urls[-1]}/{path_element}")
+            logger.debug("Checked urls for prefix match: %s", checked_urls)
+            # the request below is a bit tricky; joining on something like
+            #    ON v.url LIKE blocked_origin.url_match || '/%%'
+            # works but prevent pg from using the btree index.
+            # This below should allow pg to use index. This trick (suggested by
+            # vlorentz) is to know that '0' is the next character after '/'.
+            psycopg2.extras.execute_values(
+                cur,
+                """
+                SELECT url_match, request, state
+                FROM blocked_origin
+                INNER JOIN (VALUES %s) v(url)
+                ON   v.url > blocked_origin.url_match || '/'
+                 AND v.url < blocked_origin.url_match || '0'
+                ORDER BY char_length(url_match) DESC LIMIT 1
+                """,
+                ((_url,) for _url in checked_urls),
+            )
+            row = cur.fetchone()
+        if row:
+            url_match, request_id, state = row
+            status = BlockingStatus(
+                state=BlockingState[state.upper()], request=request_id
+            )
+            logger.debug("Matching status for %s: %s", url_match, status)
+            statsd.increment(METRIC_BLOCKED_TOTAL, 1)
+            return status
+        return None
diff --git a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/10-superuser-init.sql b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/10-superuser-init.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7b82ed3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/10-superuser-init.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";  -- for masking proxy
diff --git a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a25a0971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+create type blocked_state as enum ('non_blocked', 'decision_pending', 'blocked');
+comment on type blocked_state is 'The degree to which an origin url is blocked';
+create table if not exists blocking_request (
+  id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
+  slug text not null,
+  date timestamptz not null default now(),
+  reason text not null
+comment on table  blocking_request is 'A recorded request for blocking certain objects';
+comment on column is 'Opaque id of the request';
+comment on column blocking_request.slug is 'Human-readable id of the request';
+comment on column is 'Date when the request was recorded';
+comment on column blocking_request.reason is 'Free-form description of the request';
+create table if not exists blocking_request_history (
+  request uuid references blocking_request(id),
+  date timestamptz not null default now(),
+  message text not null,
+  primary key (request, date)
+comment on table blocking_request_history is 'History of a blocking request';
+comment on column blocking_request_history.request is 'Opaque id of the request';
+comment on column is 'Date at which the message was recorded';
+comment on column blocking_request_history.message is 'History message';
+create table if not exists blocked_origin (
+ url_match text not null,
+ request uuid references blocking_request(id) not null,
+ state blocked_state not null,
+ primary key (url_match, request)
+comment on table blocked_origin is 'All the origin known to be affected by a specific request';
+comment on column blocked_origin.url_match is 'The url matching scheme to be blocked from being ingested';
+comment on column blocked_origin.request is 'Reference to the affecting request';
+comment on column blocked_origin.state is 'The degree to which the origin is blocked as a result of the request';
diff --git a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/60-indexes.sql b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/60-indexes.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30eefdec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/60-indexes.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+create unique index if not exists blocking_request_slug_idx on blocking_request using btree(slug);
+create index if not exists blocked_origin_request_idx on blocked_origin using btree(request, url_match);
+comment on index blocked_origin_request_idx is 'Allow listing all the objects associated by request, ordered by url';
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e6a3836d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from functools import partial
+import pytest
+from pytest_postgresql import factories
+from swh.core.db.db_utils import initialize_database_for_module
+from import BlockingAdmin, BlockingQuery
+blocking_db_postgresql_proc = factories.postgresql_proc(
+    load=[
+        partial(
+            initialize_database_for_module,
+            modname="storage.proxies.blocking",
+            version=BlockingAdmin.current_version,
+        ),
+    ],
+blocking_db_postgresql = factories.postgresql(
+    "blocking_db_postgresql_proc",
+def blocking_admin(blocking_db_postgresql) -> BlockingAdmin:
+    return BlockingAdmin.connect(
+def blocking_query(blocking_db_postgresql) -> BlockingQuery:
+    return BlockingQuery.connect(
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c90c7c87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024  The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from contextlib import closing
+import datetime as dt
+from io import StringIO
+import socket
+import textwrap
+from click.testing import CliRunner
+import pytest
+from swh.core.cli.db import db as swhdb
+from swh.core.db.db_utils import get_database_info
+from import StorageData as data
+from ...proxies.blocking.cli import (
+    EditAborted,
+    blocking_cli_group,
+    clear_request,
+    edit_message,
+    history_cmd,
+    list_requests,
+    new_request,
+    object_state,
+    read_origins,
+    status_cmd,
+    update_objects,
+from ...proxies.blocking.db import (
+    BlockedOrigin,
+    BlockingAdmin,
+    BlockingRequest,
+    BlockingState,
+    RequestHistory,
+    RequestNotFound,
+def test_cli_db_create(postgresql):
+    """Create a db then initializing it should be ok"""
+    module_name = "storage.proxies.blocking"
+    db_params =
+    dbname = "blocking-db"
+    conninfo = (
+        f"postgresql://{db_params.user}@{}:{db_params.port}/{dbname}"
+    )
+    # This creates the db and installs the necessary admin extensions
+    result = CliRunner().invoke(swhdb, ["create", module_name, "--dbname", conninfo])
+    assert result.exit_code == 0, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}"
+    # This initializes the schema and data
+    result = CliRunner().invoke(swhdb, ["init", module_name, "--dbname", conninfo])
+    assert result.exit_code == 0, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}"
+    dbmodule, dbversion, dbflavor = get_database_info(conninfo)
+    assert dbmodule == "storage.proxies.blocking"
+    assert dbversion == BlockingAdmin.current_version
+    assert dbflavor is None
+def blocking_admin_config(blocking_db_postgresql):
+    return {"blocking_admin": {"blocking_db":}}
+def test_blocking_admin_not_defined():
+    runner = CliRunner(mix_stderr=False)
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        blocking_cli_group,
+        ["list-requests"],
+        obj={"config": {}},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 2
+    assert "blocking_admin" in result.stderr
+def find_free_port():
+    with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s:
+        s.bind(("localhost", 0))
+        # We explicitly not set SO_REUSEADDR because we want the port
+        # to stay free so we can get our connection refused.
