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  • anlambert/swh-model
  • lunar/swh-model
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  • douardda/swh-model
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with 5638 additions and 1698 deletions
......@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ def validate_type(value, type):
"""Validate that value is an integer"""
if not isinstance(value, type):
if isinstance(type, tuple):
typestr = 'one of %s' % ', '.join(typ.__name__ for typ in type)
typestr = "one of %s" % ", ".join(typ.__name__ for typ in type)
typestr = type.__name__
raise ValidationError(
'Unexpected type %(type)s, expected %(expected_type)s',
"Unexpected type %(type)s, expected %(expected_type)s",
'type': value.__class__.__name__,
'expected_type': typestr,
"type": value.__class__.__name__,
"expected_type": typestr,
return True
......@@ -54,10 +54,12 @@ def validate_datetime(value):
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) and value.tzinfo is None:
'Datetimes must be timezone-aware in swh',
"Datetimes must be timezone-aware in swh",
if errors:
raise ValidationError(errors)
......@@ -69,12 +71,12 @@ def validate_enum(value, expected_values):
"""Validate that value is contained in expected_values"""
if value not in expected_values:
raise ValidationError(
'Unexpected value %(value)s, expected one of %(expected_values)s',
"Unexpected value %(value)s, expected one of %(expected_values)s",
'value': value,
'expected_values': ', '.join(sorted(expected_values)),
"value": value,
"expected_values": ", ".join(sorted(expected_values)),
return True
This diff is collapsed.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
import os
import stat
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from swh.model import hashutil, identifiers
class GitType(Enum):
BLOB = b'blob'
TREE = b'tree'
EXEC = b'exec'
LINK = b'link'
COMM = b'commit'
RELE = b'release'
REFS = b'ref'
class GitPerm(IntEnum):
BLOB = 0o100644
TREE = 0o040000
EXEC = 0o100755
LINK = 0o120000
def _compute_directory_git_sha1(hashes):
"""Compute a directory git sha1 from hashes.
hashes (list): list of tree entries with the following keys:
- sha1_git: the tree entry's sha1
- name: file or subdir's name
- perms: the tree entry's sha1 permissions
the binary sha1 of the dictionary's identifier
Every path exists in hashes.
directory = {
'name': entry['name'],
'perms': entry['perms'],
'target': entry['sha1_git'],
'type': 'dir' if entry['perms'] == GitPerm.TREE else 'file',
for entry in hashes
return hashutil.hash_to_bytes(identifiers.directory_identifier(directory))
def compute_directory_git_sha1(dirpath, hashes):
"""Compute a directory git sha1 for a dirpath.
dirpath: the directory's absolute path
hashes (list): list of tree entries with keys:
- sha1_git: the tree entry's sha1
- name: file or subdir's name
- perms: the tree entry's sha1 permissions
the binary sha1 of the dictionary's identifier
Every path exists in hashes.
return _compute_directory_git_sha1(hashes[dirpath])
def compute_revision_sha1_git(revision):
"""Compute a revision sha1 git from its dict representation.
revision: Additional dictionary information needed to compute a
synthetic revision. The following keys are expected:
- author
- date
- committer
- committer_date
- message
- type
- directory: binary form of the tree hash
revision sha1 in bytes
# FIXME: beware, bytes output from storage api
return hashutil.hash_to_bytes(identifiers.revision_identifier(revision))
def compute_release_sha1_git(release):
"""Compute a release sha1 git from its dict representation.
release: Additional dictionary information needed to compute a
synthetic release. Following keys are expected:
- name
- message
- date
- author
- revision: binary form of the sha1_git revision targeted by this
release sha1 in bytes
return hashutil.hash_to_bytes(identifiers.release_identifier(release))
def compute_link_metadata(linkpath):
"""Given a linkpath, compute the git metadata.
linkpath: absolute pathname of the link
dict: Dictionary of values with the following keys:
- data: link's content
- length: link's content length
- name: basename of the link
- perms: git permission for link
- type: git type for link
- path: absolute path to the link on filesystem
data = os.readlink(linkpath)
link_metadata = hashutil.hash_data(data)
'data': data,
'length': len(data),
'name': os.path.basename(linkpath),
'perms': GitPerm.LINK,
'type': GitType.BLOB,
'path': linkpath
return link_metadata
def compute_blob_metadata(filepath):
"""Given a filepath resolving to a regular file, compute the metadata.
Other file types (fifo, character or block device, symlink) will
be considered empty regular file. To deal properly with symlinks,
use swh.model.git.compute_link_metadata.
filepath: absolute pathname of the regular file.
dict: Dictionary of values with the following keys:
- name: basename of the file
- length: data length
- perms: git permission for file
- type: git type for file
- path: absolute filepath on filesystem
mode = os.lstat(filepath).st_mode
if not stat.S_ISREG(mode): # special (block or character device, fifo)
perms = GitPerm.BLOB
blob_metadata = hashutil.hash_data(b'')
blob_metadata['length'] = 0
perms = GitPerm.EXEC if os.access(filepath, os.X_OK) else GitPerm.BLOB
blob_metadata = hashutil.hash_path(filepath)
'name': os.path.basename(filepath),
'perms': perms,
'type': GitType.BLOB,
'path': filepath
return blob_metadata
def _compute_tree_metadata(dirname, hashes):
"""Given a dirname, compute the git metadata.
dirname: absolute pathname of the directory.
hashes (list): list of tree dirname's entries with keys:
- sha1_git: the tree entry's sha1
- name: file or subdir's name
- perms: the tree entry's sha1 permissions
dict: Dictionary of values with the following keys:
- sha1_git: tree's sha1 git
- name: basename of the directory
- perms: git permission for directory
- type: git type for directory
- path: absolute path to directory on filesystem
return {
'sha1_git': _compute_directory_git_sha1(hashes),
'name': os.path.basename(dirname),
'perms': GitPerm.TREE,
'type': GitType.TREE,
'path': dirname
def compute_tree_metadata(dirname, ls_hashes):
"""Given a dirname, compute the git metadata.
dirname: absolute pathname of the directory.
ls_hashes: dictionary of path, hashes
dict: Dictionary of values with the following keys:
- sha1_git: tree's sha1 git
- name: basename of the directory
- perms: git permission for directory
- type: git type for directory
- path: absolute path to directory on filesystem
return _compute_tree_metadata(dirname, ls_hashes[dirname])
def default_validation_dir(dirpath):
"""Default validation function.
This is the equivalent of the identity function.
dirpath: Path to validate
Returns: True
return True
def _walk(rootdir,
"""Walk the filesystem and yields a 3 tuples (dirpath, dirnames as set
of absolute paths, filenames as set of abslute paths)
Ignore files which won't pass the dir_ok_fn validation.
If remove_empty_folder is True, remove and ignore any
encountered empty folder.
- rootdir: starting walk root directory path
- dir_ok_fn: validation function. if folder encountered are not ok,
they are ignored. Default to default_validation_dir which does
- remove_empty_folder: Flag to remove and ignore any encountered empty
3 tuples dirpath, set of absolute children dirname paths, set
of absolute filename paths.
def basic_gen_dir(rootdir):
for dp, dns, fns in os.walk(rootdir, topdown=False):
yield (dp,
set((os.path.join(dp, dn) for dn in dns)),
set((os.path.join(dp, fn) for fn in fns)))
if dir_ok_fn == default_validation_dir:
if not remove_empty_folder: # os.walk
yield from basic_gen_dir(rootdir)
else: # os.walk + empty dir cleanup
empty_folders = set()
for dp, dns, fns in basic_gen_dir(rootdir):
if not dns and not fns:
# need to remove it because folder of empty folder
# is an empty folder!!!
if os.path.islink(dp):
parent = os.path.dirname(dp)
# edge case about parent containing one empty
# folder which become an empty one
while not os.listdir(parent):
if os.path.islink(parent):
parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
yield (dp, dns - empty_folders, fns)
def filtfn(dirnames):
return set(filter(dir_ok_fn, dirnames))
gen_dir = ((dp, dns, fns) for dp, dns, fns
in basic_gen_dir(rootdir) if dir_ok_fn(dp))
if not remove_empty_folder: # os.walk + filtering
for dp, dns, fns in gen_dir:
yield (dp, filtfn(dns), fns)
else: # os.walk + filtering + empty dir cleanup
empty_folders = set()
for dp, dns, fns in gen_dir:
dps = filtfn(dns)
if not dps and not fns:
# need to remove it because folder of empty folder
# is an empty folder!!!
if os.path.islink(dp):
parent = os.path.dirname(dp)
# edge case about parent containing one empty
# folder which become an empty one
while not os.listdir(parent):
if os.path.islink(parent):
parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
yield dp, dps - empty_folders, fns
def walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(rootdir,
"""(Deprecated) TODO migrate the code to
Compute git sha1 from directory rootdir.
