# Copyright (C) 2018 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import click import os import sys from functools import partial from swh.core.cli import CONTEXT_SETTINGS from swh.model import identifiers as pids from swh.model.exceptions import ValidationError from swh.model.from_disk import Content, Directory class PidParamType(click.ParamType): name = 'persistent identifier' def convert(self, value, param, ctx): try: pids.parse_persistent_identifier(value) return value # return as string, as we need just that except ValidationError as e: self.fail('%s is not a valid PID. %s.' % (value, e), param, ctx) def pid_of_file(path): object = Content.from_file(path=path).get_data() return pids.persistent_identifier(pids.CONTENT, object) def pid_of_dir(path): object = Directory.from_disk(path=path).get_data() return pids.persistent_identifier(pids.DIRECTORY, object) def identify_object(obj_type, follow_symlinks, obj): if obj_type == 'auto': if os.path.isfile(obj): obj_type = 'content' elif os.path.isdir(obj): obj_type = 'directory' else: # shouldn't happen, due to path validation raise click.BadParameter('%s is neither a file nor a directory' % obj) path = obj if follow_symlinks and os.path.islink(obj): path = os.path.realpath(obj) pid = None if obj_type == 'content': pid = pid_of_file(path) elif obj_type == 'directory': pid = pid_of_dir(path) else: # shouldn't happen, due to option validation raise click.BadParameter('invalid object type: ' + obj_type) # note: we return original obj instead of path here, to preserve user-given # file name in output return (obj, pid) @click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option('--dereference/--no-dereference', 'follow_symlinks', default=True, help='follow (or not) symlinks for OBJECTS passed as arguments ' + '(default: follow)') @click.option('--filename/--no-filename', 'show_filename', default=True, help='show/hide file name (default: show)') @click.option('--type', '-t', 'obj_type', default='auto', type=click.Choice(['auto', 'content', 'directory']), help='type of object to identify (default: auto)') @click.option('--verify', '-v', metavar='PID', type=PidParamType(), help='reference identifier to be compared with computed one') @click.argument('objects', nargs=-1, required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True, allow_dash=True, path_type=bytes)) def identify(obj_type, verify, show_filename, follow_symlinks, objects): """Compute the Software Heritage persistent identifier (PID) for the given source code object(s). For more details about Software Heritage PIDs see: \b https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html \b Examples: \b $ swh identify fork.c kmod.c sched/deadline.c swh:1:cnt:2e391c754ae730bd2d8520c2ab497c403220c6e3 fork.c swh:1:cnt:0277d1216f80ae1adeed84a686ed34c9b2931fc2 kmod.c swh:1:cnt:57b939c81bce5d06fa587df8915f05affbe22b82 sched/deadline.c \b $ swh identify --no-filename /usr/src/linux/kernel/ swh:1:dir:f9f858a48d663b3809c9e2f336412717496202ab """ if verify and len(objects) != 1: raise click.BadParameter('verification requires a single object') results = map(partial(identify_object, obj_type, follow_symlinks), objects) if verify: pid = next(results)[1] if verify == pid: click.echo('PID match: %s' % pid) sys.exit(0) else: click.echo('PID mismatch: %s != %s' % (verify, pid)) sys.exit(1) else: for (obj, pid) in results: msg = pid if show_filename: msg = '%s\t%s' % (pid, os.fsdecode(obj)) click.echo(msg) if __name__ == '__main__': identify()