diff --git a/docs/architecture/index.rst b/docs/architecture/index.rst
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--- a/docs/architecture/index.rst
+++ b/docs/architecture/index.rst
@@ -9,5 +9,4 @@ Software Architecture
-   mirror
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--- a/docs/architecture/mirror.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-.. _mirror:
-A mirror is a full copy of the |swh| archive, operated independently from the
-Software Heritage initiative. A minimal mirror consists of two parts:
-- the graph storage (typically an instance of :ref:`swh.storage <swh-storage>`),
-  which contains the Merkle DAG structure of the archive, *except* the
-  actual content of source code files (AKA blobs),
-- the object storage (typically an instance of :ref:`swh.objstorage <swh-objstorage>`),
-  which contains all the blobs corresponding to archived source code files.
-However, a usable mirror needs also to be accessible by others. As such, a
-proper mirror should also allow to:
-- navigate the archive copy using a Web browser and/or the Web API (typically
-  using the :ref:`the web application <swh-web>`),
-- retrieve data from the copy of the archive (typically using the :ref:`the
-  vault service <swh-vault>`)
-A mirror is initially populated and maintained up-to-date by consuming data
-from the |swh| Kafka-based :ref:`journal <journal-specs>` and retrieving the
-blob objects (file content) from the |swh| :ref:`object storage <swh-objstorage>`.
-.. note:: It is not required that a mirror is deployed using the |swh| software
-   stack. Other technologies, including different storage methods, can be
-   used. But we will focus in this documentation to the case of mirror
-   deployment using the |swh| software stack.
-.. thumbnail:: ../images/mirror-architecture.svg
-   General view of the |swh| mirroring architecture.
-Mirroring the Graph Storage
-The replication of the graph is based on a journal using Kafka_ as event
-streaming platform.
-On the Software Heritage side, every addition made to the archive consist of
-the addition of a :ref:`data-model` object. The new object is also serialized
-as a msgpack_ bytestring which is used as the value of a message added to a
-Kafka topic dedicated to the object type.
-The main Kafka topics for the |swh| :ref:`data-model` are:
-- `swh.journal.objects.content`
-- `swh.journal.objects.directory`
-- `swh.journal.objects.extid`
-- `swh.journal.objects.metadata_authority`
-- `swh.journal.objects.metadata_fetcher`
-- `swh.journal.objects.origin_visit_status`
-- `swh.journal.objects.origin_visit`
-- `swh.journal.objects.origin`
-- `swh.journal.objects.raw_extrinsic_metadata`
-- `swh.journal.objects.release`
-- `swh.journal.objects.revision`
-- `swh.journal.objects.skipped_content`
-- `swh.journal.objects.snapshot`
-In order to set up a mirror of the graph, one needs to deploy a stack capable
-of retrieving all these topics and store their content reliably. For example a
-Kafka cluster configured as a replica of the main Kafka broker hosted by |swh|
-would do the job (albeit not in a very useful manner by itself).
-A more useful mirror can be set up using the :ref:`storage <swh-storage>`
-component with the help of the special service named `replayer` provided by the
-:mod:`swh.storage.replay` module.
-.. TODO: replace this previous link by a link to the 'swh storage replay'
-   command once available, and ideally once
-   https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/880 is fixed
-Mirroring the Object Storage
-File content (blobs) are *not* directly stored in messages of the
-`swh.journal.objects.content` Kafka topic, which only contains metadata about
-them, such as various kinds of cryptographic hashes. A separate component is in
-charge of replicating blob objects from the archive and stored them in the
-local object storage instance.
-A separate `swh-journal` client should subscribe to the
-`swh.journal.objects.content` topic to get the stream of blob objects
-identifiers, then retrieve corresponding blobs from the main Software Heritage
-object storage, and store them in the local object storage.
-A reference implementation for this component is available in
-:ref:`content replayer <swh-objstorage-replayer>`.
