diff --git a/docs/devel/contributing/phabricator.rst b/docs/devel/contributing/phabricator.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f434be5fbfe74b4c475c21505e32ea6c043781f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/devel/contributing/phabricator.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-.. highlight:: bash
-.. admonition:: Intended audience
-   :class: important
-   Contributors
-We have moved our development from Phabricator to a GitLab instance at
-The content below is no longer relevant and will be updated soon.
-Submitting patches
-`Phabricator`_ is the tool that Software Heritage uses as its
-coding/collaboration forge.
-Software Heritage's Phabricator instance can be found at
-.. _Phabricator: http://phabricator.org/
-Code Review in Phabricator
-We use the Differential application of Phabricator to perform
-:ref:`code reviews <code-review>` in the context of Software Heritage.
-* we use Git and ``history.immutable=true``
-  (but beware as that is partly a Phabricator misnomer, read on)
-* when code reviews are required, developers will be allowed to push
-  directly to master once an accepted Differential diff exists
-.. _arcanist-configuration:
-Arcanist configuration
-First, you should install Arcanist and authenticate it to Phabricator::
-   sudo apt-get install arcanist
-   arc set-config default https://forge.softwareheritage.org/
-   arc install-certificate
-arc will prompt you to login into Phabricator via web
-(which will ask your personal Phabricator credentials).
-You will then have to copy paste the API token from the web page to arc,
-and hit Enter to complete the certificate installation.
-When using git, Arcanist by default mess with the local history,
-rewriting commits at the time of first submission.
-To avoid that we use so called `history immutability`_
-.. _history immutability: https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/arcanist_new_project/#history-mutability-git
-To that end, you shall configure your ``arc`` accordingly::
-   arc set-config history.immutable true
-Note that this does **not** mean that you are forbidden to rewrite
-your local branches (e.g., with ``git rebase``).
-Quite the contrary: you are encouraged to locally rewrite branches
-before pushing to ensure that commits are logically separated
-and your commit history easy to bisect.
-The above setting just means that *arc* will not rewrite commit
-history under your nose.
-Enabling ``git push`` to our forge
-The way we've configured our review setup for continuous integration
-needs you to configure git to allow pushes to our forge.
-There's two ways you can do this : setting a ssh key to push over ssh,
-or setting a specific password for git pushes over https.
-SSH key for pushes
-In your forge User settings page (On the top right, click on your avatar,
-then click *Settings*), you have access to a *Authentication* >
-*SSH Public Keys* section (Direct link:
-``hxxps://forge.softwareheritage.org/settings/user/<your username>/page/ssh/``).
-You then have the option to upload a SSH public key,
-which will authenticate your pushes.
-You then need to configure ssh/git to use that key pair,
-for instance by editing the ``~/.ssh/config`` file.
-Finally, you should configure git to push over ssh when pushing to
-https://forge.softwareheritage.org, by running the following command::
-   git config --global url.git@forge.softwareheritage.org:.pushInsteadOf https://forge.softwareheritage.org
-This lets git know that it should use ``git@forge.softwareheritage.org:``
-as a base url when pushing repositories cloned from
-forge.softwareheritage.org over https.
-VCS password for pushes
-.. warning:: Please, only use this if you're completely unable to use ssh.
-As a fallback to the ssh setup, you have the option of setting a VCS password. This
-password, *separate from your account password*, allows Phabricator to authenticate your
-uploads over HTTPS.
-In your forge User settings page (On the top right, click on your avatar, then click
-*Settings*), you need to use the *Authentication* > *VCS Password* section to set your
-VCS password (Direct link: ``hxxps://forge.softwareheritage.org/settings/user/<your
-If you still get a 403 error on push, this means you need a forge administrator to
-enable HTTPS pushes for the repository (which wasn't done by default in historical
-repositories). Please drop by on IRC and let us know!
-* work in a feature branch: ``git checkout -b my-feat``
-* initial review request: hack/commit/hack/commit ;
-  ``arc diff origin/master``
-* react to change requests: hack/commit/hack/commit ;
-  ``arc diff --update Dxx origin/master``
-* landing change: ``git checkout master ; git merge my-feat ; git push``
-Starting a new feature and submit it for review
-Use a **one branch per feature** workflow, with well-separated
-**logical commits** (:ref:`following those conventions <git-style-guide>`).
-Please open one diff per logical commit to keep the diff size to a minimum.
-.. code-block::
-   git checkout -b my-shiny-feature
-   ... hack hack hack ...
-   git commit -m 'architecture skeleton for my-shiny-feature'
-   ... hack hack hack ...
-   git commit -m 'my-shiny-feature: implement module foo'
-   ... etc ...
-Please, follow the
-To **submit your code for review** the first time::
-   arc diff origin/master
-arc will prompt for a **code review message**. Provide the following information:
-* first line: *short description* of the overall work
-  (i.e., the feature you're working on).
-  This will become the title of the review
-* *Summary* field (optional): *long description* of the overall work;
-  the field can continue in subsequent lines, up to the next field.