+        return s.getsockname()[1]
+def test_blocking_admin_unreachable():
+    erroneous_postgresql_port = find_free_port()
+    runner = CliRunner(mix_stderr=False)
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        blocking_cli_group,
+        ["list-requests"],
+        obj={
+            "config": {
+                "blocking_admin": {
+                    "blocking_db": (
+                        "postgresql://localhost/postgres?"
+                        f"port={erroneous_postgresql_port}"
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+        },
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 1
+    assert "failed: Connection refused" in result.stderr
+def test_edit_message_success(mocker):
+    mocked_click_edit = mocker.patch(
+        "",
+        return_value="Sometimes I'm round",
+    )
+    assert (
+        edit_message("Hello!", extra_lines=["Sometimes I'm alone", "Sometimes I'm not"])
+        == "Sometimes I'm round"
+    )
+    mocked_click_edit.assert_called_once_with(
+        textwrap.dedent(
+            """
+        # Hello!
+        # Lines starting with “#” will be ignored. An empty message will abort the operation.
+        #
+        # Sometimes I'm alone
+        # Sometimes I'm not"""
+        )
+    )
+def test_edit_message_removes_comment(mocker):
+    mocker.patch(
+        "",
+        return_value=textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        Hello!
+        # This is a comment"""
+        ),
+    )
+    assert edit_message("RANDOM PROMPT") == "Hello!"
+def test_edit_message_empty_message_aborts(mocker):
+    mocker.patch("", return_value="")
+    with pytest.raises(EditAborted):
+        edit_message("RANDOM PROMPT")
+def request01():
+    return BlockingRequest(
+        id="da785a27-7e59-4a35-b82a-a5ae3714407c",
+        slug="request-01",
+        reason="one",
+    )
+def request02():
+    return BlockingRequest(
+        id="4fd42e35-2b6c-4536-8447-bc213cd0118b",
+        slug="request-02",
+        reason="two",
+    )
+def blocked_origin(request01):
+    return BlockedOrigin(
+        request_slug=request01.slug,
+        state=BlockingState.BLOCKED,
+    )
+def blocked_origin2(request01):
+    return BlockedOrigin(
+        request_slug=request01.slug,
+        state=BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+    )
+def blocked_origin3(request02):
+    return BlockedOrigin(
+        request_slug=request02.slug,
+        state=BlockingState.NOT_BLOCKED,
+    )
+def history01(request01):
+    return RequestHistory(
+        message="record one",
+    )
+def history02(request01):
+    return RequestHistory(
+        message="record two",
+    )
+def mocked_blocking_admin(
+    mocker, request01, request02, blocked_origin, blocked_origin2, history01, history02
+    def mock_find_request(slug):
+        if slug == "request-01":
+            return request01
+        elif slug == "request-02":
+            return request02
+        else:
+            return None
+    def mock_find_request_by_id(id):
+        if str(id) == "da785a27-7e59-4a35-b82a-a5ae3714407c":
+            return request01
+        return None
+    def mock_get_states_for_request(request_id):
+        if request_id ==
+            return {
+                blocked_origin.url_pattern: blocked_origin.state,
+                blocked_origin2.url_pattern: blocked_origin2.state,
+            }
+        return RequestNotFound(request_id)
+    def mock_get_history(request_id):
+        if request_id ==
+            return [history02, history01]
+        return RequestNotFound(request_id)
+    mock = mocker.Mock(spec=BlockingAdmin)
+    mock.find_request.side_effect = mock_find_request
+    mock.find_request_by_id.side_effect = mock_find_request_by_id
+    mock.get_states_for_request.side_effect = mock_get_states_for_request
+    mock.get_history.side_effect = mock_get_history
+    mock.get_requests.return_value = [(request02, 2), (request01, 1)]
+    return mock
+def test_new_request(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    mocked_blocking_admin.create_request.return_value = request01
+    mocker.patch("", return_value="one")
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        new_request, ["request-01"], obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin}
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    mocked_blocking_admin.create_request.assert_called_once_with("request-01", "one")
+    assert "da785a27-7e59-4a35-b82a-a5ae3714407c" in result.output
+    assert "request-01" in result.output
+def test_new_request_with_message(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    mocked_blocking_admin.create_request.return_value = request01
+    mocked_click_edit = mocker.patch("")
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        new_request,
+        ["--message=one", "request-01"],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    mocked_click_edit.assert_not_called()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.create_request.assert_called_once_with("request-01", "one")
+    assert "da785a27-7e59-4a35-b82a-a5ae3714407c" in result.output
+    assert "request-01" in result.output
+def test_new_request_empty_message_aborts(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin):
+    mocked_blocking_admin.create_request.return_value = request01
+    mocker.patch("", side_effect=EditAborted)
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        new_request,
+        ["request-01"],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 1
+    assert "Aborting" in result.output
+    mocked_blocking_admin.create_request.assert_not_called()
+def test_list_requests_default(mocked_blocking_admin):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        list_requests, [], obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin}
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    mocked_blocking_admin.get_requests.assert_called_once_with(
+        include_cleared_requests=False
+    )
+    assert "request-01" in result.output
+    assert "da785a27-7e59-4a35-b82a-a5ae3714407c" in result.output
+    assert "request-02" in result.output
+    assert "4fd42e35-2b6c-4536-8447-bc213cd0118b" in result.output
+def test_list_requests_include_cleared_requests(mocked_blocking_admin):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        list_requests,
+        ["--include-cleared-requests"],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    mocked_blocking_admin.get_requests.assert_called_once_with(
+        include_cleared_requests=True
+    )
+# origin1
+# origin2
+    data.origin.url,
+    data.origin2.url,
+def test_read_origins():
+    file = StringIO(ORIGINS_INPUT)
+    assert read_origins(file) == ORIGINS_INPUT_PARSED
+def test_update_objects(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    mocked_click_edit = mocker.patch(
+        "", return_value="action made"
+    )
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        update_objects,
