The tables archives and content_archive should be initialized with respectively the archives servers, and the content. content_archive should be filled properly to have as 'present' on Banco the already copied content.
INSERT INTO archives(id, url)VALUES('Banco', '');begin;-- prepare dataCREATE TABLE content_archive_tmp ( content_id sha1 REFERENCES content(sha1), PRIMARY KEY (content_id));\copy content_archive_tmp from 'content-id-by-ctime.after-[T7]( 'view original for T7 on Phabricator').txt';-- insert into the real production tableinsert into content_archive (sha1, archive_id, status, mtime)select sha1, 'Banco', 'present', '2016-02-04 14:19:59.000000000 +0000'::timestamptzfrom content_archive_tmp;-- drop temporary tabledrop table content_archive_tmp;
the previous snippet may be changed after the \copy instruction (since it has not yet been tested).
the timestamp used for the insert is the modify time of the .txt file holding the list of sha1s we inject
'archives' table should be renamed 'archive' to respect our naming convention
archive_id is TEXT, i'm uneasy with that since we repeat it with every content we have (that's quite a huge repetition), a simple integer should be enough -(> i don't measure yet the impact on the archiver code though)
status is also TEXT and could be replaced with an enum or something
This is a failure for now.
After multiple attempts in the week-end, there is not enough space on disk for the process to finish.
I see 2 ways to improve this:
grow /srv/softwareheritage/postgres on prado.
create the archiver's db on /srv/softwareheritage/postgres-hdd (as some other db we have on the side).
If i understand right about the hardware postgres partition is ssd, and postgres-hdd partition is standard disk (so slower).
I'm more inclined to 2 as:
I don't think this could be much of a problem to have an archiver db slightly slower.
if it's not good we can always migrate back to 1
i have multiple blocking points for the solution 1 (How much is it reasonable to grow the partition? Do we even have the resources to do so? Also, @olasd showed me how to grow the partition disk but i don't remember since i did not try...)
archive_id is TEXT, i'm uneasy with that since we repeat it with every content we have (that's quite a huge repetition), a simple integer should be enough -(> i don't measure yet the impact on the archiver code though)
archive_id is a foreign key. I assumed that postgres would nicely do the job for us. If it's not the case, we clearly need to change that.
the timestamp used for the insert is the modify time of the .txt file holding the list of sha1s we inject
When content are missing, the date is not relevant, so any would do the job.
I totally agree with the archives > archive change.
As we said on irc, the foreign key from to content.sha1 makes the creation of an archiver single db quite uneasy.
As we said on irc, the foreign key from to content.sha1 makes the creation of an archiver single db quite uneasy.
As discussed on irc, we could, as a first approximation, drop this constraint since our identifier are quite stable (we never delete anything).
Indeed, we'll wait to have some more space then ^^.
Not necessarily, we need to discuss this but we could leverage our queue system (or in the possible future system kafka) to notify that some new contents have been added. And then update the archiver db from those notifications.
Otherwise, for the space #486 (closed) is in progress, and swh/infra/sysadm-environment#413 in progress as well (or so i think from @rdicosmo's email)
Moving softwareheritage-log from the ssd to hdd (#487 (closed)), we reclaimed 1.1T of data on the ssd (which were the initial blocking point).
So now, we can try to inject back the archiver's bootstrap data to finally... run it ^^
Note: Default values being temporary the time to bootstrap.
and to effectively load the data:
ardumont@prado:/srv/storage/space/lists$ mkfifo todbardumont@prado:/srv/storage/space/lists$ pv content-id-by-ctime.after-[T7]( 'view original for T7 on Phabricator').txt.gz -s 70g -e -a -t | pigz -dc > todb
It failed around 500M lines and was stopped for missing space yet again.
Looks like, for now, the only way is to store this is in the other cluster (hdd rotating spin, so other mount point).
Thus effectively dropping the constraint about the foreign key on content_id.
And then improve the api function with some way of notifying we added new contents.
Also in regards to db, softwareheritage-archiver has been created with the following schema.
