diff --git a/swh/deposit/api/checks.py b/swh/deposit/api/checks.py
index 0c5888e9a0a77b8f04112e810fd458bdad8b7452..3b942a5c59613320d1cc8a0a2e230fa4e4b1026f 100644
--- a/swh/deposit/api/checks.py
+++ b/swh/deposit/api/checks.py
@@ -35,6 +35,115 @@ METADATA_PROVENANCE_KEY = "swh:metadata-provenance"
 AFFILIATION_NO_NAME = "Reason: affiliation does not have a <codemeta:name> element"
+# from https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4287
+    "name",
+    "uri",
+    "email",
+    # specifically not allowing this one, because clients are supposed to send one
+    # entry at a time:
+    # "feed",
+    "entry",
+    # ditto:
+    # "content",
+    "author",
+    "category",
+    "contributor",
+    "generator",
+    "icon",
+    "id",
+    "link",
+    "logo",
+    "published",
+    "rights",
+    "source",
+    "subtitle",
+    "summary",
+    "title",
+    "updated",
+    # we used to recommend this, so we still need to support it so we don't break
+    # existing clients
+    "external_identifier",
+# from https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta/blob/2.0/codemeta.jsonld
+    "type": "@type",
+    "id": "@id",
+    "schema": "http://schema.org/",
+    "codemeta": "https://codemeta.github.io/terms/",
+    "Organization": {"@id": "schema:Organization"},
+    "Person": {"@id": "schema:Person"},
+    "SoftwareSourceCode": {"@id": "schema:SoftwareSourceCode"},
+    "SoftwareApplication": {"@id": "schema:SoftwareApplication"},
+    "Text": {"@id": "schema:Text"},
+    "URL": {"@id": "schema:URL"},
+    "address": {"@id": "schema:address"},
+    "affiliation": {"@id": "schema:affiliation"},
+    "applicationCategory": {"@id": "schema:applicationCategory", "@type": "@id"},
+    "applicationSubCategory": {"@id": "schema:applicationSubCategory", "@type": "@id"},
+    "citation": {"@id": "schema:citation"},
+    "codeRepository": {"@id": "schema:codeRepository", "@type": "@id"},
+    "contributor": {"@id": "schema:contributor"},
+    "copyrightHolder": {"@id": "schema:copyrightHolder"},
+    "copyrightYear": {"@id": "schema:copyrightYear"},
+    "creator": {"@id": "schema:creator"},
+    "dateCreated": {"@id": "schema:dateCreated", "@type": "schema:Date"},
+    "dateModified": {"@id": "schema:dateModified", "@type": "schema:Date"},
+    "datePublished": {"@id": "schema:datePublished", "@type": "schema:Date"},
+    "description": {"@id": "schema:description"},
+    "downloadUrl": {"@id": "schema:downloadUrl", "@type": "@id"},
+    "email": {"@id": "schema:email"},
+    "editor": {"@id": "schema:editor"},
+    "encoding": {"@id": "schema:encoding"},
+    "familyName": {"@id": "schema:familyName"},
+    "fileFormat": {"@id": "schema:fileFormat", "@type": "@id"},
+    "fileSize": {"@id": "schema:fileSize"},
+    "funder": {"@id": "schema:funder"},
+    "givenName": {"@id": "schema:givenName"},
+    "hasPart": {"@id": "schema:hasPart"},
+    "identifier": {"@id": "schema:identifier", "@type": "@id"},
+    "installUrl": {"@id": "schema:installUrl", "@type": "@id"},
+    "isAccessibleForFree": {"@id": "schema:isAccessibleForFree"},
+    "isPartOf": {"@id": "schema:isPartOf"},
+    "keywords": {"@id": "schema:keywords"},
+    "license": {"@id": "schema:license", "@type": "@id"},
+    "memoryRequirements": {"@id": "schema:memoryRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+    "name": {"@id": "schema:name"},
+    "operatingSystem": {"@id": "schema:operatingSystem"},
+    "permissions": {"@id": "schema:permissions"},
+    "position": {"@id": "schema:position"},
+    "processorRequirements": {"@id": "schema:processorRequirements"},
+    "producer": {"@id": "schema:producer"},
+    "programmingLanguage": {"@id": "schema:programmingLanguage"},
+    "provider": {"@id": "schema:provider"},
+    "publisher": {"@id": "schema:publisher"},
+    "relatedLink": {"@id": "schema:relatedLink", "@type": "@id"},