+        ["request-01", "decision-pending"],
+        input=ORIGINS_INPUT,
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    assert "2 origins" in result.output
+    assert "request-01" in result.output
+    mocked_click_edit.assert_called_once()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.set_origins_state.assert_called_once_with(
+    )
+    mocked_blocking_admin.record_history.assert_called_once_with(
+, "action made"
+    )
+def test_update_objects_with_message(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    mocked_click_edit = mocker.patch(
+        "", return_value="action made"
+    )
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        update_objects,
+        ["request-01", "decision-pending", "--message=action made"],
+        input=ORIGINS_INPUT,
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    mocked_click_edit.assert_not_called()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.set_origins_state.assert_called_once()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.record_history.assert_called_once_with(
+, "action made"
+    )
+def test_update_objects_empty_message_aborts(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin):
+    mocker.patch("", side_effect=EditAborted)
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        update_objects,
+        ["request-01", "decision-pending"],
+        input=ORIGINS_INPUT,
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 1
+    mocked_blocking_admin.record_history.assert_not_called()
+def test_update_objects_with_file(tmp_path, mocker, mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    mocker.patch(
+        "", return_value="action made"
+    )
+    origins_file = tmp_path / "origins"
+    origins_file.write_text(ORIGINS_INPUT)
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        update_objects,
+        ["request-01", "decision-pending", f"--file={str(origins_file)}"],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    assert "2 origins" in result.output
+    mocked_blocking_admin.set_origins_state.assert_called_once_with(
+    )
+def test_update_objects_no_origins(mocked_blocking_admin):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        update_objects,
+        ["request-01", "decision-pending", "--message=message"],
+        input="",
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 1
+    assert "No origin given!" in result.output
+    mocked_blocking_admin.set_origins_state.assert_not_called()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.record_history.assert_not_called()
+def test_status(mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        status_cmd, ["request-01"], obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin}
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    mocked_blocking_admin.get_states_for_request.assert_called_once_with(
+    assert result.output == textwrap.dedent(
+        """\
+ blocked
+ decision-pending
+        """
+    )
+def test_status_request_not_found(mocked_blocking_admin):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        status_cmd, ["garbage"], obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin}
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 1
+    assert "Error: Request “garbage” not found" in result.output
+def test_status_request_via_uuid(mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        status_cmd,
+        ["da785a27-7e59-4a35-b82a-a5ae3714407c"],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    mocked_blocking_admin.get_states_for_request.assert_called_once_with(
+def test_history(mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        history_cmd, ["request-01"], obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin}
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    mocked_blocking_admin.get_history.assert_called_once_with(
+    assert (
+        "History for request “request-01” (da785a27-7e59-4a35-b82a-a5ae3714407c)"
+        in result.output
+    )
+    assert "record two" in result.output
+    assert "record one" in result.output
+def test_history_not_found(mocked_blocking_admin):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        history_cmd, ["garbage"], obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin}
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 1
+    assert "Error: Request “garbage” not found" in result.output
+def test_object_state(mocked_blocking_admin, blocked_origin, blocked_origin2):
+    blocked_origin_in_request02 = BlockedOrigin(
+        request_slug="request-02",
+        url_pattern=blocked_origin.url_pattern,
+        state=BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED,
+    )
+    mocked_blocking_admin.find_blocking_states.return_value = [
+        blocked_origin_in_request02,
+        blocked_origin,
+        blocked_origin2,
+    ]
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        object_state,
+        [
+  [0].url,
+  [1].url,
+  [2].url,
+        ],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    assert result.output == textwrap.dedent(
+        """\
+        blocked
+                request-02: allowed
+                request-01: blocked
+        blocked
+                request-01: decision-pending
+        """
+    )
+def test_clear_request(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    mocked_click_edit = mocker.patch(
+        "", return_value="request cleared"
+    )
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        clear_request,
+        ["request-01"],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    assert "Blockings cleared for request “request-01”." in result.output
+    mocked_click_edit.assert_called_once()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.delete_blocking_states.assert_called_once_with(
+    mocked_blocking_admin.record_history.assert_called_once_with(
+, "request cleared"
+    )
+def test_clear_request_with_message(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin, request01):
+    mocked_click_edit = mocker.patch("")
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        clear_request,
+        ["--message=request cleared", "request-01"],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    assert "Blockings cleared for request “request-01”." in result.output
+    mocked_click_edit.assert_not_called()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.delete_blocking_states.assert_called_once_with(
+    mocked_blocking_admin.record_history.assert_called_once_with(
+, "request cleared"
+    )
+def test_clear_request_empty_message_aborts(mocker, mocked_blocking_admin):
+    mocker.patch("", side_effect=EditAborted)
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        clear_request,
+        ["request-01"],
+        obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin},
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 1
+    assert "Aborting" in result.output
+    mocked_blocking_admin.delete_blocking_states.assert_not_called()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.record_history.assert_not_called()
