diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index b2ef8133528bcc8e62d761a1c4bcdd2d05f493b0..f131e26ae3d7aedd856580e86947e7649f822121 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.0
 Name: swh.model
-Version: 0.0.24
+Version: 0.0.25
 Summary: Software Heritage data model
 Home-page: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/DMOD/
 Author: Software Heritage developers
diff --git a/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index b2ef8133528bcc8e62d761a1c4bcdd2d05f493b0..f131e26ae3d7aedd856580e86947e7649f822121 100644
--- a/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/swh.model.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.0
 Name: swh.model
-Version: 0.0.24
+Version: 0.0.25
 Summary: Software Heritage data model
 Home-page: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/DMOD/
 Author: Software Heritage developers
diff --git a/swh/model/identifiers.py b/swh/model/identifiers.py
index 00471f354424c34584d234c1be756f0d71e6a203..f775426d7216706b0e561e799f1c00d8cfbc2af2 100644
--- a/swh/model/identifiers.py
+++ b/swh/model/identifiers.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 import binascii
 import datetime
+from collections import namedtuple
 from functools import lru_cache
 from .exceptions import ValidationError
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ def identifier_to_str(identifier):
         The length 40 string corresponding to the given identifier, hex encoded
-        ValueError if the identifier is of an unexpected type or length.
+        ValueError: if the identifier is of an unexpected type or length.
     if isinstance(identifier, str):
@@ -596,71 +598,121 @@ def snapshot_identifier(snapshot, *, ignore_unresolved=False):
     return identifier_to_str(hash_git_data(b''.join(lines), 'snapshot'))
-def persistent_identifier(type, object, version=1):
-    """Compute persistent identifier (stable over time) as per
-       documentation.
-    Documentation:
-        https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html  # noqa
+_object_type_map = {
+    SNAPSHOT: {
+        'short_name': 'snp',
+        'key_id': 'id'
+    },
+    RELEASE: {
+        'short_name': 'rel',
+        'key_id': 'id'
+    },
+    REVISION: {
+        'short_name': 'rev',
+        'key_id': 'id'
+    },
+        'short_name': 'dir',
+        'key_id': 'id'
+    },
+    CONTENT: {
+        'short_name': 'cnt',
+        'key_id': 'sha1_git'
+    }
-    Args:
-        type (str): Object's type
-        object (dict/bytes/str): Object's dict representation or object
-                                 identifier
-        version (int): persistent identifier version (default to 1)
+PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER_TYPES = ['snp', 'rel', 'rev', 'dir', 'cnt']
-    Raises:
-        ValidationError (class) in case of:
+    'namespace', 'scheme_version', 'object_type', 'object_id', 'metadata']
-            invalid type
-            invalid hash object
-    Returns:
-        Persistent identifier as string.
+class PersistentId(namedtuple('PersistentId', PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER_KEYS)):
-    _map = {
-        SNAPSHOT: {
-            'short_name': 'snp',
-            'key_id': 'id'
-        },
-        RELEASE: {
-            'short_name': 'rel',
-            'key_id': 'id'
-        },
-        REVISION: {
-            'short_name': 'rev',
-            'key_id': 'id'
-        },
-        DIRECTORY: {
-            'short_name': 'dir',
-            'key_id': 'id'
-        },
-        CONTENT: {
-            'short_name': 'cnt',
-            'key_id': 'sha1_git'
-        },
-    }
-    o = _map.get(type)
-    if not o:
-        raise ValidationError('Wrong input: Supported types are %s' % (
-            list(_map.keys())))
+    Named tuple holding the relevant info associated to a Software Heritage
+    persistent identifier.