+    "releaseNotes": {"@id": "schema:releaseNotes", "@type": "@id"},
+    "runtimePlatform": {"@id": "schema:runtimePlatform"},
+    "sameAs": {"@id": "schema:sameAs", "@type": "@id"},
+    "softwareHelp": {"@id": "schema:softwareHelp"},
+    "softwareRequirements": {"@id": "schema:softwareRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+    "softwareVersion": {"@id": "schema:softwareVersion"},
+    "sponsor": {"@id": "schema:sponsor"},
+    "storageRequirements": {"@id": "schema:storageRequirements", "@type": "@id"},
+    "supportingData": {"@id": "schema:supportingData"},
+    "targetProduct": {"@id": "schema:targetProduct"},
+    "url": {"@id": "schema:url", "@type": "@id"},
+    "version": {"@id": "schema:version"},
+    "author": {"@id": "schema:author", "@container": "@list"},
+    "softwareSuggestions": {"@id": "codemeta:softwareSuggestions", "@type": "@id"},
+    "contIntegration": {"@id": "codemeta:contIntegration", "@type": "@id"},
+    "buildInstructions": {"@id": "codemeta:buildInstructions", "@type": "@id"},
+    "developmentStatus": {"@id": "codemeta:developmentStatus", "@type": "@id"},
+    "embargoDate": {"@id": "codemeta:embargoDate", "@type": "schema:Date"},
+    "funding": {"@id": "codemeta:funding"},
+    "readme": {"@id": "codemeta:readme", "@type": "@id"},
+    "issueTracker": {"@id": "codemeta:issueTracker", "@type": "@id"},
+    "referencePublication": {"@id": "codemeta:referencePublication", "@type": "@id"},
+    "maintainer": {"@id": "codemeta:maintainer"},
 def extra_validator(
     element: ElementTree.Element,
@@ -237,6 +346,51 @@ def check_metadata(metadata: ElementTree.Element) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Dict]]
+    for element in metadata.iter():
+        if element.tag.startswith("{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}"):
+            _, local_name = element.tag.split("}", 1)
+            if local_name not in ATOM_ELEMENTS:
+                if local_name in CODEMETA2_CONTEXT:
+                    # Probably confused the two namespaces, display a nicer error
+                    detail.append(
+                        {
+                            "fields": [local_name],
+                            "summary": f"{local_name} is not a valid Atom element. "
+                            "However, it would be a valid a Codemeta term; make sure "
+                            "namespaces are not swapped",
+                        }
+                    )
+                else:
+                    detail.append(
+                        {
+                            "fields": [local_name],
+                            "summary": f"{local_name} is not a valid Atom element, "
+                            "see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4287",
+                        }
+                    )
+        elif element.tag.startswith("{https://doi.org/10.5063/SCHEMA/CODEMETA-2.0}"):
+            _, local_name = element.tag.split("}", 1)
+            if local_name not in CODEMETA2_CONTEXT:
+                if local_name in CODEMETA2_CONTEXT:
+                    # Probably confused the two namespaces, display a nicer error
+                    detail.append(
+                        {
+                            "fields": [local_name],
+                            "summary": f"{local_name} is not a valid Codemeta 2.0 term. "
+                            "However, it would be a valid Atom element; make sure "
+                            "namespaces are not swapped",
+                        }
+                    )
+                else:
+                    detail.append(
+                        {
+                            "fields": [local_name],
+                            "summary": f"{local_name} is not a valid Codemeta 2.0 term, "
+                            "see "
+                            "https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta/blob/2.0/codemeta.jsonld",
