diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 57bd8fd2478a1252a74de317646c6ef33111c549..5191be0a88fe7eadee7c53647f5851b1573149fd 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.0
 Name: swh.model
-Version: 0.0.10
+Version: 0.0.11
 Summary: Software Heritage data model
 Home-page: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/DMOD/
 Author: Software Heritage developers
diff --git a/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 57bd8fd2478a1252a74de317646c6ef33111c549..5191be0a88fe7eadee7c53647f5851b1573149fd 100644
--- a/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.0
 Name: swh.model
-Version: 0.0.10
+Version: 0.0.11
 Summary: Software Heritage data model
 Home-page: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/DMOD/
 Author: Software Heritage developers
diff --git a/swh/model/git.py b/swh/model/git.py
index 9094f3bcf6a782b0e4a1f55e0047d051a9b2c07a..6cc7019a730c03938223bb8c3b37e6c2c36f6da8 100644
--- a/swh/model/git.py
+++ b/swh/model/git.py
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(rootdir,
     """(Deprecated) TODO migrate the code to
-    walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory_2.
+    compute_hashes_from_directory.
     Compute git sha1 from directory rootdir.
@@ -420,9 +420,9 @@ def walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(rootdir,
     return ls_hashes
-def walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory_2(rootdir,
-                                           dir_ok_fn=default_validation_dir,
-                                           remove_empty_folder=False):
+def compute_hashes_from_directory(rootdir,
+                                  dir_ok_fn=default_validation_dir,
+                                  remove_empty_folder=False):
     """Compute git sha1 from directory rootdir.
@@ -530,240 +530,29 @@ def walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory_2(rootdir,
     return ls_hashes
-def recompute_sha1_in_memory(root, deeper_rootdir, objects):
-    """TODO: Use git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory_2
-    Recompute git sha1 from directory deeper_rootdir to root.
-    This function relies exclusively on `objects` for hashes.  It
-    expects the deeper_rootdir and every key below that path to be
-    already updated.
-    Args:
-      - root: Upper root directory (so same as
-        objects[ROOT_TREE_KEY][0]['path'])
-        - deeper_rootdir: Upper root directory from which the git hash
-          computation has alredy been updated.
-        - objects: objects dictionary as per returned by
-        `walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory`
-    Returns:
-        Dictionary of entries with keys <path-name> and as values a list of
-        directory entries.
-        Those are list of dictionary with keys:
-          - 'perms'
-          - 'type'
-          - 'name'
-          - 'sha1_git'
-          - and specifically content: 'sha1', 'sha256', ...
-    Note:
-        One special key is ROOT_TREE_KEY to indicate the upper root of the
-        directory (this is the revision's target directory).
-    Raises:
-        Nothing
-        If something is raised, this is a programmatic error.
-    """
-    # list of paths to update from bottom to top
-    upper_root = os.path.dirname(root)
-    rootdir = os.path.dirname(deeper_rootdir)
-    while rootdir != upper_root:
-        files = objects[rootdir]
-        ls_hashes = []
-        for hashfile in files:
-            fulldirname = hashfile['path']
-            if hashfile['type'] == GitType.TREE:
-                tree_hash = compute_tree_metadata(fulldirname, objects)
-                ls_hashes.append(tree_hash)
-            else:
-                ls_hashes.append(hashfile)
-            objects[rootdir] = ls_hashes
-        parent = os.path.dirname(rootdir)
-        rootdir = parent
-    # update root
-    root_tree_hash = compute_directory_git_sha1(root, objects)
-    objects[ROOT_TREE_KEY][0]['sha1_git'] = root_tree_hash
-    return objects
-def commonpath(paths):
-    """Given a sequence of path names, returns the longest common sub-path.
-    Copied from Python3.5
-    """
-    if not paths:
-        raise ValueError('commonpath() arg is an empty sequence')
-    if isinstance(paths[0], bytes):
-        sep = b'/'
-        curdir = b'.'
-    else:
-        sep = '/'
-        curdir = '.'
-    try:
-        split_paths = [path.split(sep) for path in paths]
-        try:
-            isabs, = set(p[:1] == sep for p in paths)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ValueError("Can't mix absolute and relative paths")
-        split_paths = [
-            [c for c in s if c and c != curdir] for s in split_paths]
-        s1 = min(split_paths)
-        s2 = max(split_paths)
-        common = s1
-        for i, c in enumerate(s1):
-            if c != s2[i]:
-                common = s1[:i]
-                break
-        prefix = sep if isabs else sep[:0]
-        return prefix + sep.join(common)
-    except (TypeError, AttributeError):
-        raise
-def __remove_paths_from_objects(objects, rootpaths,
-                                dir_ok_fn=default_validation_dir):
-    """Given top paths to remove, remove all paths and descendants from
-    objects.