+def test_clear_request_not_found(mocked_blocking_admin):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    result = runner.invoke(
+        clear_request, ["garbage"], obj={"blocking_admin": mocked_blocking_admin}
+    )
+    assert result.exit_code == 1
+    assert "Error: Request “garbage” not found" in result.output
+    mocked_blocking_admin.delete_blocking_states.assert_not_called()
+    mocked_blocking_admin.record_history.assert_not_called()
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cb287097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from unittest.mock import call
+import uuid
+import pytest
+from swh.core.db.db_utils import get_database_info
+from import (
+    BlockingAdmin,
+    BlockingQuery,
+    BlockingState,
+    BlockingStatus,
+    DuplicateRequest,
+    RequestNotFound,
+from import StorageData
+def test_db_version(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    dbmodule, dbversion, dbflavor = get_database_info(blocking_admin.conn.dsn)
+    assert dbmodule == "storage.proxies.blocking"
+    assert dbversion == BlockingAdmin.current_version
+    assert dbflavor is None
+def test_create_find_request(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    created = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="bar")
+    assert created.slug == "foo"
+    assert created.reason == "bar"
+    assert is not None
+    assert is not None
+    assert blocking_admin.find_request("foo") == created
+def test_create_request_conflict(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="bar")
+    with pytest.raises(DuplicateRequest) as exc_info:
+        blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="quux")
+    assert exc_info.value.args == ("foo",)
+def test_find_request_not_found(blocking_admin):
+    slug = "notfound"
+    assert blocking_admin.find_request(slug=slug) is None
+def test_find_request_by_id(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    created = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="bar")
+    assert blocking_admin.find_request_by_id( == created
+NON_EXISTING_UUID: uuid.UUID = uuid.UUID("da785a27-acab-4a35-b82a-a5ae3714407c")
+def test_find_request_by_id_not_found(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    assert blocking_admin.find_request_by_id(NON_EXISTING_UUID) is None
+def populated_blocking_admin(blocking_admin):
+    pending_request1 = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="pending1", reason="one")
+    blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+        new_state=BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+        urls=[StorageData.origin.url],
+    )
+    pending_request2 = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="pending2", reason="two")
+    blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+        new_state=BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED,
+        urls=[StorageData.origin.url],
+    )
+    blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+        new_state=BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+        urls=[StorageData.origin2.url],
+    )
+    blocking_admin.create_request(slug="cleared", reason="handled")
+    # We add no blocks to this last one
+    return blocking_admin
+def test_get_requests_excluding_cleared_requests(populated_blocking_admin):
+    assert [
+        (request.slug, count)
+        for request, count in populated_blocking_admin.get_requests(
+            include_cleared_requests=False
+        )
+    ] == [("pending2", 2), ("pending1", 1)]
+def test_get_requests_including_cleared_requests(populated_blocking_admin):
+    assert [
+        (request.slug, count)
+        for request, count in populated_blocking_admin.get_requests(
+            include_cleared_requests=True
+        )
+    ] == [("cleared", 0), ("pending2", 2), ("pending1", 1)]
+def test_get_states_for_request(populated_blocking_admin):
+    request = populated_blocking_admin.find_request("pending2")
+    states = populated_blocking_admin.get_states_for_request(
+    assert states == {
+        StorageData.origin.url: BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED,
+        StorageData.origin2.url: BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+    }
+def test_get_states_for_request_not_found(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    with pytest.raises(RequestNotFound) as exc_info:
+        blocking_admin.get_states_for_request(NON_EXISTING_UUID)
+    assert exc_info.value.args == (NON_EXISTING_UUID,)
+def test_find_blocking_states(populated_blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    urls = [
+        StorageData.origin.url,
+        StorageData.origin2.url,
+        # This one does not exist in the blocking db
+    ]
+    blocked_origins = populated_blocking_admin.find_blocking_states(urls)
+    # The order in the output should be grouped by SWHID
+    assert [
+        (blocked.url_pattern, blocked.state, blocked.request_slug)
+        for blocked in blocked_origins
+    ] == [
+        (StorageData.origin.url, BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED, "pending2"),
+        (
+            StorageData.origin.url,
+            BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+            "pending1",
+        ),
+        (
+            StorageData.origin2.url,
+            BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+            "pending2",
+        ),
+    ]
+def test_delete_blocking_states(populated_blocking_admin):
+    request = populated_blocking_admin.find_request("pending2")
+    populated_blocking_admin.delete_blocking_states(
+    assert populated_blocking_admin.get_states_for_request( == {}
+def test_delete_blocking_states_not_found(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    with pytest.raises(RequestNotFound) as exc_info:
+        blocking_admin.delete_blocking_states(NON_EXISTING_UUID)
+    assert exc_info.value.args == (NON_EXISTING_UUID,)
+def test_record_history(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    messages = [f"message {i}" for i in range(3)]
+    request = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="bar")
+    for message in messages:
+        msg = blocking_admin.record_history(, message)
+        assert is not None
+def test_record_history_not_found(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    with pytest.raises(RequestNotFound) as exc_info:
+        blocking_admin.record_history(NON_EXISTING_UUID, "kaboom")
+    assert exc_info.value.args == (NON_EXISTING_UUID,)
+def test_get_history(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    request = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="bar")
+    blocking_admin.record_history(, "one")
+    blocking_admin.record_history(, "two")
+    blocking_admin.record_history(, "three")
+    history = blocking_admin.get_history(
+    assert all(record.request == for record in history)
+    assert ["three", "two", "one"] == [record.message for record in history]
