From bf4ab4336f7b43d442988c47d3dd70bb82b595c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Valentin Lorentz <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 10:44:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] identifiers: Remove the deprecated SWHID class

Other packages don't use it anymore.
 swh/model/            | 190 +----------------
 swh/model/tests/ | 317 ----------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 506 deletions(-)

diff --git a/swh/model/ b/swh/model/
index 44daee52..a07b047e 100644
--- a/swh/model/
+++ b/swh/model/
@@ -24,14 +24,11 @@ from typing import (
 import urllib.parse
-import warnings
 import attr
 from attrs_strict import type_validator
-from .collections import ImmutableDict
 from .exceptions import ValidationError
-from .fields.hashes import validate_sha1
 from .hashutil import MultiHash, hash_git_data, hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex
@@ -71,6 +68,7 @@ DIRECTORY = "directory"
 CONTENT = "content"
 RAW_EXTRINSIC_METADATA = "raw_extrinsic_metadata"
 SWHID_TYPES = ["snp", "rel", "rev", "dir", "cnt"]
@@ -726,27 +724,6 @@ def origin_identifier(origin):
     return hashlib.sha1(origin["url"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
-_object_type_map = {
-    ORIGIN: {"short_name": "ori", "key_id": "id"},
-    SNAPSHOT: {"short_name": "snp", "key_id": "id"},
-    RELEASE: {"short_name": "rel", "key_id": "id"},
-    REVISION: {"short_name": "rev", "key_id": "id"},
-    DIRECTORY: {"short_name": "dir", "key_id": "id"},
-    CONTENT: {"short_name": "cnt", "key_id": "sha1_git"},
-    RAW_EXTRINSIC_METADATA: {"short_name": "emd", "key_id": "id"},
-_swhid_type_map = {
-    "ori": ORIGIN,
-    "snp": SNAPSHOT,
-    "rel": RELEASE,
-    "rev": REVISION,
-    "dir": DIRECTORY,
-    "cnt": CONTENT,
 # type of the "object_type" attribute of the SWHID class; either
 # ObjectType or ExtendedObjectType
 _TObjectType = TypeVar("_TObjectType", ObjectType, ExtendedObjectType)
@@ -1094,150 +1071,6 @@ class ExtendedSWHID(_BaseSWHID[ExtendedObjectType]):
     """the type of object the identifier points to"""
-class SWHID:
-    """
-    Deprecated alternative to QualifiedSWHID.
-    Args:
-        namespace (str): the namespace of the identifier, defaults to ``swh``
-        scheme_version (int): the scheme version of the identifier,
-            defaults to 1
-        object_type (str): the type of object the identifier points to,
-            either ``content``, ``directory``, ``release``, ``revision`` or ``snapshot``
-        object_id (str): object's identifier
-        metadata (dict): optional dict filled with metadata related to
-            pointed object
-    Raises:
-        swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
-    Once created, it contains the following attributes:
-    Attributes:
-        namespace (str): the namespace of the identifier
-        scheme_version (int): the scheme version of the identifier
-        object_type (str): the type of object the identifier points to
-        object_id (str): hexadecimal representation of the object hash
-        metadata (dict): metadata related to the pointed object
-    To get the raw SWHID string from an instance of this named tuple,
-    use the :func:`str` function::
-        swhid = SWHID(
-            object_type='content',
-            object_id='8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'
-        )
-        swhid_str = str(swhid)
-        # 'swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'
-    """
-    namespace = attr.ib(type=str, default=SWHID_NAMESPACE)
-    scheme_version = attr.ib(type=int, default=SWHID_VERSION)
-    object_type = attr.ib(type=str, default="")
-    object_id = attr.ib(type=str, converter=hash_to_hex, default="")  # type: ignore
-    metadata = attr.ib(
-        type=ImmutableDict[str, Any], converter=ImmutableDict, default=ImmutableDict()
