From 771ffae46470c4727b292d197c801b0d6c05f192 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Antoine R. Dumont (@ardumont)" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2019 20:10:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] tests_deposit_private_read_archive: Migrate to pytest

 .../api/  | 157 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 84 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/swh/deposit/tests/api/ b/swh/deposit/tests/api/
index e86e980d..d41ebef1 100644
--- a/swh/deposit/tests/api/
+++ b/swh/deposit/tests/api/
@@ -4,97 +4,108 @@
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import hashlib
-import os
+import shutil
 from django.urls import reverse
-import pytest
+from os import listdir, path, mkdir
 from rest_framework import status
-from rest_framework.test import APITestCase
 from swh.core import tarball
-from swh.deposit.config import PRIVATE_GET_RAW_CONTENT
-from swh.deposit.tests import TEST_CONFIG
+from swh.deposit.config import PRIVATE_GET_RAW_CONTENT, EM_IRI
-from swh.deposit.tests.common import (
-    BasicTestCase, WithAuthTestCase, CommonCreationRoutine,
-    FileSystemCreationRoutine, create_arborescence_archive
+from swh.deposit.tests.common import create_arborescence_archive
-class DepositReadArchivesTest(APITestCase, WithAuthTestCase,
-                              BasicTestCase, CommonCreationRoutine,
-                              FileSystemCreationRoutine):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        self.archive2 = create_arborescence_archive(
-            self.root_path, 'archive2', 'file2', b'some other content in file')
-        self.workdir = os.path.join(self.root_path, 'workdir')
-    def private_deposit_url(self, deposit_id):
-        return reverse(PRIVATE_GET_RAW_CONTENT,
-                       args=[, deposit_id])
+def private_get_raw_url_endpoints(collection, deposit):
+    """There are 2 endpoints to check (one with collection, one without)"""
+    return [
+        reverse(PRIVATE_GET_RAW_CONTENT, args=[,]),
+        reverse(PRIVATE_GET_RAW_CONTENT_NC, args=[])
+    ]
-    def test_access_to_existing_deposit_with_one_archive(self):
-        """Access to deposit should stream a 200 response with its raw content
-        """
-        deposit_id = self.create_simple_binary_deposit()
+def test_access_to_existing_deposit_with_one_archive(
+        authenticated_client, deposit_collection, complete_deposit,
+        sample_archive):
+    """Access to deposit should stream a 200 response with its raw content
-        url = self.private_deposit_url(deposit_id)
-        r = self.client.get(url)
+    """
+    deposit = complete_deposit
-        self.assertEqual(r.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertEqual(r._headers['content-type'][1],
-                         'application/octet-stream')
+    for url in private_get_raw_url_endpoints(deposit_collection, deposit):
+        r = authenticated_client.get(url)
+        assert r.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        assert r._headers['content-type'][1] == 'application/octet-stream'
         # read the stream
         data = b''.join(r.streaming_content)
         actual_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()
-        self.assertEqual(actual_sha1, self.archive['sha1sum'])
-        # this does not touch the extraction dir so this should stay empty
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(TEST_CONFIG['extraction_dir']), [])
-    def _check_tarball_consistency(self, actual_sha1):
-        tarball.uncompress(self.archive['path'], self.workdir)
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.workdir), ['file1'])
-        tarball.uncompress(self.archive2['path'], self.workdir)
-        lst = set(os.listdir(self.workdir))
-        self.assertEqual(lst, {'file1', 'file2'})
-        new_path = self.workdir + '.zip'
-        tarball.compress(new_path, 'zip', self.workdir)
-        with open(new_path, 'rb') as f:
-            h = hashlib.sha1(
-        self.assertEqual(actual_sha1, h)
-        self.assertNotEqual(actual_sha1, self.archive['sha1sum'])
-        self.assertNotEqual(actual_sha1, self.archive2['sha1sum'])
-    def test_access_to_existing_deposit_with_multiple_archives(self):
-        """Access to deposit should stream a 200 response with its raw contents
-        """
-        deposit_id = self.create_complex_binary_deposit()
-        url = self.private_deposit_url(deposit_id)
-        r = self.client.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(r.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertEqual(r._headers['content-type'][1],
-                         'application/octet-stream')
+        assert actual_sha1 == sample_archive['sha1sum']
+def test_access_to_existing_deposit_with_multiple_archives(
+        tmp_path, authenticated_client, deposit_collection, partial_deposit,
+        sample_archive):
+    """Access to deposit should stream a 200 response with its raw contents
+    """
+    deposit = partial_deposit
+    archive2 = create_arborescence_archive(
+        tmp_path, 'archive2', 'file2', b'some content in file')
+    # Add a second archive to deposit
+    update_uri = reverse(EM_IRI, args=[,])
+    response =
+        update_uri,
+        content_type='application/zip',  # as zip
+        data=archive2['data'],
+        # + headers
+        CONTENT_LENGTH=archive2['length'],
+        HTTP_SLUG=deposit.external_id,
+        HTTP_CONTENT_MD5=archive2['md5sum'],
+        HTTP_PACKAGING='',
+        HTTP_IN_PROGRESS='false',
+        HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION='attachment; filename=%s' % (
+            archive2['name'], ))
+    assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
+    for url in private_get_raw_url_endpoints(deposit_collection, deposit):
+        r = authenticated_client.get(url)
+        assert r.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        assert r._headers['content-type'][1] == 'application/octet-stream'
         # read the stream
         data = b''.join(r.streaming_content)
         actual_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()
-        self._check_tarball_consistency(actual_sha1)
-        # this touches the extraction directory but should clean up
-        # after itself
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(TEST_CONFIG['extraction_dir']), [])
-class DepositReadArchivesTest2(DepositReadArchivesTest):
-    def private_deposit_url(self, deposit_id):
-        return reverse(PRIVATE_GET_RAW_CONTENT+'-nc', args=[deposit_id])
+        check_tarball_consistency(
+            tmp_path, sample_archive, archive2, actual_sha1)
+def check_tarball_consistency(tmp_path, archive, archive2, actual_sha1):
+    """Check the tarballs are ok
+    """
+    workdir = path.join(tmp_path, 'workdir')
+    mkdir(workdir)
+    lst = set(listdir(workdir))
+    assert lst == set()
+    tarball.uncompress(archive['path'], dest=workdir)
+    assert listdir(workdir) == ['file1']
+    tarball.uncompress(archive2['path'], dest=workdir)
+    lst = set(listdir(workdir))
+    assert lst == {'file1', 'file2'}
+    new_path = workdir + '.zip'
+    tarball.compress(new_path, 'zip', workdir)
+    with open(new_path, 'rb') as f:
+        h = hashlib.sha1(
+    assert actual_sha1 == h
+    assert actual_sha1 != archive['sha1sum']
+    assert actual_sha1 != archive2['sha1sum']
+    shutil.rmtree(workdir)