+def test_get_history_not_found(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin):
+    with pytest.raises(RequestNotFound) as exc_info:
+        blocking_admin.get_history(NON_EXISTING_UUID)
+    assert exc_info.value.args == (NON_EXISTING_UUID,)
+def test_swhid_lifecycle(blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin, blocking_query: BlockingQuery):
+    # Create a request
+    request = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="bar")
+    all_origins = [origin.url for origin in]
+    blocked_origins = all_origins[::2]
+    blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+        new_state=BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+        urls=blocked_origins,
+    )
+    expected = {
+        url: BlockingStatus(state=BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+        for url in blocked_origins
+    }
+    assert blocking_query.origins_are_blocked(all_origins) == expected
+    restricted = blocked_origins[0:2]
+    blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+, new_state=BlockingState.BLOCKED, urls=restricted
+    )
+    for url in restricted:
+        expected[url] = BlockingStatus(state=BlockingState.BLOCKED,
+    assert blocking_query.origins_are_blocked(all_origins) == expected
+    visible = blocked_origins[2:4]
+    blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+, new_state=BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED, urls=visible
+    )
+    for url in visible:
+        del expected[url]
+    assert blocking_query.origins_are_blocked(all_origins) == expected
+    for url in visible:
+        expected[url] = BlockingStatus(
+            state=BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED,
+        )
+    assert (
+        blocking_query.origins_are_blocked(all_origins, all_statuses=True) == expected
+    )
+def test_query_metrics(
+    blocking_admin: BlockingAdmin, blocking_query: BlockingQuery, mocker
+    increment = mocker.patch("swh.core.statsd.statsd.increment")
+    # Create a request
+    request = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="bar")
+    all_origins = [origin.url for origin in]
+    blocked_origins = all_origins[::2]
+    assert blocking_query.origins_are_blocked(all_origins) == {}
+    assert increment.call_count == len(all_origins)
+    increment.assert_has_calls(
+        [call("swh_storage_blocking_queried_total", 1)] * len(all_origins)
+    )
+    increment.reset_mock()
+    blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+        new_state=BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+        urls=blocked_origins,
+    )
+    assert len(blocking_query.origins_are_blocked(all_origins)) == len(blocked_origins)
+    assert increment.call_args_list.count(
+        call("swh_storage_blocking_queried_total", 1)
+    ) == len(all_origins)
+    assert increment.call_args_list.count(
+        call("swh_storage_blocking_blocked_total", 1)
+    ) == len(blocked_origins)
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da91e6dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import datetime
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import Iterable
+import pytest
+from swh.model.model import Origin, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus
+from import BlockedOriginException
+from import BlockingProxyStorage
+from import BlockingState
+def now() -> datetime.datetime:
+    return
+def swh_storage_backend_config():
+    return {
+        "cls": "memory",
+        "journal_writer": {
+            "cls": "memory",
+        },
+    }
+def swh_storage(blocking_db_postgresql, swh_storage_backend):
+    return BlockingProxyStorage(
+, storage=swh_storage_backend
+    )
+def set_origin_visibility(blocking_admin, slug="foo", reason="bar"):
+    # Create a request
+    request = blocking_admin.create_request(slug=slug, reason=reason)
+    def set_visibility(urls: Iterable[str], new_state: BlockingState):
+        blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+  ,
+            new_state=new_state,
+            urls=list(urls),
+        )
+    return request, set_visibility
+def mk_origin_visit(origin: Origin):
+    return OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, date=now(), type="git")
+def mk_origin_visit_status(origin: Origin):
+    return OriginVisitStatus(
+        origin=origin.url, visit=1, date=now(), status="created", snapshot=None
+    )
+    "origin_add": lambda x: x,
+    "origin_visit_add": mk_origin_visit,
+    "origin_visit_status_add": mk_origin_visit_status,
+    "endpoint", ["origin_add", "origin_visit_add", "origin_visit_status_add"]
+def test_blocking_prefix_match_simple(swh_storage, blocking_admin, endpoint):
+    request, set_visibility = set_origin_visibility(blocking_admin)
+    method = getattr(swh_storage, endpoint)
+    obj_factory = OBJ_FACTORY[endpoint]
+    backend_storage =
+    # beware of the mix of vs URLs below
+    url_patterns = {
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: [""],
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: [""],
+    }
+    for decision, urls in url_patterns.items():
+        set_visibility(urls, decision)
+    origins = {
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: [
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+    }
+    all_origins = [Origin(url) for url in chain(*(origins.values()))]
+    if endpoint != "origin_add":
+        # if the endpoint is not 'origin_add', actually insert the origins; no
+        # visit or visit status should be able to be inserted nonetheless
+        assert backend_storage.origin_add(all_origins)
+    if endpoint == "origin_visit_status_add":
+        # if the endpoint is 'origin_visit_status_add', actually insert the
+        # origin visits in the backend; but no visit status should be able to
+        # be inserted via the proxy
+        assert backend_storage.origin_visit_add(
+            [mk_origin_visit(origin) for origin in all_origins]
+        )
+    for state, urls in origins.items():
+        if state != BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED:
+            for url in urls:
+                origin = Origin(url=url)
+                with pytest.raises(BlockedOriginException) as exc_info:
+                    method([obj_factory(origin)])
+                    print("URL should not be inserted", origin.url)
+                assert {
+                    url: status.state for url, status in exc_info.value.blocked.items()
+                } == {origin.url: state}
+        else:
+            # this should not be blocked
+            for url in urls:
+                origin = Origin(url=url)
+                assert method([obj_factory(origin)])
+    "endpoint", ["origin_add", "origin_visit_add", "origin_visit_status_add"]
+def test_blocking_prefix_match_with_overload(swh_storage, blocking_admin, endpoint):
+    request, set_visibility = set_origin_visibility(blocking_admin)
+    method = getattr(swh_storage, endpoint)