First run (TL; DR - too slow so stopped)
As of Monday the 18th on prado, was running in a tmux session (under ardumont) a process to inject data.
This was too slow so i stopped it just now.
The idea was to use direct injection in an altered content_archive table with default values.
Done 447951000 in ~24h.
As postgres user, using psql on softwareheritage-archiver:
begin;DROP TABLE content_archive;CREATE TABLE content_archive ( content_id sha1, archive_id archive_id default 'Banco' REFERENCES archive(id), status archive_status default 'present', mtime timestamptz default '2016-02-04 14:19:59.000000000 +0000'::timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY (content_id, archive_id));COPY content_archive(content_id) from '/var/lib/postgres/todb';-- Alter content_archive to remove default values-- ... (yet to be determined)commit;
This must have been too slow for the index creation done at the same time and maybe the default values policy...
second run (so far so good)
As postgres user, using psql on softwareheritage-archiver:
CREATE table content_archive_tmp(content_id sha1);COPY content_archive_tmp(content_id) from '/var/lib/postgres/todb';INSERT INTO content_archive(content_id, archive_id, status, mtime)SELECT content_id, 'Banco', 'present', '2016-02-04 14:19:59.000000000 +0000'::timestamptzFROM content_archive_tmp;DROP content_archive_tmp;
And in another tmux pane:
postgres@prado:~$ pv /srv/storage/space/lists/content-id-by-ctime.after-[T7]( 'view original for T7 on Phabricator').txt.gz -s 70g -e -a -t | pigz -dc > todb
This goes way faster for now (for the pure copy at least):
postgres@prado:~$ pv /srv/storage/space/lists/content-id-by-ctime.after-[T7]( 'view original for T7 on Phabricator').txt.gz -s 70g -e -a -t | pigz -dc > todb0:16:12 [15.3MiB/s] ETA 1:02:04softwareheritage-archiver=# explain select count(*) from content_archive_tmp; QUERY PLAN--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (cost=11340915.30..11340915.31 rows=1 width=0) -> Seq Scan on content_archive_tmp (cost=0.00..9912800.04 rows=571246104 width=0)(2 rows)
According to documentation, to defer a constraint, first said constraint must be deferrable (which it is not the default).
So changing first in the original table those constraints:
DROP TABLE content_archive;-- make each constraint deferrable by default (they are not by default)CREATE TABLE content_archive ( content_id sha1, archive_id archive_id REFERENCES archive(id) DEFERRABLE, status archive_status, mtime timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY (content_id, archive_id) DEFERRABLE );
Ok so, status, faster but still too slow.
One third done in ~24h or so.
The first part of the copy was a happy moment.
But the insert part after that is not the way to go.
Of course, i did not find the right documentation, hat tip to @zack to notice my misguided ways.
So effectively, we must:
use copy all the way
drop index and constraints altogether
either keep the default values in table to populate (we choose that), either rework the inputs (what's read from the todb fifo) to add the missing values
create index and constraints after that (it's faster that way according to the doc)
So next step, we recreate the right information on table (index, constraint, default values):
\timingALTER TABLE content_archive ALTER COLUMN archive_id DROP DEFAULT;ALTER TABLE content_archive ALTER COLUMN status DROP DEFAULT;ALTER TABLE content_archive ALTER COLUMN mtime DROP DEFAULT;ALTER TABLE content_archive ADD PRIMARY KEY(content_id, archive_id);ALTER TABLE content_archive ADD FOREIGN KEY(archive_id) REFERENCES archive(id);
softwareheritage-archiver=# ALTER TABLE content_archive ALTER COLUMN archive_id DROP DEFAULT;ALTER TABLETime: 78.389 mssoftwareheritage-archiver=# ALTER TABLE content_archive ALTER COLUMN status DROP DEFAULT;ALTER TABLETime: 2.648 mssoftwareheritage-archiver=# ALTER TABLE content_archive ALTER COLUMN mtime DROP DEFAULT;ALTER TABLETime: 4.029 mssoftwareheritage-archiver=# alter table content_archive add primary key(content_id, archive_id);ALTER TABLETime: 25526460.506 ms