-When using the |swh| software stack to deploy a mirror, a number of |swh|
-software components must be installed (cf. architecture diagram above):
-- a database to store the graph of the |swh| archive,
-- the :ref:`swh-storage` component,
-- an object storage solution (can be cloud-based or on local filesystem like
-  ZFS pools),
-- the :ref:`swh-objstorage` component,
-- the :mod:`swh.storage.replay` service (part of the :ref:`swh-storage`
-  package)
-- the :mod:`swh.objstorage.replayer.replay` service (from the
-  :ref:`swh-objstorage-replayer` package).
-A `docker-swarm <https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/>`_ based deployment
-solution is provided as a working example of the mirror stack:
-  https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-docker
-It is strongly recommended to start from there before planning a
-production-like deployment.
-See the `README <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-docker/browse/master/README.md>`_
-file of the `swh-docker <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-docker>`_
-repository for details.
-.. _Kafka: https://kafka.apache.org/
-.. _msgpack: https://msgpack.org
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index c76b9d519ebf2797e8e5569c1ed72b22bfa56263..40326a1153d6b81794c653df738f052ce0e139e3 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -26,12 +26,8 @@ Architecture
 * :ref:`architecture-overview` → get a glimpse of the Software Heritage software
-* :ref:`mirror` → learn what a Software Heritage mirror is and how to set up
-  one
 * :ref:`Metadata workflow <architecture-metadata>` → learn how Software Heritage
   stores and handles metadata
-* :ref:`Keycloak <keycloak>` → learn how to use Keycloak,
-  the authentication system used by |swh|'s web interface and public APIs
 Data Model and Specifications
diff --git a/docs/images/mirror-architecture.svg b/sysadm/images/mirror-architecture.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/mirror-architecture.svg
rename to sysadm/images/mirror-architecture.svg
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/content-replayer.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/content-replayer.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ed295766a1df781818d6908afceb0305a433f2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/content-replayer.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-.. _content_replayer:
-Content Replayer Service
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress.
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/deploy.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/deploy.rst
index 24f68892cafc357c8c69ff85148d32ba38dedf71..6aedb8245f829b984e3195834b204898662175a4 100644
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/deploy.rst
+++ b/sysadm/mirror-operations/deploy.rst
@@ -9,20 +9,26 @@ by |swh|.
 A mirror deployment will consists in running several components of the |swh|
-- an instance of the storage (swh-storage) with its backend storage (PostgreSQL
-  or Cassandra),
-- an instance of the object storage (swh-objstorage) with its backend storage
-  solution (in-house with the `pathslicer` backend, or cloud based)
-- an instance of the front page (swh-web)
-- an instance of the search engine (swh-search)
-- the vault service and its support tooling,
-- the replayer services.
+- An instance of the storage (:ref:`swh-storage`);
+- A backend database (PostgreSQL or Cassandra) for the storage;
+- An instance of the object storage (:ref:`swh-objstorage`);
+- A large storage system (zfs or cloud storage) as the objstorage backend;
+- An instance of the frontend (:ref:`swh-web`);
+- [Optional] An instance of the search engine backend (:ref:`swh-search`);
+- [Optional] An elasticsearch instance as swh-search backend;
+- [Optional] The vault service and its support tooling (RabbitMQ,
+  :ref:`swh-scheduler`, :ref:`swh-vault`, ...);
+- The replayer services:
+  - :mod:`swh.storage.replay` service (part of the :ref:`swh-storage`
+    package)
+  - :mod:`swh.objstorage.replayer.replay` service (from the
+    :ref:`swh-objstorage-replayer` package)
 Each service consists in an HTTP-based RPC served by a `gunicorn
 <https://gunicorn.org/>`_ `WSGI
 <https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface>`_ server.
 Docker-based deployment
@@ -36,55 +42,8 @@ as a working example of the mirror stack:
 It is strongly recommended to :ref:`start from there <mirror_docker>` in a test
 environment before planning a production-like deployment.
