Push of swh-graph to pypi is broken
The push to pypi of swh-graph build if broken:
[2K[35m100%[0m [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m113.9/113.9 MB[0m • [33m00:04[0m • [31m40.1 MB/s[0m
[2K[35m100%[0m [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m113.9/113.9 MB[0m • [33m00:04[0m • [31m40.1 MB/s[0m
14:36:23 [?25h[34mINFO [0m Response from https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/:
14:36:23 400 File too large. Limit for project '****.graph' is 100 MB. See
14:36:23 https://pypi.org/help/#file-size-limit for more information.
14:36:23 [34mINFO [0m <html>
14:36:23 <head>
14:36:23 <title>400 File too large. Limit for project '****.graph' is 100 MB.
14:36:23 See https://pypi.org/help/#file-size-limit for more
14:36:23 information.</title>
14:36:23 </head>
14:36:23 <body>
14:36:23 <h1>400 File too large. Limit for project '****.graph' is 100 MB. See
14:36:23 https://pypi.org/help/#file-size-limit for more information.</h1>
14:36:23 The server could not comply with the request since it is either
14:36:23 malformed or otherwise incorrect.<br/><br/>
14:36:23 File too large. Limit for project '****.graph' is 100 MB. See
14:36:23 https://pypi.org/help/#file-size-limit for more information.
14:36:23 </body>
14:36:23 </html>
14:36:30 [Pipeline] }
14:36:30 [Pipeline] // withCredentials
14:36:30 [Pipeline] }
14:36:30 [Pipeline] // stage
14:36:30 [Pipeline] stage
14:36:30 [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
14:36:30 [Pipeline] cleanWs
14:36:30 [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
14:36:30 [WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used...
14:36:30 [WS-CLEANUP] done
14:36:30 [Pipeline] }
14:36:30 [Pipeline] // stage
14:36:30 [Pipeline] }
14:36:30 $ docker stop --time=1 894d0b35172314a17b73427fe5af6b85ed1d9296641fb15618cbe3064f404ffd
14:36:32 $ docker rm -f 894d0b35172314a17b73427fe5af6b85ed1d9296641fb15618cbe3064f404ffd
14:36:33 [Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
14:36:33 [Pipeline] }
14:36:33 [Pipeline] // withDockerRegistry
14:36:33 [Pipeline] }
14:36:33 [Pipeline] // withEnv
14:36:33 [Pipeline] }
14:36:33 [Pipeline] // node
14:36:33 [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
14:36:33 ERROR: script returned exit code 1
14:36:33 Finished: FAILURE
For example: https://jenkins.softwareheritage.org/view/swh%20master/job/DGRPH/job/pypi-upload/27/console
Migrated from T4316 (view on Phabricator)