+def children_hashes(children, objects):
+    """Given a collection of children path, yield the corresponding
+    hashes.
-        objects: The dictionary of paths to clean up.
-        rootpaths: The rootpaths to remove from objects.
-        - dir_ok_fn: Validation function on folder/file names.
-        Default to accept all.
-    Returns:
-        Objects dictionary without the rootpaths and their descendants.
-    """
-    dirpaths_to_clean = set()
-    for path in rootpaths:
-        path_list = objects.pop(path, None)
-        if path_list:  # need to remove the children directories too
-            for child in path_list:
-                if child['type'] == GitType.TREE:
-                    dirpaths_to_clean.add(child['path'])
-        parent = os.path.dirname(path)
-        # Is the parent still ok? (e.g. not an empty dir for example)
-        parent_check = dir_ok_fn(parent)
-        if not parent_check and parent not in dirpaths_to_clean:
-            dirpaths_to_clean.add(parent)
-        else:
-            # we need to pop the reference to path in the parent list
-            if objects.get(parent):
-                objects[parent] = filter(
-                    lambda p: p != path,
-                    objects.get(parent, []))
-    if dirpaths_to_clean:
-        objects = __remove_paths_from_objects(objects,
-                                              dirpaths_to_clean,
-                                              dir_ok_fn)
-    return objects
-def update_checksums_from(changed_paths, objects,
-                          dir_ok_fn=default_validation_dir,
-                          remove_empty_folder=False):
-    """Given a list of changed paths, recompute the checksums only where
-    needed.
+        objects: objects hash as returned by git.compute_hashes_from_directory.
+        children: collection of bytes path
-    Args:
-        changed_paths: Dictionary list representing path changes.
-        A dictionary has the form:
-        - path: the full path to the file Added, Modified or Deleted
-        - action: A, M or D
-        objects: dictionary returned by `walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory`.
-        - dir_ok_fn: Validation function on folder/file names.
-        Default to accept all.
-    Returns:
-        Dictionary returned by `walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory`
-        updated (mutated) according to latest filesystem modifications.
+    Yields:
+        Dictionary hashes
-    root = objects[ROOT_TREE_KEY][0]['path']
-    if root.endswith(b'/'):
-        root = root.rstrip(b'/')
-    paths = set()            # contain the list of impacted paths (A, D, M)
-    paths_to_remove = set()  # will contain the list of deletion paths (only D)
-    # a first round-trip to ensure we don't need to...
-    for changed_path in changed_paths:
-        path = changed_path['path']
-        parent = os.path.dirname(path)
-        if parent == root:  # ... recompute everything anyway
-            return walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-                root,
-                dir_ok_fn=dir_ok_fn,
-                remove_empty_folder=remove_empty_folder)
-        if changed_path['action'] == 'D':  # (D)elete
-            paths_to_remove.add(path)
-        paths.add(parent)
-    # no modification on paths (paths also contain deletion paths if any)
-    if not paths:
-        return objects
-    rootdir = commonpath(list(paths))
-    if paths_to_remove:
-        # Now we can remove the deleted directories from objects dictionary
-        objects = __remove_paths_from_objects(objects,
-                                              paths_to_remove,
-                                              dir_ok_fn)
-    # Recompute from disk the checksums from impacted common ancestor
-    # rootdir changes.
-    while not objects.get(rootdir, None):
-        # it could happened that the path is not found.
-        # In the case of an ignored folder for example.
-        # So we'll find the next existing parent
-        rootdir = os.path.dirname(rootdir)
-        if rootdir == root:     # fallback, if we hit root, walk
-                                # everything anyway
-            return walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-                root,
-                dir_ok_fn=dir_ok_fn,
-                remove_empty_folder=remove_empty_folder)
-    hashes = walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-        rootdir,
-        dir_ok_fn=dir_ok_fn,
-        with_root_tree=False,
-        remove_empty_folder=remove_empty_folder)
-    # Then update the original objects with new
-    # checksums for the arborescence tree below rootdir
-    objects.update(hashes)
-    # Recompute hashes in memory from rootdir to root
-    return recompute_sha1_in_memory(root, rootdir, objects)
+    for p in children:
+        c = objects.get(p)
+        if c:
+            h = c.get('checksums')
+            if h:
+                yield h
 def objects_per_type(filter_type, objects_per_path):
     """Given an object dictionary returned by
-    `swh.model.git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory_2`, yields
+    `swh.model.git.compute_hashes_from_directory`, yields
     corresponding element type's hashes
@@ -774,21 +563,13 @@ def objects_per_type(filter_type, objects_per_path):
         Elements of type filter_type's hashes
-    def __children_hash(objects, children):
-        for p in children:
-            c = objects.get(p, None)
-            if c:
-                h = c.get('checksums', None)
-                if h:
-                    yield h
     for path, obj in objects_per_path.items():
         o = obj['checksums']
         if o['type'] == filter_type:
             if 'children' in obj:  # for trees
                 if obj['children']:
-                    o['children'] = __children_hash(objects_per_path,
-                                                    obj['children'])
+                    o['children'] = children_hashes(obj['children'],
+                                                    objects_per_path)
                     o['children'] = []
             yield o
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/test_git.py b/swh/model/tests/test_git.py
index 4d1470d8683cd71afd5056ec16b5c2591335e701..10003e13eedc09e8340447da899a01ca291a5bf8 100644
--- a/swh/model/tests/test_git.py
+++ b/swh/model/tests/test_git.py
@@ -243,486 +243,3 @@ class GitHashFromScratch(GitHashWalkArborescenceTree):
         # should give us the same checksums as the second round
         self.assertEquals(actual_hashes, expected_hashes)
-class GitHashUpdate(GitHashWalkArborescenceTree):
-    """Test `walk and git hash only on modified fs` functions.
-    """
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_from_add_new_file(self):
-        # make a temporary arborescence tree to hash without ignoring anything
-        # update the disk in some way (add a new file)
-        # update the actual git checksums from the deeper tree modified
-        # when
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # update the existing file
-        changed_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                    b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/new')
-        with open(changed_path, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # walk1 (this will be our expectation)
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'A'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(expected_dict, actual_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_from_add_new_file_with_validation(self):
-        # make a temporary arborescence tree to hash without ignoring anything
-        # update the disk in some way (add a new file)
-        # update the actual git checksums from the deeper tree modified
-        # + Add some validation on some file to ignore
-        def dir_ok_fn(dirpath):
-            return b'empty-folder' not in dirpath
-        # when
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path, dir_ok_fn=dir_ok_fn)
-        # update the existing file
-        changed_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                    b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/new')
-        with open(changed_path, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # walk1 (this will be our expectation)
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path, dir_ok_fn=dir_ok_fn)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'A'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(expected_dict, actual_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_from_add_new_file_remove_empty_folder(self):
-        # make a temporary arborescence tree to hash without ignoring anything
-        # update the disk in some way (add a new file)
-        # update the actual git checksums from the deeper tree modified
-        # + Add some validation on some file to ignore
-        # when
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path, remove_empty_folder=True)
-        # update the existing file
-        changed_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                    b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/new')
-        with open(changed_path, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # walk1 (this will be our expectation)
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path, remove_empty_folder=True)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'A'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(expected_dict, actual_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_new_file_with_validation_and_ignore_empty_dir(self):
-        # make a temporary arborescence tree to hash without ignoring anything
-        # update the disk in some way (add a new file)
-        # update the actual git checksums from the deeper tree modified
-        # + Add some validation on some file to ignore
-        # + ignore empty folder
-        def dir_ok_fn(dirpath):
-            return b'some-binary' not in dirpath
-        # when
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path, dir_ok_fn=dir_ok_fn, remove_empty_folder=True)
-        # update the existing file
-        changed_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                    b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/new')
-        with open(changed_path, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # walk1 (this will be our expectation)
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path, dir_ok_fn=dir_ok_fn, remove_empty_folder=True)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'A'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(expected_dict, actual_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_from_modify_existing_file(self):
-        # make a temporary arborescence tree to hash without ignoring anything
