Upgrade gitlab instance to v15
Prior to reset the state and run the migration again, we'd like to check the migration process with a gitlab instance with some more data than the previous migration.
Determine operator version: 0.6.3 [2]
Determine gitlab chart version: 5.9.3 (gitlab 14.9.3) [3]
noop: Upgrade to the latest available chart version: 5.9.3 (for 0.6.3)
Identify the desired Operator version: 0.8.0 [4]
#4320 (closed): Backup gitlab to revert if problem [5]
#4320 (closed): Upgrade gitlab operator [1] to 0.8.0
#4320 (closed): Then upgrade gitlab chart version successively from 5.94 -> 6.0.0 [6]
[1] https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cloud-native/gitlab-operator/-/blob/master/doc/operator_upgrades.md
[2] https://hedgedoc.softwareheritage.org/ynL9z-6JRnGYhW8vrLDl-w?view#Deploy-the-gitlab-operator
$ kubectl -n gitlab-system logs deployment/gitlab-controller-manager -c manager | grep -i version | tail -1
2022-05-31T14:32:02.401Z DEBUG controllers.GitLab version information {"gitlab": "gitlab-system/gitlab", "upgrade": false, "current version": "5.9.3", "desired version": "5.9.3"}
[4] https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cloud-native/gitlab-operator/-/blob/0.8.0/CHART_VERSIONS
[5] https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/backup-restore/backup.html
[6] https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cloud-native/gitlab-operator/-/blob/master/doc/gitlab_upgrades.md
Migrated from T4320 (view on Phabricator)