-    )
-    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
-        warnings.warn(
-            "swh.model.identifiers.SWHID is deprecated; "
-            "use swh.model.identifiers.QualifiedSWHID instead.",
-            DeprecationWarning,
-        )
-    @namespace.validator
-    def check_namespace(self, attribute, value):
-        if value != SWHID_NAMESPACE:
-            raise ValidationError(
-                "Invalid SWHID: invalid namespace: %(namespace)s",
-                params={"namespace": value},
-            )
-    @scheme_version.validator
-    def check_scheme_version(self, attribute, value):
-        if value != SWHID_VERSION:
-            raise ValidationError(
-                "Invalid SWHID: invalid version: %(version)s", params={"version": value}
-            )
-    @object_type.validator
-    def check_object_type(self, attribute, value):
-        if value not in _object_type_map:
-            raise ValidationError(
-                "Invalid SWHID: invalid type: %(object_type)s)",
-                params={"object_type": value},
-            )
-    @object_id.validator
-    def check_object_id(self, attribute, value):
-        try:
-            validate_sha1(value)  # can raise if invalid hash
-        except ValidationError:
-            raise ValidationError(
-                "Invalid SWHID: invalid checksum: %(object_id)s",
-                params={"object_id": value},
-            ) from None
-    @metadata.validator
-    def check_qualifiers(self, attribute, value):
-        for k in value:
-            if k not in SWHID_QUALIFIERS:
-                raise ValidationError(
-                    "Invalid SWHID: unknown qualifier: %(qualifier)s",
-                    params={"qualifier": k},
-                )
-    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        return attr.asdict(self)
-    def __str__(self) -> str:
-        o = _object_type_map.get(self.object_type)
-        assert o
-        swhid = SWHID_SEP.join(
-            [self.namespace, str(self.scheme_version), o["short_name"], self.object_id]
-        )
-        if self.metadata:
-            for k, v in self.metadata.items():
-                swhid += "%s%s=%s" % (SWHID_CTXT_SEP, k, v)
-        return swhid
-def swhid(
-    object_type: str,
-    object_id: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]],
-    scheme_version: int = 1,
-    metadata: Union[ImmutableDict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]] = ImmutableDict(),
-) -> str:
-    """Compute :ref:`persistent-identifiers`
-    Args:
-        object_type: object's type, either ``content``, ``directory``,
-            ``release``, ``revision`` or ``snapshot``
-        object_id: object's identifier
-        scheme_version: SWHID scheme version, defaults to 1
-        metadata: metadata related to the pointed object
-    Raises:
-        swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
-    Returns:
-        the SWHID of the object
-    """
-    if isinstance(object_id, dict):
-        o = _object_type_map[object_type]
-        object_id = object_id[o["key_id"]]
-    swhid = SWHID(
-        scheme_version=scheme_version,
-        object_type=object_type,
-        object_id=object_id,
-        metadata=metadata,  # type: ignore  # mypy can't properly unify types
-    )
-    return str(swhid)
 def _parse_swhid(swhid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
     """Parse a Software Heritage identifier (SWHID) from string (see:
@@ -1276,24 +1109,3 @@ def _parse_swhid(swhid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
     parts["scheme_version"] = int(parts["scheme_version"])
     parts["object_id"] = hash_to_bytes(parts["object_id"])
     return parts
-def parse_swhid(swhid: str) -> SWHID:
-    """Parse a Software Heritage identifier (SWHID) from string (see:
-    :ref:`persistent-identifiers`.)