-Step by step deployment of a mirror
-When using the |swh| software stack to deploy a mirror, a number of |swh|
-software components must be installed and configured to interact woth each other:
-#. :ref:`How to deploy the objstorage <mirror_objstorage>`: the objstorage
-   consists in an object storage solution (can be cloud-based or on local
-   filesystem like ZFS pools) and the :ref:`swh-objstorage` service,
-#. :ref:`How to deploy graph replayer services <mirror_graph_replayer>`:
-   :mod:`swh-devel:swh.objstorage.replayer.replay` service is responsible for
-   consuming the ``content`` topic from the |swh| kafka broker and filling the mirror
-   objstorage, retrieving blob objects from a |swh| objstarage,
-#. :ref:`How to deploy the storage <mirror_storage>`: the storage consists in a
-   database to store the graph of the |swh| archive (PostgreSQL or Cassandra)
-   and the :ref:`swh-devel:swh-storage` service,
-#. :ref:`How to deploy graph replayer services <mirror_graph_replayer>`:
-   :mod:`swh-devel:swh.storage.replay` service is responsible for consuming from
-   the |swh| kafka broker and fill the mirror storage,
-#. :ref:`How to deploy the frontend <mirror_frontend>`: the :ref:`frontend
-   <swh-devel:swh-web>` consists in a `django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`_
-   based application serving both the web API and the main UI for browsing the
-   Archive.
-#. :ref:`How to deploy the search engine <mirror_search>`: the :ref:`search engine
-   <swh-devel:swh-search>` consists in a `ElasticSearch <https://www.elastic.co/>`_
-   based application used by the frontend.
-#. :ref:`How to deploy the vault service <mirror_vault>`: the :ref:`vault
-   service <swh-devel:swh-vault>` consists in a backend asynchronous service
-   allowing the user to ask for a zip archive of a given repository or git
-   history.
 .. toctree::
-   objstorage
-   storage
-   content-replayer
-   graph-replayer
-   frontend
-   search
-   vault
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/frontend.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/frontend.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index a0ae8c0afeab59a1af8752e6fee8e4ced5829030..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/frontend.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. _mirror_frontend:
-Frontend Services
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress.
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/graph-replayer.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/graph-replayer.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a73a62a34675a7907aeb453c5c6a65e2c6176dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/graph-replayer.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. _mirror_graph_replayer:
-Graph Replayer Service
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress.
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/index.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/index.rst
index 2e7fc49707e7f0992452f8301f0553c8b93bacdf..62ee5a4db52b9dbf8614183a13c68e6600be8aa1 100644
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/index.rst
+++ b/sysadm/mirror-operations/index.rst
@@ -1,31 +1,122 @@
 .. _mirror_operations:
 Mirror Operations
 A mirror is a full copy of the |swh| archive, operated independently from the
-Software Heritage initiative.
+Software Heritage initiative. A minimal mirror consists of two parts:
+- the graph storage (typically an instance of :ref:`swh.storage <swh-storage>`),
+  which contains the Merkle DAG structure of the archive, *except* the
+  actual content of source code files (AKA blobs),
+- the object storage (typically an instance of :ref:`swh.objstorage <swh-objstorage>`),
+  which contains all the blobs corresponding to archived source code files.
+However, a usable mirror needs also to be accessible by others. As such, a
+proper mirror should also allow to:
+- navigate the archive copy using a Web browser and/or the Web API (typically
+  using the :ref:`the web application <swh-web>`),
+- retrieve data from the copy of the archive (typically using the :ref:`the
+  vault service <swh-vault>`)
+A mirror is initially populated and maintained up-to-date by consuming data
+from the |swh| Kafka-based :ref:`journal <journal-specs>` and retrieving the
+blob objects (file content) from the |swh| :ref:`object storage <swh-objstorage>`.
+.. note:: It is not required that a mirror be deployed using the |swh| software
+   stack. Other technologies, including different storage methods, can be
+   used. But we will focus in this documentation to the case of mirror
+   deployment using the |swh| software stack.
+.. thumbnail:: ../images/mirror-architecture.svg
+   General view of the |swh| mirroring architecture.
+Mirroring the Graph Storage
+The replication of the graph is based on a journal using Kafka_ as event
+streaming platform.
