NotFound: ("'/opt/swh/$%7Bstaccatissimo.scm.base%7D/trunk/commons-parent-pom' is not a working copy", 155007)
Sentry Issue: SWH-LOADER-SVN-D9
SubversionException: ("'/opt/swh/$%7Bstaccatissimo.scm.base%7D/trunk/commons-parent-pom' is not a working copy", 155007)
(4 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
File "", line 351, in iter
return fut.result()
File "concurrent/futures/", line 439, in result
return self.__get_result()
File "concurrent/futures/", line 391, in __get_result
raise self._exception
File "", line 409, in __call__
result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
File "swh/loader/svn/", line 285, in info
info ="/"))
NotFound: ("'/opt/swh/$%7Bstaccatissimo.scm.base%7D/trunk/commons-parent-pom' is not a working copy", 155007)
File "swh/loader/core/", line 402, in load
File "swh/loader/svn/", line 842, in prepare
self.svnrepo = self.svn_repo(
File "swh/loader/svn/", line 457, in svn_repo
raise NotFound(e)
Loading failure, updating to `not_found` status
This seems to happen because the loader tries to read from a URL-escaped path, while it was actually written to an unescaped path?