-    Args:
-        swhid (str): A persistent identifier
-    Raises:
-        swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: if passed string is not a valid SWHID
-    """
-    parts = _parse_swhid(swhid)
-    return SWHID(
-        parts["namespace"],
-        parts["scheme_version"],
-        _swhid_type_map[parts["object_type"]],
-        hash_to_hex(parts["object_id"]),
-        parts["qualifiers"],
-    )
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/ b/swh/model/tests/
index a3a5295f..38d7e357 100644
--- a/swh/model/tests/
+++ b/swh/model/tests/
@@ -16,12 +16,6 @@ from swh.model import hashutil, identifiers
 from swh.model.exceptions import ValidationError
 from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes as _x
 from swh.model.identifiers import (
-    SWHID,
@@ -891,317 +885,6 @@ def test_normalize_timestamp_dict_invalid_timestamp(dict_input):
-class TestSwhid(unittest.TestCase):
-    @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:.*SWHID.*:DeprecationWarning")
-    def test_swhid(self):
-        _snapshot_id = _x("c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453")
-        _release_id = "22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f"
-        _revision_id = "309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d"
-        _directory_id = "d198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505"
-        _content_id = "94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2"
-        _snapshot = {"id": _snapshot_id}
-        _release = {"id": _release_id}
-        _revision = {"id": _revision_id}
-        _directory = {"id": _directory_id}
-        _content = {"sha1_git": _content_id}
-        for full_type, _hash, expected_swhid, version, _meta in [
-            (
-                SNAPSHOT,
-                _snapshot_id,
-                "swh:1:snp:c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453",
-                None,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                RELEASE,
-                _release_id,
-                "swh:1:rel:22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f",
-                1,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                REVISION,
-                _revision_id,
-                "swh:1:rev:309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d",
-                None,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                DIRECTORY,
-                _directory_id,
-                "swh:1:dir:d198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",
-                None,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                CONTENT,
-                _content_id,
-                "swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2",
-                1,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                SNAPSHOT,
-                _snapshot,
-                "swh:1:snp:c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453",
-                None,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                RELEASE,
-                _release,
-                "swh:1:rel:22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f",
-                1,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                REVISION,
-                _revision,
-                "swh:1:rev:309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d",
-                None,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                DIRECTORY,
-                _directory,
-                "swh:1:dir:d198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",
-                None,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                CONTENT,
-                _content,
-                "swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2",
-                1,
-                {},
-            ),
-            (
-                CONTENT,
-                _content,
-                "swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2;origin=1",
-                1,
-                {"origin": "1"},
-            ),
-        ]:
-            if version:
-                actual_value = identifiers.swhid(
-                    full_type, _hash, version, metadata=_meta
-                )
-            else:
-                actual_value = identifiers.swhid(full_type, _hash, metadata=_meta)
-            self.assertEqual(actual_value, expected_swhid)
-    def test_swhid_wrong_input(self):
-        _snapshot_id = "notahash4bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453"
-        _snapshot = {"id": _snapshot_id}
-        for _type, _hash in [
-            (SNAPSHOT, _snapshot_id),
-            (SNAPSHOT, _snapshot),
-            ("lines", "42"),
-        ]:
-            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
-                identifiers.swhid(_type, _hash)
-    @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:.*SWHID.*:DeprecationWarning")
-    def test_parse_swhid(self):
-        for swhid, _type, _version, _hash in [
-            (
-                "swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2",
-                CONTENT,
-                1,
-                "94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2",
-            ),
-            (
-                "swh:1:dir:d198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",
-                DIRECTORY,
-                1,
-                "d198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",
-            ),
-            (
-                "swh:1:rev:309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d",
-                REVISION,
-                1,
-                "309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d",
-            ),
-            (
-                "swh:1:rel:22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f",
-                RELEASE,
-                1,
-                "22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f",
-            ),
-            (
-                "swh:1:snp:c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453",
-                SNAPSHOT,
-                1,
-                "c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453",
-            ),
-        ]:
-            with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
-                expected_result = SWHID(
-                    namespace="swh",
-                    scheme_version=_version,
-                    object_type=_type,
-                    object_id=_hash,
-                    metadata={},
-                )
-                actual_result = identifiers.parse_swhid(swhid)
-            self.assertEqual(actual_result, expected_result)