+On the Software Heritage side, every addition made to the archive consist of
+the addition of a :ref:`data-model` object. The new object is also serialized
+as a msgpack_ bytestring which is used as the value of a message added to a
+Kafka topic dedicated to the object type.
+The main Kafka topics for the |swh| :ref:`data-model` are:
+- `swh.journal.objects.content`
+- `swh.journal.objects.directory`
+- `swh.journal.objects.extid`
+- `swh.journal.objects.metadata_authority`
+- `swh.journal.objects.metadata_fetcher`
+- `swh.journal.objects.origin_visit_status`
+- `swh.journal.objects.origin_visit`
+- `swh.journal.objects.origin`
+- `swh.journal.objects.raw_extrinsic_metadata`
+- `swh.journal.objects.release`
+- `swh.journal.objects.revision`
+- `swh.journal.objects.skipped_content`
+- `swh.journal.objects.snapshot`
+In order to set up a mirror of the graph, one needs to deploy a stack capable
+of retrieving all these topics and store their content reliably. For example a
+Kafka cluster configured as a replica of the main Kafka broker hosted by |swh|
+would do the job (albeit not in a very useful manner by itself).
+A more useful mirror can be set up using the :ref:`storage <swh-storage>`
+component with the help of the special service named `replayer` provided by the
+:mod:`swh.storage.replay` module.
+.. TODO: replace this previous link by a link to the 'swh storage replay'
+  command once available, and ideally once
+  https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/880 is fixed
+Mirroring the Object Storage
+File content (blobs) are *not* directly stored in messages of the
+`swh.journal.objects.content` Kafka topic, which only contains metadata about
+them, such as various kinds of cryptographic hashes. A separate component is in
+charge of replicating blob objects from the archive and stored them in the
+local object storage instance.
+A separate `swh-journal` client should subscribe to the
+`swh.journal.objects.content` topic to get the stream of blob objects
+identifiers, then retrieve corresponding blobs from the main Software Heritage
+object storage, and store them in the local object storage.
+A reference implementation for this component is available in
+:ref:`content replayer <swh-objstorage-replayer>`.
-A mirror should be able to:
-- store a full copy of the archive,
-- serve the data using the web UI,
+When using the |swh| software stack to deploy a mirror, a number of |swh|
+software components must be installed (cf. architecture diagram above).
-- search the archive using the web UI,
+A `docker-swarm <https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/>`_ based deployment
+solution is provided as a working example of the mirror stack,
+see :ref:`mirror_deploy`.
-- serve the data using the public API,
+It is strongly recommended to start from there before planning a
+production-like deployment.
-- allow users to retrieve content from the archive using the :ref:`Vault
-  <swh-devel:swh-vault>` service.
+.. _Kafka: https://kafka.apache.org/
+.. _msgpack: https://msgpack.org
-See the :ref:`swh-devel:mirror` for a complete description of the mirror
-You may want to read:
+You may also want to read:
-- :ref:`mirror_deploy` if you want to deploy a mirror of the |swh| archive on
-  your infrastructure.
 - :ref:`mirror_monitor` to learn how to monitor your mirror and how to report
   its health back the |swh|.
 - :ref:`mirror_onboard` for the |swh| side view of adding a new mirror.
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/objstorage.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/objstorage.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 092afb3094b08edc7692ccce6c248515d615627f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/objstorage.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. _mirror_objstorage:
-Objstorage Service
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress.
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/search.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/search.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e780d9502f6733e39f4470d91ba2955c8d930f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/search.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. _mirror_search:
-Search Services
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress.
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/storage.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/storage.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a70e3a7174562c79095caafcfedfd9eca706b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/storage.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. _mirror_storage:
-Storage Services
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress.
diff --git a/sysadm/mirror-operations/vault.rst b/sysadm/mirror-operations/vault.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e05630f16f0a15edb745110c302858672b4712e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sysadm/mirror-operations/vault.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. _mirror_vault:
-Vault Services
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress.