diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index b07e4b866fcb26f1f4f87d4f7060e879115afe6b..3a4aa502b5df44a95859cac637ecbcecec8ce45b 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: swh.model
-Version: 0.0.28
+Version: 0.0.29
 Summary: Software Heritage data model
 Home-page: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/DMOD/
 Author: Software Heritage developers
diff --git a/docs/persistent-identifiers.rst b/docs/persistent-identifiers.rst
index 89b0365d264e70700cbb8298aee0b8b9942b28cb..a588e9debf6363c4278f99fad71e48cd198a2562 100644
--- a/docs/persistent-identifiers.rst
+++ b/docs/persistent-identifiers.rst
@@ -225,3 +225,15 @@ Examples:
 Note that resolution via Identifiers.org does not support contextual
 information, due to `syntactic incompatibilities
+* Roberto Di Cosmo, Morane Gruenpeter, Stefano Zacchiroli. `Identifiers for
+  Digital Objects: the Case of Software Source Code Preservation
+  <https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01865790v4>`_. In Proceedings of `iPRES
+  2018 <https://ipres2018.org/>`_: 15th International Conference on Digital
+  Preservation, Boston, MA, USA, September 2018, 9 pages.
diff --git a/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index b07e4b866fcb26f1f4f87d4f7060e879115afe6b..3a4aa502b5df44a95859cac637ecbcecec8ce45b 100644
--- a/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: swh.model
-Version: 0.0.28
+Version: 0.0.29
 Summary: Software Heritage data model
 Home-page: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/DMOD/
 Author: Software Heritage developers
diff --git a/swh.model.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/swh.model.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 81e3d7dfcf82c118bb475c93c2fbef1a95c992d4..8fa4241d3cf11fc0f760e280dee51bf158b4d001 100644
--- a/swh.model.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/swh.model.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ version.txt
diff --git a/swh/model/hashutil.py b/swh/model/hashutil.py
index e58f6870fc121ddd674253a918c8849de822589f..de85857e1294bb82a1e851966878d6887a4b9c7b 100644
--- a/swh/model/hashutil.py
+++ b/swh/model/hashutil.py
@@ -48,21 +48,6 @@ Basic usage examples:
      hashes = h.hexdigest()  # returns a dict of {hash_algo_name: hash_in_hex}
-  Note: Prior to this, we would have to use chunk_cb (cf. hash_file,
-        hash_path)
-This module also defines the following (deprecated) hashing functions:
-- hash_file: Hash the contents of the given file object with the given
-  algorithms (defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none provided).
-- hash_data: Hash the given binary blob with the given algorithms
-  (defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none provided).
-- hash_path: Hash the contents of the file at the given path with the
-  given algorithms (defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none
-  provided).
@@ -290,84 +275,6 @@ def _new_hash(algo, length=None):
     return _new_hashlib_hash(algo)
-def hash_file(fobj, length=None, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS,
-              chunk_cb=None):
-    """(Deprecated) cf. MultiHash.from_file
-    Hash the contents of the given file object with the given algorithms.
-    Args:
-        fobj: a file-like object
-        length (int): the length of the contents of the file-like
-                      object (for the git-specific algorithms)
-        algorithms (set): the hashing algorithms to be used, as an
-                          iterable over strings
-        chunk_cb (fun): a callback function taking a chunk of data as
-                        parameter
-    Returns:
-        a dict mapping each algorithm to a digest (bytes by default).
-    Raises:
-        ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
-    """
-    h = MultiHash(algorithms, length)
-    while True:
-        chunk = fobj.read(HASH_BLOCK_SIZE)
-        if not chunk:
-            break
-        h.update(chunk)
-        if chunk_cb:
-            chunk_cb(chunk)
-    return h.digest()
-def hash_path(path, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, chunk_cb=None):
-    """(deprecated) cf. MultiHash.from_path
-    Hash the contents of the file at the given path with the given
-    algorithms.
-    Args:
-        path (str): the path of the file to hash
-        algorithms (set): the hashing algorithms used
-        chunk_cb (fun): a callback function taking a chunk of data as parameter
-    Returns: a dict mapping each algorithm to a bytes digest.
-    Raises:
-        ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
-        OSError on file access error
-    """
-    length = os.path.getsize(path)
-    with open(path, 'rb') as fobj:
-        hashes = hash_file(fobj, length, algorithms, chunk_cb=chunk_cb)
-    hashes['length'] = length
-    return hashes
-def hash_data(data, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS):
-    """(deprecated) cf. MultiHash.from_data
-    Hash the given binary blob with the given algorithms.