+    obj_factory = OBJ_FACTORY[endpoint]
+    backend_storage =
+    url_patterns = {
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: [
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+        ],
+    }
+    for decision, urls in url_patterns.items():
+        set_visibility(urls, decision)
+    origins = {
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: [
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            # everything under should be blocked (but
+            #
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: [
+            # " is explicitly blocked
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+            "",
+            # is explicitly enabled
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+    }
+    all_origins = [Origin(url) for url in chain(*(origins.values()))]
+    if endpoint != "origin_add":
+        # if the endpoint is not 'origin_add', actually insert the origins; no
+        # visit or visit status should be able to be inserted nonetheless
+        assert backend_storage.origin_add(all_origins)
+    if endpoint == "origin_visit_status_add":
+        # if the endpoint is 'origin_visit_status_add', actually insert the
+        # origin visits in the backend; but no visit status should be able to
+        # be inserted via the proxy
+        assert backend_storage.origin_visit_add(
+            [mk_origin_visit(origin) for origin in all_origins]
+        )
+    for state, urls in origins.items():
+        if state != BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED:
+            for url in urls:
+                origin = Origin(url=url)
+                with pytest.raises(BlockedOriginException) as exc_info:
+                    method([obj_factory(origin)])
+                    print("URL should not be inserted", origin.url)
+                assert {
+                    url: status.state for url, status in exc_info.value.blocked.items()
+                } == {origin.url: state}
+        else:
+            # this should not be blocked
+            for url in urls:
+                origin = Origin(url=url)
+                assert method([obj_factory(origin)])
+    "endpoint", ["origin_add", "origin_visit_add", "origin_visit_status_add"]
+def test_blocking_prefix_match_add_multi(swh_storage, blocking_admin, endpoint):
+    request, set_visibility = set_origin_visibility(blocking_admin)
+    method = getattr(swh_storage, endpoint)
+    obj_factory = OBJ_FACTORY[endpoint]
+    backend_storage =
+    url_patterns = {
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: [
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+        ],
+    }
+    requests = {}
+    set_vs = {}
+    for decision, urls in url_patterns.items():
+        request, set_visibility = set_origin_visibility(
+            blocking_admin, slug=f"foo_{}"
+        )
+        set_visibility(urls, decision)
+        requests[decision] = request
+        set_vs[decision] = set_visibility
+    origins = {
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: [
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            # everything under should be blocked (but
+            #
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: [
+            # these should work OK by themselves
+            "",
+            "",
+            # is explicitly enabled
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: [
+            # " is explicitly blocked
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+    }
+    # insert them all at once, none should be inserted and the error give
+    # reasons for rejected urls
+    all_origins = [Origin(url) for url in chain(*(origins.values()))]
+    if endpoint != "origin_add":
+        # if the endpoint is not 'origin_add', insert the origins; no
+        # visit or visit status should be able to be inserted nonetheless
+        assert backend_storage.origin_add(all_origins)
+    if endpoint == "origin_visit_status_add":
+        # if the endpoint is 'origin_visit_status_add', insert the
+        # origin visits in the backend; but no visit status should be able to
+        # be inserted via the proxy
+        assert backend_storage.origin_visit_add(
+            [mk_origin_visit(origin) for origin in all_origins]
+        )
+    # the insertion of all the objects at once fails because there are blocked
+    # elements in the batch
+    with pytest.raises(BlockedOriginException) as exc_info:
+        method([obj_factory(origin) for origin in all_origins])
+    # check the reported list of actually blocked origins is ok
+    assert {
+        url
+        for url, status in exc_info.value.blocked.items()
+        if status.state == BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING
+    } == set(origins[BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING])
+    assert {
+        url
+        for url, status in exc_info.value.blocked.items()
+        if status.state == BlockingState.BLOCKED
+    } == set(origins[BlockingState.BLOCKED])
+    # now, set the decision pending pattern to non_blocked and rerun the whole insertion thing
+    # use the set_visibility helper coming the the request that created decision pending rules
+    set_visibility = set_vs[BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING]
+    set_visibility(
+        url_patterns[BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING], BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(BlockedOriginException) as exc_info:
+        method([obj_factory(origin) for origin in all_origins])
+    # urls from the (formerly) decision pending batch should now not be reported
+    # as blocked in the exception
+    assert not {
+        url
+        for url, status in exc_info.value.blocked.items()
+        if status.state == BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING
+    }
+    assert {
+        url
+        for url, status in exc_info.value.blocked.items()
+        if status.state == BlockingState.BLOCKED
+    } == set(origins[BlockingState.BLOCKED])
+    # now if we ingest only non blocked urls, it should be ok (aka all but the
+    # urls in origins[BLOCKED])
+    assert method(
+        [
+            obj_factory(origin)
+            for origin in all_origins
+            if origin.url not in origins[BlockingState.BLOCKED]
+        ]
+    )
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a597e47d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import functools
+import pytest
+from import BlockedOriginException
+from import BlockingProxyStorage
+from import BlockingState
+from import StorageData
+from import TestInMemoryStorage as _TestStorage
+def swh_storage_backend_config():
+    yield {
+        "cls": "memory",
+        "journal_writer": {
+            "cls": "memory",
+        },
+    }
+# This simply test that with the last 2 origins found in
+# marked as blocked, most standard tests or OK but a few of them (the ones
+# actually inserting these 2 now blocked origins). These few tests need to be
+# overloaded accordingly.