-            self.assertEqual(str(expected_result), swhid)
-        for swhid, _type, _version, _hash, _metadata in [
-            (
-                "swh:1:cnt:9c95815d9e9d91b8dae8e05d8bbc696fe19f796b;lines=1-18;origin=",  # noqa
-                CONTENT,
-                1,
-                "9c95815d9e9d91b8dae8e05d8bbc696fe19f796b",
-                {"lines": "1-18", "origin": ""},
-            ),
-            (
-                "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;origin=deb://Debian/packages/linuxdoc-tools",  # noqa
-                DIRECTORY,
-                1,
-                "0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d",
-                {"origin": "deb://Debian/packages/linuxdoc-tools"},
-            ),
-        ]:
-            with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
-                expected_result = SWHID(
-                    namespace="swh",
-                    scheme_version=_version,
-                    object_type=_type,
-                    object_id=_hash,
-                    metadata=_metadata,
-                )
-                actual_result = identifiers.parse_swhid(swhid)
-            self.assertEqual(actual_result, expected_result)
-            self.assertEqual(
-                expected_result.to_dict(),
-                {
-                    "namespace": "swh",
-                    "scheme_version": _version,
-                    "object_type": _type,
-                    "object_id": _hash,
-                    "metadata": _metadata,
-                },
-            )
-            self.assertEqual(str(expected_result), swhid)
-    "invalid_swhid",
-    [
-        "swh:1:cnt",
-        "swh:1:",
-        "swh:",
-        "swh:1:cnt:",
-        "foo:1:cnt:abc8bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",
-        "swh:2:dir:def8bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",
-        "swh:1:foo:fed8bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;invalid;malformed",
-        "swh:1:snp:gh6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d",
-        "swh:1:snp:foo",
-        # wrong qualifier: ori should be origin
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;ori=something;anchor=1;visit=1;path=/",  # noqa
-        # wrong qualifier: anc should be anchor
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;origin=something;anc=1;visit=1;path=/",  # noqa
-        # wrong qualifier: vis should be visit
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;origin=something;anchor=1;vis=1;path=/",  # noqa
-        # wrong qualifier: pa should be path
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;origin=something;anchor=1;visit=1;pa=/",  # noqa
-        # wrong qualifier: line should be lines
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;line=10;origin=something;anchor=1;visit=1;path=/",  # noqa
-        # wrong qualifier value: it contains space before of after
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;origin=  https://some-url",  # noqa
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;origin=something;anchor=some-anchor    ",  # noqa
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;origin=something;anchor=some-anchor    ;visit=1",  # noqa
-        # invalid swhid: whitespaces
-        "swh :1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;ori=something;anchor=1;visit=1;path=/",  # noqa
-        "swh: 1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;ori=something;anchor=1;visit=1;path=/",  # noqa
-        "swh: 1: dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;ori=something;anchor=1;visit=1;path=/",  # noqa
-        "swh:1: dir: 0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d",
-        "swh:1: dir: 0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d; origin=blah",
-        "swh:1: dir: 0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;lines=12",
-        # other whitespaces
-        "swh\t:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;lines=12",
-        "swh:1\n:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;lines=12",
-        "swh:1:\rdir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;lines=12",
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d\f;lines=12",
-        "swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;lines=12\v",
-    ],
-def test_parse_swhid_parsing_error(invalid_swhid):
-    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
-        identifiers.parse_swhid(invalid_swhid)
-    "ns,version,type,id",
-    [
-        ("foo", 1, CONTENT, "abc8bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",),
-        ("swh", 2, DIRECTORY, "def8bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",),
-        ("swh", 1, "foo", "fed8bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505",),
-        ("swh", 1, SNAPSHOT, "gh6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d",),
-    ],
-def test_SWHID_class_validation_error(ns, version, type, id):
-    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
-        SWHID(
-            namespace=ns, scheme_version=version, object_type=type, object_id=id,
-        )
-def test_SWHID_hash():
-    object_id = "94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2"
-    assert hash(SWHID(object_type="directory", object_id=object_id)) == hash(
-        SWHID(object_type="directory", object_id=object_id)
-    )
-    assert hash(
-        SWHID(object_type="directory", object_id=object_id, metadata=dummy_qualifiers,)
-    ) == hash(
-        SWHID(object_type="directory", object_id=object_id, metadata=dummy_qualifiers,)
-    )
-    # Different order of the dictionary, so the underlying order of the tuple in
-    # ImmutableDict is different.
-    assert hash(
-        SWHID(
-            object_type="directory",
-            object_id=object_id,
-            metadata={"origin": "", "lines": "42"},
-        )
-    ) == hash(
-        SWHID(
-            object_type="directory",
-            object_id=object_id,
-            metadata={"lines": "42", "origin": ""},
-        )
-    )
-def test_SWHID_eq():
-    object_id = "94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2"
-    assert SWHID(object_type="directory", object_id=object_id) == SWHID(
-        object_type="directory", object_id=object_id
-    )
-    assert SWHID(
-        object_type="directory", object_id=object_id, metadata=dummy_qualifiers,
-    ) == SWHID(object_type="directory", object_id=object_id, metadata=dummy_qualifiers,)
-    assert SWHID(
-        object_type="directory", object_id=object_id, metadata=dummy_qualifiers,
-    ) == SWHID(object_type="directory", object_id=object_id, metadata=dummy_qualifiers,)
 # SWHIDs that are outright invalid, no matter the context