Project 'infra/sysadm-environment' was moved to 'swh/infra/sysadm-environment'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
Deploy swh-vault workers v1.4.2 on prod and staging
you just need to make sure the swh-storage api the workers query have version >=v0.43.0
plan (staging then prod):
- check the version (of the api used by the workers)
- Upgrade storage module on storage server (if required)
- Upgrade python3-swh.vault on vault workers (bump swh.model as welll if required)
- Restart swh-worker@vault_cooker
- Upgrade workers to latest python3-swh.vault version
- Check cooking is still ok
Migrated from T3918 (view on Phabricator)