-  This will become the "Summary" section of the review
-* *Test Plan* field (optional): write here if something special is needed
-  to test your change
-* *Reviewers* field (optional): the (Phabricator) name(s) of
-  desired reviewers.
-  If you don't specify one (recommended) the default reviewers will be chosen
-* *Subscribers* field (optional): the (Phabricator) name(s) of people that
-  will be notified about changes to this review request.
-  In most cases it should be left empty
-For example::
-   mercurial loader
-   Summary: first stab at a mercurial loader (T329)
-   The implementation follows the plan detailed in F2F discussion with @foo.
-   Performances seem decent enough for a first trial (XXX seconds for YYY repository
-   that contains ZZZ patches).
-   Test plan:
-   Reviewers:
-   Subscribers: foo
-After completing the message arc will submit the review request
-and tell you its number and URL::
-   [...]
-   Created a new Differential revision:
-           Revision URI: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/Dxx
-.. _arc-update:
-Updating your branch to reflect requested changes
-Your feature might get accepted as is, YAY!
-Or, reviewers might request changes; no big deal!
-Use the Differential web UI to follow-up to received comments, if needed.
-To implement requested changes in the code, hack on your branch as usual by:
-* adding new commits, and/or
-* rewriting old commits with git rebase (to preserve a nice, easy to bisect history)
-* pulling on master and rebasing your branch against it if meanwhile someone
-  landed commits on master:
-.. code-block::
-   git checkout master
-   git pull
-   git checkout my-shiny-feature
-   git rebase master
-When you're ready to **update your review request**::
-   arc diff --update Dxx HEAD~
-Arc will prompt you for a message: **describe what you've changed
-w.r.t. the previous review request**, free form.
-This means you should not repeat the title of your diff (which is
-often the default if you squashed/amended your commits)
-Your message will become the changelog entry in Differential
-for this new version of the diff, and will help reviewers
-understand what changes you made since they last read your diff.
-Differential only care about the code diff, and not about the commits
-or their order.
-Therefore each "update" can be a completely different series of commits,
-possibly rewritten from the previous submission.
-Dependencies between diffs
-Note that you can manage diff dependencies within the same module
-with the following keyword in the diff description::
-   Depends on Dxx
-That allows to keep a logical view in your diff.
-It's not strictly necessary (because the tooling now deals with it properly)
-but it might help reviewers or yourself to do so.
-Landing your change onto master
-Once your change has been approved in Differential,
-you will be able to land it onto the master branch.
-Before doing so, you're encouraged to **clean up your git commit history**,
-reordering/splitting/merging commits as needed to have separate
-logical commits and an easy to bisect history.
-Update the diff :ref:`following the prior section <arc-update>`
-(It'd be good to let the CI build finish to make sure everything is still green).
-Once you're happy you can **push to origin/master** directly, e.g.::
-   git checkout master
-   git merge --ff-only my-shiny-feature
-   git push
-``--ff-only`` is optional, and makes sure you don't unintentionally
-create a merge commit.
-Optionally you can then delete your local feature branch::
-   git branch -d my-shiny-feature
-Reviewing locally / landing someone else's changes
-You can do local reviews of code with arc patch::
-   arc patch Dxyz
-This will create a branch **arcpatch-Dxyz** containing the changes
-on your local checkout.
-You can then merge those changes upstream with::
-   git checkout master
-   git merge --ff arcpatch-Dxyz
-   git push origin master
-or, alternatively::
-   arc land --squash
-See also
-* :ref:`code-review` for guidelines on how code is reviewed
-  when developing for Software Heritage
diff --git a/docs/sysadm/puppet/howto-manage-third-party-modules.rst b/docs/sysadm/puppet/howto-manage-third-party-modules.rst
index be68a3b41fabf4d278f197652a3892d31df54730..1bf66f47f57fd37d7f660b550d63d4443015278b 100644
--- a/docs/sysadm/puppet/howto-manage-third-party-modules.rst
+++ b/docs/sysadm/puppet/howto-manage-third-party-modules.rst
@@ -29,12 +29,6 @@ specifier.
 Adding a new external puppet module
-.. admonition:: Deprecation notice
-   :class: important
-   This needs refactoring as the script mentioned in this section is not yet ported to
-   use our new gitlab instance
 In the *puppet-environment* repository, the ``bin/import-puppet-module`` takes care of
 the following tasks:
@@ -49,10 +43,9 @@ the following tasks:
 To be able to use the script, you need:
 - Be a member of the `System Administrators
-  <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/project/members/7/>`_ Phabricator group
-- Have the :ref:`Arcanist <arcanist-configuration>` API key setup
-- A pair of python dependencies: ``python3-phabricator`` and ``python3-requests`` (pull
-  them from testing if needed).
+  <https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/groups/teams/sysadmin>`_ gitlab group
+- Have the gitlab API key setup
+- A few python dependencies: ``python3-click``, ``python3-gitlab`` and ``python3-requests``.
 Example usage to pull the `elastic/elasticsearch
 <https://forge.puppetlabs.com/elastic/elasticsearch>`_ module