+BLOCKED_ORIGINS = set(origin.url for origin in[-2:])
+def swh_storage(blocking_db_postgresql, blocking_admin, swh_storage_backend):
+    # Create a request
+    request = blocking_admin.create_request(slug="foo", reason="bar")
+    blocking_admin.set_origins_state(
+        new_state=BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+        urls=list(BLOCKED_ORIGINS),
+    )
+    return BlockingProxyStorage(
+, storage=swh_storage_backend
+    )
+class TestStorage(_TestStorage):
+    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="typing.Protocol instance check is annoying")
+    def test_types(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().test_types(*args, **kwargs)
+    "test_origin_add",
+    "test_origin_visit_status_get_random_nothing_found",
+for method_name in dir(TestStorage):
+    if not method_name.startswith("test_"):
+        continue
+    method = getattr(TestStorage, method_name)
+    @functools.wraps(method)
+    def wrapped_test(*args, method=method, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            method(*args, **kwargs)
+        except BlockedOriginException as exc:
+            assert (
+                method.__name__ in EXPECTED_BLOCKED_EXCEPTIONS
+            ), f"{method.__name__} shouldn't raise a BlockedOriginException"
+            assert exc.blocked, "The exception was raised with no blocked origin"
+            assert (
+                set(exc.blocked.keys()) <= BLOCKED_ORIGINS
+            ), "Found an unexpectedly blocked origin"
+        else:
+            assert (
+                method.__name__ not in EXPECTED_BLOCKED_EXCEPTIONS
+            ), f"{method.__name__} should raise a BlockedOriginException"
+    setattr(TestStorage, method_name, wrapped_test)
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..950ca4d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import pytest
+from import BlockingProxyStorage
+from import TestInMemoryStorage as _TestStorage
+# This simply test that without any blocked URL defined in the blocking proxy,
+# all standard tests are OK
+def swh_storage_backend_config():
+    yield {
+        "cls": "memory",
+        "journal_writer": {
+            "cls": "memory",
+        },
+    }
+def swh_storage(blocking_db_postgresql, swh_storage_backend):
+    return BlockingProxyStorage(
+, storage=swh_storage_backend
+    )
+class TestStorage(_TestStorage):
+    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="typing.Protocol instance check is annoying")
+    def test_types(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().test_types(*args, **kwargs)

From 5251f367c1caf95137a1fc62e3dfc23b8f99279b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Douard <>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 13:42:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add a blocking event logging facility for the blocking

This add a 'blocking_origin_log' table in the database where each
filtering event is logged, be it a deny or an expliciy accept event.
 swh/storage/proxies/blocking/            |  60 ++++++
 .../proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql        |  15 ++
 swh/storage/tests/blocking/      | 173 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 248 insertions(+)

diff --git a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
index 69488035d..f3bf9022e 100644
--- a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
+++ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/
@@ -69,6 +69,20 @@ class RequestHistory:
     """Free-form history information (e.g. "policy decision made")"""
+class BlockingLogEntry:
+    url = attr.ib(type=str)
+    """origin url that have been blocked"""
+    url_match = attr.ib(type=str)
+    """url matching pattern that caused the blocking of the origin url"""
+    request = attr.ib(type=UUID)
+    """id of the blocking request"""
+    date = attr.ib(type=datetime.datetime)
+    """Date the blocking event occurred"""
+    state = attr.ib(type=BlockingState)
+    """Blocking state responsible for the blocking event"""
 class BlockedOrigin:
     request_slug = attr.ib(type=str)
@@ -333,6 +347,42 @@ class BlockingAdmin(BlockingDb):
         return records
+    def get_log(
+        self, request_id: Optional[UUID] = None, url: Optional[str] = None
+    ) -> List[BlockingLogEntry]:
+        cur = self.cursor()
+        where = []
+        args = []
+        if request_id:
+            where.append("request = %s")
+            args.append(str(request_id))
+        if url:
+            where.append("url = %s")
+            args.append(url)
+        if where:
+            condition = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(where)
+        else:
+            condition = ""
+        cur.execute(
+            f"""SELECT date, url, url_match, request, state
+                    FROM blocked_origin_log
+                    {condition}
+                    ORDER BY date DESC""",
+            args,
+        )
+        records = []
+        for db_date, db_url, db_url_match, db_request_id, db_state in cur:
+            records.append(
+                BlockingLogEntry(
+                    url=db_url,
+                    url_match=db_url_match,
+                    request=db_request_id,
+                    date=db_date,
+                    state=BlockingState[db_state.upper()],
+                )
+            )
+        return records
 class BlockingQuery(BlockingDb):
     def origins_are_blocked(
@@ -357,6 +407,8 @@ class BlockingQuery(BlockingDb):
         If the given url matches a set of registered blocking rules, return the
         most appropriate one. Otherwise, return None.
+        Log the blocking event in the database (log only a matching events).