-    if isinstance(object, dict):  # internal swh representation resolution
-        _hash = object[o['key_id']]
-    else:  # client passed direct identifier (bytes/str)
-        _hash = object
-    validate_sha1(_hash)  # can raise if invalid hash
-    _hash = hash_to_hex(_hash)
-    return 'swh:%s:%s:%s' % (version, o['short_name'], _hash)
+    Args:
+        namespace (str): the namespace of the identifier, defaults to 'swh'
+        scheme_version (int): the scheme version of the identifier,
+            defaults to 1
+        object_type (str): the type of object the identifier points to,
+            either 'content', 'directory', 'release', 'revision' or 'snapshot'
+        object_id (dict/bytes/str): object's dict representation or
+            object identifier
+        metadata (dict): optional dict filled with metadata related to
+            pointed object
+    Raises:
+        swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
+    Once created, it contains the following attributes:
+    Attributes:
+        namespace (str): the namespace of the identifier
+        scheme_version (int): the scheme version of the identifier
+        object_type (str): the type of object the identifier points to
+        object_id (str): hexadecimal representation of the object hash
+        metadata (dict): metadata related to the pointed object
+    To get the raw persistent identifier string from an instance of
+    this named tuple, use the :func:`str` function::
+        pid = PersistentId(object_type='content', object_id='8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0')
+        pid_str = str(pid) # 'swh:1:cnt:8ff44f081d43176474b267de5451f2c2e88089d0'
+    """ # noqa
+    __slots__ = ()
+    def __new__(cls, namespace='swh', scheme_version=1,
+                object_type='', object_id='', metadata={}):
+        o = _object_type_map.get(object_type)
+        if not o:
+            raise ValidationError('Wrong input: Supported types are %s' % (
+                list(_object_type_map.keys())))
+        # internal swh representation resolution
+        if isinstance(object_id, dict):
+            object_id = object_id[o['key_id']]
+        validate_sha1(object_id)  # can raise if invalid hash
+        object_id = hash_to_hex(object_id)
+        return super(cls, PersistentId).__new__(
+            cls, namespace, scheme_version, object_type, object_id, metadata)
+    def __str__(self):
+        o = _object_type_map.get(self.object_type)
+        pid = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (self.namespace, self.scheme_version,
+                               o['short_name'], self.object_id)
+        if self.metadata:
+            for k, v in self.metadata.items():
+                pid += '%s%s=%s' % (PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER_PARTS_SEP, k, v)
+        return pid
+def persistent_identifier(object_type, object_id, scheme_version=1):
+    """Compute persistent identifier (stable over time) as per
+       documentation.
-PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER_TYPES = ['snp', 'rel', 'rev', 'dir', 'cnt']
+    Documentation:
+        https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html
-    'namespace', 'scheme_version', 'object_type', 'object_id', 'metadata']
+    Args:
+        object_type (str): object's type, either 'content', 'directory', 'release',
+            'revision' or 'snapshot'
+        object_id (dict/bytes/str): object's dict representation or object
+            identifier
+        scheme_version (int): persistent identifier scheme version, defaults to 1
+    Raises:
+        swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: In case of invalid object type or id
+    Returns:
+        str: the persistent identifier
+    """ # noqa
+    pid = PersistentId(scheme_version=scheme_version, object_type=object_type,
+                       object_id=object_id)
+    return str(pid)
 def parse_persistent_identifier(persistent_id):
@@ -670,23 +722,17 @@ def parse_persistent_identifier(persistent_id):
         persistent_id (str): A persistent identifier
-        ValidationError (class) in case of:
+        swh.model.exceptions.ValidationError: in case of:
-            missing mandatory values (4)
-            invalid namespace supplied
-            invalid version supplied
-            invalid type supplied
-            missing hash
-            invalid hash identifier supplied
+            * missing mandatory values (4)
+            * invalid namespace supplied
+            * invalid version supplied
+            * invalid type supplied
+            * missing hash
+            * invalid hash identifier supplied
-        dict: dict with keys :
-            * namespace, holding str value
-            * scheme_version, holding str value
-            * object_type, holding str value
-            * object_id, holding str value
-            * metadata, holding dict value
+        PersistentId: a named tuple holding the parsing result
     # <pid>;<contextual-information>
@@ -695,7 +741,7 @@ def parse_persistent_identifier(persistent_id):
     if len(pid_data) != 4:
         raise ValidationError(
-            'Wrong format: There should be 4 mandatory parameters')
+            'Wrong format: There should be 4 mandatory values')
     # Checking for parsing errors
     _ns, _version, _type, _id = pid_data
@@ -707,12 +753,19 @@ def parse_persistent_identifier(persistent_id):
         raise ValidationError(
             'Wrong format: Supported version is 1')
+    pid_data[1] = int(pid_data[1])
     if _type not in expected_types:
         raise ValidationError(
             'Wrong format: Supported types are %s' % (
                 ', '.join(expected_types)))
+    for otype, data in _object_type_map.items():
+        if _type == data['short_name']:
+            pid_data[2] = otype
+            break
     if not _id:
         raise ValidationError(
             'Wrong format: Identifier should be present')
@@ -732,4 +785,4 @@ def parse_persistent_identifier(persistent_id):
             msg = 'Contextual data is badly formatted, form key=val expected'
             raise ValidationError(msg)
-    return dict(zip(PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER_KEYS, pid_data))
+    return PersistentId._make(pid_data)
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/test_identifiers.py b/swh/model/tests/test_identifiers.py
index 7daf8e40ac25b68d4cf05cb0ebc455e63bee26b2..01c1153c6ac40e689a71aa2432af13e5267e6c1d 100644
--- a/swh/model/tests/test_identifiers.py
+++ b/swh/model/tests/test_identifiers.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from swh.model import hashutil, identifiers
 from swh.model.exceptions import ValidationError
 from swh.model.identifiers import SNAPSHOT, RELEASE, REVISION, DIRECTORY
 from swh.model.identifiers import CONTENT, PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER_TYPES
+from swh.model.identifiers import PersistentId
 class UtilityFunctionsIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -831,58 +832,58 @@ class SnapshotIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_parse_persistent_identifier(self):
         for pid, _type, _version, _hash in [
-                ('swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2', 'cnt',
-                 '1', '94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2'),
-                ('swh:1:dir:d198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505', 'dir',
-                 '1', 'd198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505'),
-                ('swh:1:rev:309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d', 'rev',
-                 '1', '309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d'),
-                ('swh:1:rel:22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f', 'rel',
-                 '1', '22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f'),
-                ('swh:1:snp:c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453', 'snp',
-                 '1', 'c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453'),
+                ('swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2',
+                 CONTENT, 1, '94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2'),
+                ('swh:1:dir:d198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505',
+                 DIRECTORY, 1, 'd198bc9d7a6bcf6db04f476d29314f157507d505'),
+                ('swh:1:rev:309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d',
+                 REVISION, 1, '309cf2674ee7a0749978cf8265ab91a60aea0f7d'),
+                ('swh:1:rel:22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f',
+                 RELEASE, 1, '22ece559cc7cc2364edc5e5593d63ae8bd229f9f'),
+                ('swh:1:snp:c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453',
+                 SNAPSHOT, 1, 'c7c108084bc0bf3d81436bf980b46e98bd338453'),
-            expected_result = {
-                'namespace': 'swh',
-                'scheme_version': _version,
-                'object_type': _type,
-                'object_id': _hash,
-                'metadata': {}
-            }
+            expected_result = PersistentId(
+                namespace='swh',
+                scheme_version=_version,
+                object_type=_type,
+                object_id=_hash,
+                metadata={}
+            )
             actual_result = identifiers.parse_persistent_identifier(pid)
             self.assertEquals(actual_result, expected_result)
         for pid, _type, _version, _hash, _metadata in [
                 ('swh:1:cnt:9c95815d9e9d91b8dae8e05d8bbc696fe19f796b;lines=1-18;origin=https://github.com/python/cpython', # noqa
-                 'cnt', '1', '9c95815d9e9d91b8dae8e05d8bbc696fe19f796b',
+                 CONTENT, 1, '9c95815d9e9d91b8dae8e05d8bbc696fe19f796b',
                      'lines': '1-18',
                      'origin': 'https://github.com/python/cpython'
                  ('swh:1:dir:0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d;origin=deb://Debian/packages/linuxdoc-tools', # noqa
-                  'dir', '1', '0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d',
+                  DIRECTORY, 1, '0b6959356d30f1a4e9b7f6bca59b9a336464c03d',
                      'origin': 'deb://Debian/packages/linuxdoc-tools'
-            expected_result = {
-                'namespace': 'swh',
-                'scheme_version': _version,
-                'object_type': _type,
-                'object_id': _hash,
-                'metadata': _metadata
-            }
+            expected_result = PersistentId(
+                namespace='swh',
+                scheme_version=_version,
+                object_type=_type,
+                object_id=_hash,
+                metadata=_metadata
+            )
             actual_result = identifiers.parse_persistent_identifier(pid)
             self.assertEquals(actual_result, expected_result)
     def test_parse_persistent_identifier_parsing_error(self):
         for pid, _error in [
-                 'Wrong format: There should be 4 mandatory parameters'),
+                 'Wrong format: There should be 4 mandatory values'),
-                 'Wrong format: There should be 4 mandatory parameters'),
+                 'Wrong format: There should be 4 mandatory values'),
-                 'Wrong format: There should be 4 mandatory parameters'),
+                 'Wrong format: There should be 4 mandatory values'),
                  'Wrong format: Identifier should be present'),
diff --git a/version.txt b/version.txt
index 8af3930e8c604e6de47bdf78d405936146a71cf7..23c319733ec7a3769d649c9bf9a787778e450346 100644
--- a/version.txt
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file