rootdir: Root directory from which beginning the git hash computation
dir_ok_fn: Filter function to filter directory according to rules
defined in the function. By default, all folders are ok. Example
override: ``dir_ok_fn = lambda dirpath: b'svn' not in dirpath``
with_root_tree: Determine if we compute the upper root tree's
checksums. As a default, we want it. One possible use case where
this is not useful is the update (cf. `update_checksums_from`)
dict: Dictionary of entries with keys <path-name> and as values a list
of directory entries. Those are list of dictionary with keys:
- perms
- type
- name
- sha1_git
- and specifically for content: sha1, sha256, etc.
One special key is ROOT_TREE_KEY to indicate the upper root of the
directory (this is the revision's directory).
ls_hashes = {}
all_links = set()
if rootdir.endswith(b'/'):
rootdir = rootdir.rstrip(b'/')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in _walk(
rootdir, dir_ok_fn, remove_empty_folder):
hashes = []
links = (file
for file in filenames.union(dirnames)
if os.path.islink(file))
for linkpath in links:
m_hashes = compute_link_metadata(linkpath)
for filepath in (file for file in filenames if file not in all_links):
m_hashes = compute_blob_metadata(filepath)
ls_hashes[dirpath] = hashes
dir_hashes = []
for fulldirname in (dir for dir in dirnames if dir not in all_links):
tree_hash = _compute_tree_metadata(fulldirname,
if with_root_tree:
# compute the current directory hashes
root_hash = {
'sha1_git': _compute_directory_git_sha1(ls_hashes[rootdir]),
'path': rootdir,
'name': os.path.basename(rootdir),
'perms': GitPerm.TREE,
'type': GitType.TREE
ls_hashes[ROOT_TREE_KEY] = [root_hash]
return ls_hashes
def compute_hashes_from_directory(rootdir,
"""Compute git sha1 from directory rootdir.
rootdir: Root directory from which beginning the git hash
dir_ok_fn: Filter function to filter directory according to rules
defined in the function. By default, all folders are ok. Example
override: ``dir_ok_fn = lambda dirpath: b'svn' not in dirpath``
dict: Dictionary of entries with keys absolute path name.
Path-name can be a file/link or directory.
The associated value is a dictionary with keys:
- checksums: the dictionary with the hashes for the link/file/dir
Those are list of dictionary with keys:
- 'perms'
- 'type'
- 'name'
- 'sha1_git'
- and specifically for content: sha1, sha256, etc.
- children: Only for a directory, the set of children paths
One special key is the / which indicates the upper root of the
directory (this is the revision's directory).
def _get_dict_from_dirpath(_dict, path):
"""Retrieve the default associated value for key path.
return _dict.get(path, dict(children=set(), checksums=None))
def _get_dict_from_filepath(_dict, path):
"""Retrieve the default associated value for key path.
return _dict.get(path, dict(checksums=None))
ls_hashes = {}
all_links = set()
if rootdir.endswith(b'/'):
rootdir = rootdir.rstrip(b'/')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in _walk(
rootdir, dir_ok_fn, remove_empty_folder):
dir_entry = _get_dict_from_dirpath(ls_hashes, dirpath)
children = dir_entry['children']
links = (file
for file in filenames.union(dirnames)
if os.path.islink(file))
for linkpath in links:
m_hashes = compute_link_metadata(linkpath)
d = _get_dict_from_filepath(ls_hashes, linkpath)
d['checksums'] = m_hashes
ls_hashes[linkpath] = d
for filepath in (file for file in filenames if file not in all_links):
m_hashes = compute_blob_metadata(filepath)
d = _get_dict_from_filepath(ls_hashes, filepath)
d['checksums'] = m_hashes
ls_hashes[filepath] = d
for fulldirname in (dir for dir in dirnames if dir not in all_links):
d_hashes = _get_dict_from_dirpath(ls_hashes, fulldirname)
tree_hash = _compute_tree_metadata(
(ls_hashes[p]['checksums'] for p in d_hashes['children'])
d = _get_dict_from_dirpath(ls_hashes, fulldirname)
d['checksums'] = tree_hash
ls_hashes[fulldirname] = d
dir_entry['children'] = children
ls_hashes[dirpath] = dir_entry
# compute the current directory hashes
d_hashes = _get_dict_from_dirpath(ls_hashes, rootdir)
root_hash = {
'sha1_git': _compute_directory_git_sha1(
(ls_hashes[p]['checksums'] for p in d_hashes['children'])
'path': rootdir,
'name': os.path.basename(rootdir),
'perms': GitPerm.TREE,
'type': GitType.TREE
d_hashes['checksums'] = root_hash
ls_hashes[rootdir] = d_hashes
return ls_hashes
def children_hashes(children, objects):
"""Given a collection of children path, yield the corresponding
objects: objects hash as returned by git.compute_hashes_from_directory
children: collection of bytes path
Dictionary hashes
for p in children:
c = objects.get(p)
if c:
h = c.get('checksums')
if h:
yield h
def objects_per_type(filter_type, objects_per_path):
"""Given an object dictionary returned by
:func:`compute_hashes_from_directory`, yields corresponding element
type's hashes
filter_type: one of GitType enum
Elements of type filter_type's hashes
for path, obj in objects_per_path.items():
o = obj['checksums']
if o['type'] == filter_type:
if 'children' in obj: # for trees
if obj['children']:
o['children'] = children_hashes(obj['children'],
o['children'] = []
yield o
This diff is collapsed.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 The Software Heritage developers
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
......@@ -10,31 +10,60 @@ Only a subset of hashing algorithms is supported as defined in the
ALGORITHMS set. Any provided algorithms not in that list will result
in a ValueError explaining the error.
This modules defines the following hashing functions:
This module defines a MultiHash class to ease the softwareheritage
hashing algorithms computation. This allows to compute hashes from
file object, path, data using a similar interface as what the standard
hashlib module provides.
- hash_file: Hash the contents of the given file object with the given
algorithms (defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none provided).
Basic usage examples:
- hash_data: Hash the given binary blob with the given algorithms
(defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none provided).
- file object: MultiHash.from_file(
file_object, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS).digest()
- path (filepath): MultiHash.from_path(b'foo').hexdigest()
- data (bytes): MultiHash.from_data(b'foo').bytehexdigest()
"Complex" usage, defining a swh hashlib instance first:
- To compute length, integrate the length to the set of algorithms to
compute, for example:
.. code-block:: python
h = MultiHash(hash_names=set({'length'}).union(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS))
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
hashes = h.digest() # returns a dict of {hash_algo_name: hash_in_bytes}
- Write alongside computing hashing algorithms (from a stream), example:
.. code-block:: python
h = MultiHash(length=length)
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(): # r a stream of sort
hashes = h.hexdigest() # returns a dict of {hash_algo_name: hash_in_hex}
- hash_path: Hash the contents of the file at the given path with the
given algorithms (defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none
import binascii
import functools
import hashlib
import os
from io import BytesIO
import os
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Union
ALGORITHMS = set(['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha1_git', 'blake2s256', 'blake2b512'])
["sha1", "sha256", "sha1_git", "blake2s256", "blake2b512", "md5", "sha512"]
"""Hashing algorithms supported by this module"""
DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS = set(['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha1_git', 'blake2s256'])
DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS = set(["sha1", "sha256", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"])
"""Algorithms computed by default when calling the functions from this module.
Subset of :const:`ALGORITHMS`.
......@@ -43,23 +72,138 @@ Subset of :const:`ALGORITHMS`.
"""Block size for streaming hash computations made in this module"""
# Load blake2 hashes from pyblake2 if they are not available in the builtin
# hashlib
__pyblake2_hashes = {'blake2s256': 'blake2s',
'blake2b512': 'blake2b'}
__cache = hashlib.__builtin_constructor_cache
for __hash, __pyblake2_fn in __pyblake2_hashes.items():
if __hash not in hashlib.algorithms_available:
import pyblake2
__cache[__hash] = getattr(pyblake2, __pyblake2_fn)
_blake2_hash_cache: Dict[str, Callable] = {}
class MultiHash:
"""Hashutil class to support multiple hashes computation.
def _new_git_hash(base_algo, git_type, length):
"""Initialize a digest object (as returned by python's hashlib) for the
requested algorithm, and feed it with the header for a git object of the
given type and length.