-    Args:
-        data (bytes): raw content to hash
-        algorithms (set): the hashing algorithms used
-    Returns: a dict mapping each algorithm to a bytes digest
-    Raises:
-        TypeError if data does not support the buffer interface.
-        ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
-    """
-    return MultiHash.from_data(data, hash_names=algorithms).digest()
 def hash_git_data(data, git_type, base_algo='sha1'):
     """Hash the given data as a git object of type git_type.
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/test_hashutil.py b/swh/model/tests/test_hashutil.py
index 0e41068900686474db83d82ddfc7b9e54c60f36d..abdff979f5d01b80615f79da6cf986001dc11cb0 100644
--- a/swh/model/tests/test_hashutil.py
+++ b/swh/model/tests/test_hashutil.py
@@ -111,27 +111,6 @@ class MultiHashTest(BaseHashutil):
 class Hashutil(BaseHashutil):
-    def test_hash_data(self):
-        checksums = hashutil.hash_data(self.data)
-        self.assertEqual(checksums, self.checksums)
-        self.assertFalse('length' in checksums)
-    def test_hash_data_with_length(self):
-        expected_checksums = self.checksums.copy()
-        expected_checksums['length'] = len(self.data)
-        algos = set(['length']).union(hashutil.DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)
-        checksums = hashutil.hash_data(self.data, algorithms=algos)
-        self.assertEqual(checksums, expected_checksums)
-        self.assertTrue('length' in checksums)
-    def test_hash_data_unknown_hash(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
-            hashutil.hash_data(self.data, ['unknown-hash'])
-        self.assertIn('Unexpected hashing algorithm', cm.exception.args[0])
-        self.assertIn('unknown-hash', cm.exception.args[0])
     def test_hash_git_data(self):
         checksums = {
@@ -148,30 +127,6 @@ class Hashutil(BaseHashutil):
         self.assertIn('Unexpected git object type', cm.exception.args[0])
         self.assertIn('unknown-git-type', cm.exception.args[0])
-    def test_hash_file(self):
-        fobj = io.BytesIO(self.data)
-        checksums = hashutil.hash_file(fobj, length=len(self.data))
-        self.assertEqual(checksums, self.checksums)
-    def test_hash_file_missing_length(self):
-        fobj = io.BytesIO(self.data)
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
-            hashutil.hash_file(fobj, algorithms=['sha1_git'])
-        self.assertIn('Missing length', cm.exception.args[0])
-    def test_hash_path(self):
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
-            f.write(self.data)
-        hashes = hashutil.hash_path(f.name)
-        os.remove(f.name)
-        self.checksums['length'] = len(self.data)
-        self.assertEqual(self.checksums, hashes)
     def test_hash_to_hex(self):
         for type in self.checksums:
             hex = self.hex_checksums[type]
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/test_identifiers.py b/swh/model/tests/test_identifiers.py
index de96865e3bb816a396ca50bd7edf9d3065f3d031..1492b87ed0c23b505df2988c7913caec32912f88 100644
--- a/swh/model/tests/test_identifiers.py
+++ b/swh/model/tests/test_identifiers.py
@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ class ContentIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
-        self.content_id = hashutil.hash_data(self.content['data'])
+        self.content_id = hashutil.MultiHash.from_data(
+            self.content['data']).digest()
     def test_content_identifier(self):
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/test_validators.py b/swh/model/tests/test_validators.py
index 8c8512e9cc6978e577d9e774be578244eacf21ac..691c579e4704e96733ecebba027411b1453f7eda 100644
--- a/swh/model/tests/test_validators.py
+++ b/swh/model/tests/test_validators.py
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ import unittest
 from swh.model import exceptions, hashutil, validators
+def hash_data(raw_content):
+    return hashutil.MultiHash.from_data(raw_content).digest()
 class TestValidators(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.valid_visible_content = {
@@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ class TestValidators(unittest.TestCase):
-            hashutil.hash_data(self.valid_visible_content['data']))
+            hash_data(self.valid_visible_content['data']))
         self.valid_absent_content = {
             'status': 'absent',
@@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ class TestValidators(unittest.TestCase):
         self.invalid_content_hash_mismatch = self.valid_visible_content.copy()
-            hashutil.hash_data(b"this is not the data you're looking for"))
+            hash_data(b"this is not the data you're looking for"))
     def test_validate_content(self):
diff --git a/version.txt b/version.txt
index b5af97970e87e33ff6a989b707c5e85141bd4e58..8eba90c0f40bfe79683d690c0c710ce0a28a889d 100644
--- a/version.txt
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file