diff --git a/swh/model/model.py b/swh/model/model.py
index 508d41cb46f489671c37cd338c2b9afcb442350f..1073cc61cf4623ba65428b164466b82d4ad35b6c 100644
--- a/swh/model/model.py
+++ b/swh/model/model.py
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ method to convert between them and msgpack-serializable objects.
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+import collections
 import datetime
 from enum import Enum
 import hashlib
-from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
 import attr
 from attrs_strict import AttributeTypeError
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ from typing_extensions import Final
 from . import git_objects
 from .collections import ImmutableDict
-from .hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, MultiHash, hash_to_hex
+from .hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, MultiHash, hash_to_bytehex, hash_to_hex
 from .swhids import CoreSWHID
 from .swhids import ExtendedObjectType as SwhidExtendedObjectType
 from .swhids import ExtendedSWHID
@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ class HashableObjectWithManifest(HashableObject):
         attribute is set to an empty value.
         if self.raw_manifest is None:
-            return super().compute_hash()
+            return super().compute_hash()  # calls self._compute_hash_from_attributes()
             return _compute_hash_from_manifest(self.raw_manifest)
@@ -943,12 +944,15 @@ class Revision(HashableObjectWithManifest, BaseModel):
+_DIR_ENTRY_TYPES = ["file", "dir", "rev"]
 @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
 class DirectoryEntry(BaseModel):
     object_type: Final = "directory_entry"
     name = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator())
-    type = attr.ib(type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(["file", "dir", "rev"]))
+    type = attr.ib(type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(_DIR_ENTRY_TYPES))
     target = attr.ib(type=Sha1Git, validator=type_validator(), repr=hash_repr)
     perms = attr.ib(type=int, validator=type_validator(), converter=int, repr=oct)
     """Usually one of the values of `swh.model.from_disk.DentryPerms`."""
@@ -996,6 +1000,87 @@ class Directory(HashableObjectWithManifest, BaseModel):
         """Returns a SWHID representing this object."""
         return CoreSWHID(object_type=SwhidObjectType.DIRECTORY, object_id=self.id)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_possibly_duplicated_entries(
+        cls,
+        *,
+        entries: Tuple[DirectoryEntry, ...],
+        id: Sha1Git = b"",
+        raw_manifest: Optional[bytes] = None,
+    ) -> Tuple[bool, "Directory"]:
+        """Constructs a ``Directory`` object from a list of entries that may contain
+        duplicated names.
+        This is required to represent legacy objects, that were ingested in the
+        storage database before this check was added.
+        As it is impossible for a ``Directory`` instances to have more than one entry
+        with a given names, this function computes a ``raw_manifest`` and renames one of
+        the entries before constructing the ``Directory``.
+        Returns:
+            ``(is_corrupt, directory)`` where ``is_corrupt`` is True iff some
+            entry names were indeed duplicated
+        """
+        # First, try building a Directory object normally without any extra computation,
+        # which works the overwhelming majority of the time:
+        try:
+            return (False, Directory(entries=entries, id=id, raw_manifest=raw_manifest))
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        # If it fails:
+        # 1. compute a raw_manifest if there isn't already one:
+        if raw_manifest is None:
+            # invalid_directory behaves like a Directory object, but without the
+            # duplicated entry check; which allows computing its raw_manifest
+            invalid_directory = type("", (), {})()
+            invalid_directory.entries = entries
+            raw_manifest = git_objects.directory_git_object(invalid_directory)
+        # 2. look for duplicated entries:
+        entries_by_name: Dict[
+            bytes, Dict[str, List[DirectoryEntry]]
+        ] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(list))
+        for entry in entries:
+            entries_by_name[entry.name][entry.type].append(entry)
+        # 3. strip duplicates
+        deduplicated_entries = []
+        for entry_lists in entries_by_name.values():
+            # We could pick one entry at random to keep the original name; but we try to
+            # "minimize" the impact, by preserving entries of type "rev" first
+            # (because renaming them would likely break git submodules entirely
+            # when this directory is written to disk),
+            # then entries of type "dir" (because renaming them affects the path
+            # of every file in the dir, instead of just one "cnt").
+            dir_entry_types = ("rev", "dir", "file")
+            assert set(dir_entry_types) == set(_DIR_ENTRY_TYPES)
+            picked_winner = False  # when True, all future entries must be renamed
+            for type_ in dir_entry_types:
+                for entry in entry_lists[type_]:
+                    if not picked_winner:
+                        # this is the "most important" entry according to this
+                        # heuristic; it gets to keep its name.
+                        deduplicated_entries.append(entry)
+                        picked_winner = True
+                    else:
+                        # the heuristic already found an entry more important than
+                        # this one; so this one must be renamed to something.
+                        # we pick the beginning of its hash, it should be good enough
+                        # to avoid any conflict.