-        # update the disk in some way ()
-        # update the actual git checksums where only the modification is needed
-        # when
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # update existing file
-        changed_path = os.path.join(
-            self.tmp_root_path,
-            b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/another-quote.org')
-        with open(changed_path, 'wb+') as f:
-            f.write(b'I have a dream')
-        # walk1 (this will be our expectation)
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'M'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(expected_dict, actual_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_no_change(self):
-        # when
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # nothing changes on disk
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from([], expected_dict)
-        self.assertEquals(actual_dict, expected_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_delete_existing_file(self):
-        # make a temporary arborescence tree to hash without ignoring anything
-        # update the disk in some way (delete a file)
-        # update the actual git checksums from the deeper tree modified
-        # when
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # Remove folder
-        changed_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                    b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo')
-        shutil.rmtree(changed_path)
-        # Actually walking the fs will be the resulting expectation
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'D'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(actual_dict, expected_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_from_multiple_fs_modifications(self):
-        # make a temporary arborescence tree to hash without ignoring anything
-        # update the disk in some way (modify a file, add a new, delete one)
-        # update the actual git checksums from the deeper tree modified
-        # when
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # Actions on disk (imagine a checkout of some form)
-        # 1. Create a new file
-        changed_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                    b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/new')
-        with open(changed_path, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # 2. update the existing file
-        changed_path1 = os.path.join(
-            self.tmp_root_path,
-            b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/another-quote.org')
-        with open(changed_path1, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # 3. Remove some folder
-        changed_path2 = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                     b'sample-folder/foo')
-        shutil.rmtree(changed_path2)
-        # Actually walking the fs will be the resulting expectation
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'A'},
-             {'path': changed_path1, 'action': 'M'},
-             {'path': changed_path2, 'action': 'D'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(expected_dict, actual_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_from_common_ancestor(self):
-        # when
-        # Add some new arborescence below a folder destined to be removed
-        # want to check that old keys does not remain
-        future_folder_to_remove = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                               b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo')
-        # add .../barfoo/hello/world under (.../barfoo which will be destroyed)
-        new_folder = os.path.join(future_folder_to_remove, b'hello')
-        os.makedirs(new_folder, exist_ok=True)
-        with open(os.path.join(future_folder_to_remove, b'world'), 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b"i'm sad 'cause i'm destined to be removed...")
-        # now we scan the disk
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        assert objects[future_folder_to_remove]
-        # Actions on disk (to simulate a checkout of some sort)
-        # 1. Create a new file
-        changed_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                    b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/new')
-        with open(changed_path, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # 2. update the existing file
-        changed_path1 = os.path.join(
-            self.tmp_root_path,
-            b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/another-quote.org')
-        with open(changed_path1, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # 3. Remove folder
-        shutil.rmtree(future_folder_to_remove)
-        # Actually walking the fs will be the resulting expectation
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'A'},
-             {'path': changed_path1, 'action': 'M'},
-             {'path': future_folder_to_remove, 'action': 'D'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(expected_dict, actual_dict)
-    @istest
-    def update_checksums_detects_recomputation_from_all_is_needed(self):
-        # when
-        objects = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # Actions on disk (imagine a checkout of some form)
-        # 1. Create a new file
-        changed_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                    b'new-file-at-root')
-        with open(changed_path, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # 2. update the existing file
-        changed_path1 = os.path.join(
-            self.tmp_root_path,
-            b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo/another-quote.org')
-        with open(changed_path1, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(b'new line')
-        # 3. Remove some folder
-        changed_path2 = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                     b'sample-folder/foo')
-        # 3. Remove some folder
-        changed_path2 = os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path,
-                                     b'sample-folder/bar/barfoo')
-        shutil.rmtree(changed_path2)
-        # Actually walking the fs will be the resulting expectation
-        expected_dict = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path)
-        # then
-        actual_dict = git.update_checksums_from(
-            [{'path': changed_path, 'action': 'A'},
-             {'path': changed_path1, 'action': 'M'},
-             {'path': changed_path2, 'action': 'D'}],
-            objects)
-        self.assertEquals(expected_dict, actual_dict)
-    @istest
-    def commonpath(self):
-        paths = ['r/0/h',
-                 'r/1/d', 'r/1/i/a', 'r/1/i/b', 'r/1/i/c',
-                 'r/2/e', 'r/2/f', 'r/2/g']
-        self.assertEquals(git.commonpath(paths), 'r')