         logging.debug("url: %s", url)
         cur = self.cursor()
@@ -426,5 +478,13 @@ class BlockingQuery(BlockingDb):
             logger.debug("Matching status for %s: %s", url_match, status)
             statsd.increment(METRIC_BLOCKED_TOTAL, 1)
+            # log the event; even a NON_BLOCKED decision is logged
+            cur.execute(
+                """
+                INSERT INTO blocked_origin_log (url, url_match, request, state)
+                VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
+                """,
+                (url, url_match, status.request,,
+            )
             return status
         return None
diff --git a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql
index 6a25a0971..42d6e2d0d 100644
--- a/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql
+++ b/swh/storage/proxies/blocking/sql/30-schema.sql
@@ -38,3 +38,18 @@ comment on table blocked_origin is 'All the origin known to be affected by a spe
 comment on column blocked_origin.url_match is 'The url matching scheme to be blocked from being ingested';
 comment on column blocked_origin.request is 'Reference to the affecting request';
 comment on column blocked_origin.state is 'The degree to which the origin is blocked as a result of the request';
+create table if not exists blocked_origin_log (
+ url text not null,
+ url_match text not null,
+ request uuid references blocking_request(id) not null,
+ state blocked_state not null,
+ date  timestamptz not null default now(),
+ primary key (url, date)
+comment on table blocked_origin_log is 'Log origins that got blocked by the blocking proxy';
+comment on column blocked_origin_log.url is 'The url of the origin';
+comment on column blocked_origin_log.url_match is 'The url pattern matching the origin';
+comment on column blocked_origin_log.request is 'Reference to the request which caused the blocking';
+comment on column blocked_origin_log.state is 'The degree to which the origin has been blocked';
+comment on column is 'The date the origin got blocked';
diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
index da91e6dcd..294660991 100644
--- a/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
+++ b/swh/storage/tests/blocking/
@@ -366,3 +366,176 @@ def test_blocking_prefix_match_add_multi(swh_storage, blocking_admin, endpoint):
             if origin.url not in origins[BlockingState.BLOCKED]
+    "endpoint", ["origin_add", "origin_visit_add", "origin_visit_status_add"]
+def test_blocking_log(swh_storage, blocking_admin, endpoint):
+    method = getattr(swh_storage, endpoint)
+    obj_factory = OBJ_FACTORY[endpoint]
+    backend_storage =
+    url_patterns = {
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: [
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: [
+            "",
+        ],
+    }
+    requests = {}
+    set_vs = {}
+    for decision, urls in url_patterns.items():
+        request, set_visibility = set_origin_visibility(
+            blocking_admin, slug=f"foo_{}"
+        )
+        set_visibility(urls, decision)
+        requests[decision] = request
+        set_vs[decision] = set_visibility
+    origins = {
+        BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING: [
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            # everything under should be blocked (but
+            #
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        None: [
+            # these should work OK by themselves, not matching any rule
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED: [
+            # is explicitly enabled
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+        BlockingState.BLOCKED: [
+            # " is explicitly blocked
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ],
+    }
+    # insert them all at once, none should be inserted and the error give
+    # reasons for rejected urls
+    all_origins = [Origin(url) for url in chain(*(origins.values()))]
+    ts_before = now()
+    if endpoint != "origin_add":
+        # if the endpoint is not 'origin_add', insert the origins; no
+        # visit or visit status should be able to be inserted nonetheless
+        assert backend_storage.origin_add(all_origins)
+    if endpoint == "origin_visit_status_add":
+        # if the endpoint is 'origin_visit_status_add', insert the
+        # origin visits in the backend; but no visit status should be able to
+        # be inserted via the proxy
+        assert backend_storage.origin_visit_add(
+            [mk_origin_visit(origin) for origin in all_origins]
+        )
+    with pytest.raises(BlockedOriginException):
+        method([obj_factory(origin) for origin in all_origins])
+    ts_after = now()
+    # Check blocking journal log
+    log = blocking_admin.get_log()
+    assert set(origins[BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING]) == set(
+        x.url for x in log if x.state == BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING
+    )
+    assert set(origins[BlockingState.BLOCKED]) == set(
+        x.url for x in log if x.state == BlockingState.BLOCKED
+    )
+    assert set(origins[BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED]) == set(
+        x.url for x in log if x.state == BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED
+    )
+    urls_with_event = {x.url for x in log}
+    for url in origins[None]:
+        assert url not in urls_with_event
+    for logentry in log:
+        assert logentry.request == requests[logentry.state].id
+        assert ts_before < < ts_after
+    # check the get_log(request_id=xx) method call
+    for state, request in requests.items():
+        log = blocking_admin.get_log(
+        assert set(origins[state]) == set(x.url for x in log)
+    # check the get_log(url=xx) method call
+    for origin in all_origins:
+        url = origin.url
+        log = blocking_admin.get_log(url=url)
+        if url in origins[None]:
+            assert not log
+        else:
+            assert len(log) == 1
+            logentry = log[0]
+            assert logentry.url == url
+            assert logentry.request == requests[logentry.state].id
+    # now, set the decision pending pattern to non_blocked and rerun the whole
+    # insertion thing; use the set_visibility helper coming with the request
+    # that created decision pending rules
+    set_visibility = set_vs[BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING]
+    set_visibility(
+        url_patterns[BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING], BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(BlockedOriginException):
+        method([obj_factory(origin) for origin in all_origins])
+    # for each url in origin[BLOCKED], we should have 2 'blocked' log entries
+    for url in origins[BlockingState.BLOCKED]:
+        log = blocking_admin.get_log(url=url)
+        assert len(log) == 2
+        assert {entry.state for entry in log} == {BlockingState.BLOCKED}
+    # for each url in origin[NON_BLOCKED], we should have 2 'non-blocked' log entries
+    for url in origins[BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED]:
+        log = blocking_admin.get_log(url=url)
+        assert len(log) == 2
+        assert {entry.state for entry in log} == {BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED}
+    # for each url in origin[DESCISION_PENDING], we should have 1 'decision-pending' and
+    # 1 'non-blocked' log entry
+    for url in origins[BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING]:
+        log = blocking_admin.get_log(url=url)
+        assert len(log) == 2
+        assert {entry.state for entry in log} == {
+            BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED,
+            BlockingState.DECISION_PENDING,
+        }
+    # for each url in origin[NON_BLOCKED], we should have 2 'non-blocked' log entries
+    for url in origins[BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED]:
+        log = blocking_admin.get_log(url=url)
+        assert len(log) == 2
+        assert {entry.state for entry in log} == {BlockingState.NON_BLOCKED}
+    # for each url in origin[None], we should have no log entry
+    for url in origins[None]:
+        log = blocking_admin.get_log(url=url)
+        assert len(log) == 0