+                        }
+                    )
     if detail:
         return False, {"metadata": detail + suggested_fields}
diff --git a/swh/deposit/tests/api/test_checks.py b/swh/deposit/tests/api/test_checks.py
index def4127bb1fba77f1d6aa7f49035fc153884ccb5..bb19a708e9d1916723719314363ffe8f5e2d00ee 100644
--- a/swh/deposit/tests/api/test_checks.py
+++ b/swh/deposit/tests/api/test_checks.py
@@ -89,20 +89,6 @@ _parameters1 = [
-        (
-            "unknown-codemeta-inner-element-after",
-            f"""\
-            <entry {XMLNS}>
-                <uri>some url</uri>
-                <codemeta:name>bar</codemeta:name>
-                <codemeta:author>
-                    <codemeta:name>someone</codemeta:name>
-                    <codemeta:unknown-tag>should allow anything here</codemeta:unknown-tag>
-                </codemeta:author>
-                {PROVENANCE_XML}
-            </entry>
-            """,
-        ),
@@ -592,6 +578,82 @@ _parameters2 = [
                 "fields": ["atom:author or codemeta:author"],
+        (
+            "unknown-atom",
+            f"""\
+            <entry {XMLNS}>
+                <uri>some url</uri>
+                <unknown-tag>but in known namespace</unknown-tag>
+                <codemeta:name>bar</codemeta:name>
+                <codemeta:author>
+                    <codemeta:name>someone</codemeta:name>
+                </codemeta:author>
+                {PROVENANCE_XML}
+            </entry>
+            """,
+            {
+                "summary": "unknown-tag is not a valid Atom element, see "
+                "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4287",
+                "fields": ["unknown-tag"],
+            },
+        ),
+        (
+            "unknown-codemeta",
+            f"""\
+            <entry {XMLNS}>
+                <uri>some url</uri>
+                <codemeta:name>bar</codemeta:name>
+                <codemeta:unknown-tag>but in known namespace</codemeta:unknown-tag>
+                <codemeta:author>
+                    <codemeta:name>someone</codemeta:name>
+                </codemeta:author>
+                {PROVENANCE_XML}
+            </entry>
+            """,
+            {
+                "summary": "unknown-tag is not a valid Codemeta 2.0 term, see "
+                "https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta/blob/2.0/codemeta.jsonld",
+                "fields": ["unknown-tag"],
+            },
+        ),
+        (
+            "unknown-atom-in-codemeta",
+            f"""\
+            <entry {XMLNS}>
+                <uri>some url</uri>
+                <codemeta:name>bar</codemeta:name>
+                <codemeta:author>
+                    <codemeta:name>someone</codemeta:name>
+                    <unknown-tag>but in known namespace</unknown-tag>
+                </codemeta:author>
+                {PROVENANCE_XML}
+            </entry>
+            """,
+            {
+                "summary": "unknown-tag is not a valid Atom element, see "
+                "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4287",
+                "fields": ["unknown-tag"],
+            },
+        ),
+        (
+            "unknown-codemeta-in-codemeta",
+            f"""\
+            <entry {XMLNS}>
+                <uri>some url</uri>
+                <codemeta:name>bar</codemeta:name>
+                <codemeta:author>
+                    <codemeta:name>someone</codemeta:name>
+                    <codemeta:unknown-tag>but in known namespace</codemeta:unknown-tag>
+                </codemeta:author>
+                {PROVENANCE_XML}
+            </entry>
+            """,
+            {
+                "summary": "unknown-tag is not a valid Codemeta 2.0 term, see "
+                "https://github.com/codemeta/codemeta/blob/2.0/codemeta.jsonld",
+                "fields": ["unknown-tag"],
+            },
+        ),