swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 2.1.0-1~swh1
v2.1.0 - Use versioned ExtIDs in main loader mercurial implementation - test: Make the child process wait longer so it gets actually killed
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 2.0.0-1~swh1~bpo10+1
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 2.0.0-1~swh1
Release swh.loader.mercurial 2.0.0 - Introduce a new branching model for snapshots generated by the mercurial loader.
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 1.1.0-1~swh1~bpo10+1
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 1.1.0-1~swh1
Release swh.loader.mercurial 1.1.0 - Fix multiple issues noticed in deployment to staging
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 1.0.0-1~swh2~bpo10+1
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 1.0.0-1~swh2
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 1.0.0-1~swh1
Release swh.loader.mercurial 1.0 - Replace the legacy Bundle20Loader with the new implementation
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 0.5.0-1~swh1~bpo10+1
swh-loader-mercurial Debian release 0.5.0-1~swh1