+                        new_name = (
+                            entry.name + b"_" + hash_to_bytehex(entry.target)[0:10]
+                        )
+                        renamed_entry = attr.evolve(entry, name=new_name)
+                        deduplicated_entries.append(renamed_entry)
+        # Finally, return the "fixed" the directory
+        dir_ = Directory(
+            entries=tuple(deduplicated_entries), id=id, raw_manifest=raw_manifest
+        )
+        return (True, dir_)
 @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
 class BaseContent(BaseModel):
diff --git a/swh/model/tests/test_model.py b/swh/model/tests/test_model.py
index 590e4b4a2e59ec0c51f3766e10d64aabbdaff943..0172386a9085ab9c483216046f7f05df4d7eba2c 100644
--- a/swh/model/tests/test_model.py
+++ b/swh/model/tests/test_model.py
@@ -943,6 +943,143 @@ def test_directory_duplicate_entry_name():
+def test_directory_from_possibly_duplicated_entries__no_duplicates(directory):
+    """
+    Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries should return the directory
+    unchanged if it has no duplicated entry name.
+    """
+    assert (False, directory) == Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries(
+        id=directory.id, entries=directory.entries, raw_manifest=directory.raw_manifest
+    )
+    assert (False, directory) == Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries(
+        entries=directory.entries, raw_manifest=directory.raw_manifest
+    )
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("rev_first", [True, False])
+def test_directory_from_possibly_duplicated_entries__rev_and_dir(rev_first):
+    entries = (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="dir", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1),
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="rev", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0),
+    )
+    if rev_first:
+        entries = tuple(reversed(entries))
+    (is_corrupt, dir_) = Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries(entries=entries)
+    assert is_corrupt
+    assert dir_.entries == (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="rev", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0),
+        DirectoryEntry(
+            name=b"foo_0101010101", type="dir", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1
+        ),
+    )
+    # order is independent of 'rev_first' because it is always sorted in git order
+    assert dir_.raw_manifest == (
+        # fmt: off
+        b"tree 52\x00"
+        + b"0 foo\x00" + b"\x00" * 20
+        + b"1 foo\x00" + b"\x01" * 20
+        # fmt: on
+    )
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("file_first", [True, False])
+def test_directory_from_possibly_duplicated_entries__file_and_dir(file_first):
+    entries = (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="dir", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1),
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="file", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0),
+    )
+    if file_first:
+        entries = tuple(reversed(entries))
+    (is_corrupt, dir_) = Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries(entries=entries)
+    assert is_corrupt
+    assert dir_.entries == (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="dir", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1),
+        DirectoryEntry(
+            name=b"foo_0000000000", type="file", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0
+        ),
+    )
+    # order is independent of 'file_first' because it is always sorted in git order
+    assert dir_.raw_manifest == (
+        # fmt: off
+        b"tree 52\x00"
+        + b"0 foo\x00" + b"\x00" * 20
+        + b"1 foo\x00" + b"\x01" * 20
+        # fmt: on
+    )
+def test_directory_from_possibly_duplicated_entries__two_files1():
+    entries = (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="file", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1),
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="file", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0),
+    )
+    (is_corrupt, dir_) = Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries(entries=entries)
+    assert is_corrupt
+    assert dir_.entries == (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="file", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1),
+        DirectoryEntry(
+            name=b"foo_0000000000", type="file", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0
+        ),
+    )
+    assert dir_.raw_manifest == (
+        # fmt: off
+        b"tree 52\x00"
+        + b"1 foo\x00" + b"\x01" * 20
+        + b"0 foo\x00" + b"\x00" * 20
+        # fmt: on
+    )
+def test_directory_from_possibly_duplicated_entries__two_files2():
+    """
+    Same as above, but entries are in a different order (and order matters
+    to break the tie)
+    """
+    entries = (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="file", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0),
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="file", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1),
+    )
+    (is_corrupt, dir_) = Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries(entries=entries)
+    assert is_corrupt
+    assert dir_.entries == (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="file", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0),
+        DirectoryEntry(
+            name=b"foo_0101010101", type="file", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1
+        ),
+    )
+    assert dir_.raw_manifest == (
+        # fmt: off
+        b"tree 52\x00"
+        + b"0 foo\x00" + b"\x00" * 20
+        + b"1 foo\x00" + b"\x01" * 20
+        # fmt: on
+    )
+def test_directory_from_possibly_duplicated_entries__preserve_manifest():
+    entries = (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="dir", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1),
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="rev", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0),
+    )
+    (is_corrupt, dir_) = Directory.from_possibly_duplicated_entries(
+        entries=entries, raw_manifest=b"blah"
+    )
+    assert is_corrupt
+    assert dir_.entries == (
+        DirectoryEntry(name=b"foo", type="rev", target=b"\x00" * 20, perms=0),
+        DirectoryEntry(
+            name=b"foo_0101010101", type="dir", target=b"\x01" * 20, perms=1
+        ),
+    )
+    assert dir_.raw_manifest == b"blah"
 # Release