diff --git a/swh/model/git.py b/swh/model/git.py
index 4ed9036eb5b49098cf8cc10a68cf7477e4b3346a..f9b7b27504b7244547a3a9b20ee2eb1c92e3565d 100644
--- a/swh/model/git.py
+++ b/swh/model/git.py
@@ -338,7 +338,10 @@ def walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(rootdir,
-    """Compute git sha1 from directory rootdir.
+    """(Deprecated) TODO migrate the code to
+    walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory_2.
+    Compute git sha1 from directory rootdir.
         - rootdir: Root directory from which beginning the git hash computation
@@ -417,8 +420,120 @@ def walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory(rootdir,
     return ls_hashes
+def walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory_2(rootdir,
+                                           dir_ok_fn=default_validation_dir,
+                                           remove_empty_folder=False):
+    """Compute git sha1 from directory rootdir.
+    Args:
+        - rootdir: Root directory from which beginning the git hash
+          computation
+        - dir_ok_fn: Filter function to filter directory according to rules
+        defined in the function. By default, all folders are ok.
+        Example override: dir_ok_fn = lambda dirpath: b'svn' not in dirpath
+    Returns:
+        Dictionary of entries with keys absolute path name.
+        Path-name can be a file/link or directory.
+        The associated value is a dictionary with:
+        - checksums: the dictionary with the hashes for the link/file/dir
+        Those are list of dictionary with keys:
+          - 'perms'
+          - 'type'
+          - 'name'
+          - 'sha1_git'
+          - and specifically content: 'sha1', 'sha256', ...
+        - children: Only for a directory, the set of children paths
+    Note:
+        One special key is the / which indicates the upper root of
+        the directory (this is the revision's directory).
+    Raises:
+        Nothing
+        If something is raised, this is a programmatic error.
+    """
+    def __get_dict_from_dirpath(_dict, path):
+        """Retrieve the default associated value for key path.
+        """
+        return _dict.get(path, dict(children=set(), checksums=None))
+    def __get_dict_from_filepath(_dict, path):
+        """Retrieve the default associated value for key path.
+        """
+        return _dict.get(path, dict(checksums=None))
+    ls_hashes = {}
+    all_links = set()
+    if rootdir.endswith(b'/'):
+        rootdir = rootdir.rstrip(b'/')
+    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in __walk(
+            rootdir, dir_ok_fn, remove_empty_folder):
+        dir_entry = __get_dict_from_dirpath(ls_hashes, dirpath)
+        children = dir_entry['children']
+        links = (file
+                 for file in filenames.union(dirnames)
+                 if os.path.islink(file))
+        for linkpath in links:
+            all_links.add(linkpath)
+            m_hashes = compute_link_metadata(linkpath)
+            d = __get_dict_from_filepath(ls_hashes, linkpath)
+            d['checksums'] = m_hashes
+            ls_hashes[linkpath] = d
+            children.add(linkpath)
+        for filepath in (file for file in filenames if file not in all_links):
+            m_hashes = compute_blob_metadata(filepath)
+            d = __get_dict_from_filepath(ls_hashes, filepath)
+            d['checksums'] = m_hashes
+            ls_hashes[filepath] = d
+            children.add(filepath)
+        for fulldirname in (dir for dir in dirnames if dir not in all_links):
+            d_hashes = __get_dict_from_dirpath(ls_hashes, fulldirname)
+            tree_hash = _compute_tree_metadata(
+                fulldirname,
+                (ls_hashes[p]['checksums'] for p in d_hashes['children'])
+            )
+            d = __get_dict_from_dirpath(ls_hashes, fulldirname)
+            d['checksums'] = tree_hash
+            ls_hashes[fulldirname] = d
+            children.add(fulldirname)
+        dir_entry['children'] = children
+        ls_hashes[dirpath] = dir_entry
+    # compute the current directory hashes
+    d_hashes = __get_dict_from_dirpath(ls_hashes, rootdir)
+    root_hash = {
+        'sha1_git': _compute_directory_git_sha1(
+            (ls_hashes[p]['checksums'] for p in d_hashes['children'])
+        ),
+        'path': rootdir,
+        'name': os.path.basename(rootdir),
+        'perms': GitPerm.TREE,
+        'type': GitType.TREE
+    }
+    d_hashes['checksums'] = root_hash
+    ls_hashes[rootdir] = d_hashes
+    return ls_hashes
 def recompute_sha1_in_memory(root, deeper_rootdir, objects):
-    """Recompute git sha1 from directory deeper_rootdir to root.
+    """TODO: Use git.walk_and_compute_sha1_from_directory_2
+    Recompute git sha1 from directory deeper_rootdir to root.
     This function relies exclusively on `objects` for hashes.  It
     expects the deeper_rootdir and every key below that path to be