diff --git a/docs/user/using_data/index.rst b/docs/user/using_data/index.rst
index 8db8b7a1f714ae6ab035605933332450fb1257d4..4d78690f4bc770a4f5ee476e261ba408f121281d 100644
--- a/docs/user/using_data/index.rst
+++ b/docs/user/using_data/index.rst
@@ -118,15 +118,13 @@ Code and configuration changes
 Software Heritage's codebase evolves over time, and the archive adds support
 for new forges regularly.
-Major changes are documented in the `archive changelog`_
+Major changes are documented in the :ref:`Archive ChangeLog <archive-changelog>`.
 Typically, this means that source code deleted from a given forge before
 Software Heritage started archiving that forge is missing
 -- which may lead to code hosted in less popular places to be underrepresented
 in the archive.
-.. _archive changelog: archive-changelog
 Large objects