-        paths = ['r/1/d', 'r/1/i/a', 'r/1/i/b', 'r/1/i/c']
-        self.assertEquals(git.commonpath(paths), 'r/1')
-        paths = ['/a/r/2/g', '/a/r/1/i/c', '/a/r/0/h']
-        self.assertEquals(git.commonpath(paths), '/a/r')
-        paths = [b'/a/r/2/g', b'/b/r/1/i/c', b'/c/r/0/h']
-        self.assertEquals(git.commonpath(paths), b'/')
-        paths = ['a/z', 'a/z', 'a/z']
-        self.assertEquals(git.commonpath(paths), 'a/z')
-        paths = ['0']
-        self.assertEquals(git.commonpath(paths), '0')
-def untar(archive, dest):
-    # cleanup
-    shutil.rmtree(dest)
-    os.mkdir(dest)
-    # untar
-    cmd = [b'tar', b'xf', archive, b'-C', dest]
-    subprocess.check_output(cmd)
-def ignore_svn_folder(dirpath):
-    return b'.svn' not in dirpath
-class GitHashUpdateRealUseCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test `walk and git hash only on modified fs` functions.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tmp_root_path = tempfile.mkdtemp().encode('utf-8')
-        archives_folder = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(__file__).encode('utf-8'),
-            b'../../../..',
-            b'swh-storage-testdata',
-            b'svn-folders')
-        self.pkg_doc_linux_r10 = os.path.join(archives_folder,
-                                              b'pkg-doc-linux-r10.tgz')
-        self.pkg_doc_linux_r11 = os.path.join(archives_folder,
-                                              b'pkg-doc-linux-r11.tgz')
-        self.pkg_doc_linux_r12 = os.path.join(archives_folder,
-                                              b'pkg-doc-linux-r12.tgz')
-    def tearDown(self):
-        if os.path.exists(self.tmp_root_path):
-            shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_root_path)
-    @istest
-    def use_case_1_r10_r11(self):
-        # given
-        # untar the svn revision 10
-        untar(self.pkg_doc_linux_r10, self.tmp_root_path)
-        objects_r10 = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path,
-            ignore_svn_folder)
-        # untar the svn revision 11
-        untar(self.pkg_doc_linux_r11, self.tmp_root_path)
-        objects_r11 = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path,
-            ignore_svn_folder)
-        assert objects_r10 != objects_r11
-        changes = [
-            {'action': 'D', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'copyrights/non-free/Kiosk')},         # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'copyrights/undistributable/Kiosk')},  # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'copyrights/undistributable')},        # noqa
-            {'action': 'D', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'copyrights/non-free/UPS')},           # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'copyrights/undistributable/UPS')}     # noqa
-        ]
-        # when
-        # update from objects from previous revision (r10) with
-        # actual changes from r10 to r11
-        actual_objects = git.update_checksums_from(changes,
-                                                   objects_r10,
-                                                   ignore_svn_folder)
-        # then
-        self.assertEquals(actual_objects, objects_r11)
-    @istest
-    def use_case_2_r11_r12(self):
-        # given
-        # untar the svn revision 11
-        untar(self.pkg_doc_linux_r11, self.tmp_root_path)
-        objects_r11 = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path,
-            ignore_svn_folder)
-        # untar the svn revision 12
-        untar(self.pkg_doc_linux_r12, self.tmp_root_path)
-        objects_r12 = git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(
-            self.tmp_root_path,
-            ignore_svn_folder)
-        assert objects_r11 != objects_r12
-        changes = [
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk')},                                                # noqa
-            {'action': 'D', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'copyrights')},                                           # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/copyright.head')},                # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/split-package')},                 # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-base.faq')},                  # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/make-copyright')},                # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-html.menu')},           # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/redirect.patch')},                # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-html.overrides')},      # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-html.prerm')},          # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/README.updating')},               # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-html.preinst')},        # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-html.dirs')},           # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/changelog')},                     # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian')},                               # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-text.README.Debian')},  # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/html2docs')},                     # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/rules')},                         # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-html.postrm')},         # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux')},                                      # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/make-omf')},                      # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-text.preinst')},        # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-html.postinst')},       # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/copyrights')},                    # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/control')},                       # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-text.dirs')},           # noqa
-            {'action': 'A', 'path': os.path.join(self.tmp_root_path, b'trunk/doc-linux/debian/doc-linux-html.README.Debian')}   # noqa
-        ]
-        # when
-        # update from objects from previous revision (r11) with
-        # actual changes from r11 to r12
-        actual_objects = git.update_checksums_from(changes,
-                                                   objects_r11,
-                                                   ignore_svn_folder)
-        # then
-        self.assertEquals(actual_objects, objects_r12)
diff --git a/version.txt b/version.txt
index 955f4b2ceeab36840110fa2a68e0a086bf24d6a8..b55894be76b06eb716b6e0add707caef39310233 100644
--- a/version.txt
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file