The header for hashing a git object consists of:
hash_names (set): Set of hash algorithms (+ optionally length)
to compute hashes (cf. DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)
length (int): Length of the total sum of chunks to read
If the length is provided as algorithm, the length is also
computed and returned.
def __init__(self, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, length=None):
self.state = {}
self.track_length = False
for name in hash_names:
if name == "length":
self.state["length"] = 0
self.track_length = True
self.state[name] = _new_hash(name, length)
def from_state(cls, state, track_length):
ret = cls([])
ret.state = state
ret.track_length = track_length
def from_file(cls, fobj, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, length=None):
ret = cls(length=length, hash_names=hash_names)
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
return ret
def from_path(cls, path, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS):
length = os.path.getsize(path)
with open(path, "rb") as f:
ret = cls.from_file(f, hash_names=hash_names, length=length)
return ret
def from_data(cls, data, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS):
length = len(data)
fobj = BytesIO(data)
return cls.from_file(fobj, hash_names=hash_names, length=length)
def update(self, chunk):
for name, h in self.state.items():
if name == "length":
if self.track_length:
self.state["length"] += len(chunk)
def digest(self):
return {
name: h.digest() if name != "length" else h
for name, h in self.state.items()
def hexdigest(self):
return {
name: h.hexdigest() if name != "length" else h
for name, h in self.state.items()
def bytehexdigest(self):
return {
name: hash_to_bytehex(h.digest()) if name != "length" else h
for name, h in self.state.items()
def copy(self):
copied_state = {
name: h.copy() if name != "length" else h for name, h in self.state.items()
return self.from_state(copied_state, self.track_length)
def _new_blake2_hash(algo):
"""Return a function that initializes a blake2 hash."""
if algo in _blake2_hash_cache:
return _blake2_hash_cache[algo]()
lalgo = algo.lower()
if not lalgo.startswith("blake2"):
raise ValueError("Algorithm %s is not a blake2 hash" % algo)
blake_family = lalgo[:7]
digest_size = None
if lalgo[7:]:
digest_size, remainder = divmod(int(lalgo[7:]), 8)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Unknown digest size for algo %s" % algo) from None
if remainder:
raise ValueError(
"Digest size for algorithm %s must be a multiple of 8" % algo
blake2 = getattr(hashlib, blake_family)
_blake2_hash_cache[algo] = lambda: blake2(digest_size=digest_size)
return _blake2_hash_cache[algo]()
def _new_hashlib_hash(algo):
"""Initialize a digest object from hashlib.
Handle the swh-specific names for the blake2-related algorithms
if algo.startswith("blake2"):
return _new_blake2_hash(algo)
def git_object_header(git_type: str, length: int) -> bytes:
"""Returns the header for a git object of the given type and length.
The header of a git object consists of:
- The type of the object (encoded in ASCII)
- One ASCII space (\x20)
- The length of the object (decimal encoded in ASCII)
......@@ -74,15 +218,26 @@ def _new_git_hash(base_algo, git_type, length):
a hashutil.hash object
git_object_types = {
h =
git_header = '%s %d\0' % (git_type, length)
if git_type not in git_object_types:
raise ValueError(
"Unexpected git object type %s, expected one of %s"
% (git_type, ", ".join(sorted(git_object_types)))
return h
return ("%s %d\0" % (git_type, length)).encode("ascii")
def _new_hash(algo, length=None):
def _new_hash(algo: str, length: Optional[int] = None):
"""Initialize a digest object (as returned by python's hashlib) for
the requested algorithm. See the constant ALGORITHMS for the list
of supported algorithms. If a git-specific hashing algorithm is
......@@ -104,87 +259,22 @@ def _new_hash(algo, length=None):
if algo not in ALGORITHMS:
raise ValueError(
'Unexpected hashing algorithm %s, expected one of %s' %
(algo, ', '.join(sorted(ALGORITHMS))))
"Unexpected hashing algorithm %s, expected one of %s"
% (algo, ", ".join(sorted(ALGORITHMS)))
if algo.endswith('_git'):
if algo.endswith("_git"):
if length is None:
raise ValueError('Missing length for git hashing algorithm')
raise ValueError("Missing length for git hashing algorithm")
base_algo = algo[:-4]
return _new_git_hash(base_algo, 'blob', length)
def hash_file(fobj, length=None, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, chunk_cb=None):
"""Hash the contents of the given file object with the given algorithms.
fobj: a file-like object
length: the length of the contents of the file-like object (for the
git-specific algorithms)
algorithms: the hashing algorithms used
Returns: a dict mapping each algorithm to a bytes digest.
ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
hashes = {algo: _new_hash(algo, length) for algo in algorithms}
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
for hash in hashes.values():
if chunk_cb:
return {algo: hash.digest() for algo, hash in hashes.items()}
h = _new_hashlib_hash(base_algo)
h.update(git_object_header("blob", length))
return h
def hash_path(path, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, chunk_cb=None):
"""Hash the contents of the file at the given path with the given
path: the path of the file to hash
algorithms: the hashing algorithms used
chunk_cb: a callback
Returns: a dict mapping each algorithm to a bytes digest.
ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
OSError on file access error
length = os.path.getsize(path)
with open(path, 'rb') as fobj:
hash = hash_file(fobj, length, algorithms, chunk_cb)
hash['length'] = length
return hash
return _new_hashlib_hash(algo)
def hash_data(data, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS):
"""Hash the given binary blob with the given algorithms.
data: a bytes object
algorithms: the hashing algorithms used
Returns: a dict mapping each algorithm to a bytes digest
TypeError if data does not support the buffer interface.
ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
fobj = BytesIO(data)
return hash_file(fobj, len(data), algorithms)
def hash_git_data(data, git_type, base_algo='sha1'):
def hash_git_data(data, git_type, base_algo="sha1"):
"""Hash the given data as a git object of type git_type.
......@@ -197,21 +287,15 @@ def hash_git_data(data, git_type, base_algo='sha1'):
ValueError if the git_type is unexpected.
git_object_types = {'blob', 'tree', 'commit', 'tag'}
if git_type not in git_object_types:
raise ValueError('Unexpected git object type %s, expected one of %s' %
(git_type, ', '.join(sorted(git_object_types))))
h = _new_git_hash(base_algo, git_type, len(data))
h = _new_hashlib_hash(base_algo)
h.update(git_object_header(git_type, len(data)))
return h.digest()
def hash_to_hex(hash):
def hash_to_hex(hash: Union[str, bytes]) -> str:
"""Converts a hash (in hex or bytes form) to its hexadecimal ascii form
......@@ -223,11 +307,11 @@ def hash_to_hex(hash):
if isinstance(hash, str):
return hash
return binascii.hexlify(hash).decode('ascii')
return binascii.hexlify(hash).decode("ascii")
def hash_to_bytehex(hash):
def hash_to_bytehex(hash: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Converts a hash to its hexadecimal bytes representation
......@@ -240,7 +324,7 @@ def hash_to_bytehex(hash):
def hash_to_bytes(hash):
def hash_to_bytes(hash: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
"""Converts a hash (in hex or bytes form) to its raw bytes form
......@@ -256,7 +340,7 @@ def hash_to_bytes(hash):
def bytehex_to_hash(hex):
def bytehex_to_hash(hex: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Converts a hexadecimal bytes representation of a hash to that hash
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# Marker file for PEP 561.
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# Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
from datetime import datetime
from random import choice, randint, random, shuffle
from typing import Dict, List
from pytz import all_timezones, timezone
from swh.model.hashutil import MultiHash
PROTOCOLS = ["git", "http", "https", "deb", "svn", "mock"]
DOMAINS = ["", "", "xn--n28h.tld"]
CONTENT_STATUS = ["visible", "hidden", "absent"]
MAX_DATE = 3e9 # around 2065
def gen_all_origins():
for protocol in PROTOCOLS:
for domain in DOMAINS:
for urlpath in PATHS:
yield {"url": "%s://%s%s" % (protocol, domain, urlpath)}
ORIGINS = list(gen_all_origins())
def gen_origins(n: int = 100) -> List:
"""Returns a list of n randomly generated origins suitable for using as
Storage.add_origin() argument.
origins = ORIGINS[:]
return origins[:n]
def gen_content():
size = randint(1, 10 * 1024)
data = bytes(randint(0, 255) for i in range(size))
status = choice(CONTENT_STATUS)
h = MultiHash.from_data(data)
ctime = datetime.fromtimestamp(random() * MAX_DATE, timezone(choice(all_timezones)))
content = {
"data": data,
"status": status,
"length": size,
"ctime": ctime,
if status == "absent":
content["reason"] = "why not"
content["data"] = None
return content
def gen_contents(n=20) -> List[Dict]:
"""Returns a list of n randomly generated content objects (as dict) suitable
for using as Storage.content_add() argument.
return [gen_content() for i in range(n)]
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