Upgrade dulwich on celery workers
By playing with the new 'Save code now' task report feature (T1976, admin credentials required, can be found under //operations/webapp/admin
in pass) freshly deployed to production, I noticed a lot of requests for Gitlab based origins were failing (for intance https://gitlab.adullact.net, https://gitlab.inria.fr, https://git.unistra.fr, https://framagit.org even https://gitlab.com).
The error appears when the dulwhich
module tries to clone such a repository (dulwich.errors.NotGitRepository
exception is raised).
Digging a little buit further using Kibana, we can see more than 20000 git loading tasks ends up with the same error on the last two month.
I know that error pretty well as I stumbled across a couple of months ago and I took some time to debug it. The issue is now fixed since version 0.19.11
of dulwich
Considering the increasing popularity of Gitlab based forges, we should consider upgrading dulwich
on our celery workers. Checking python3-dulwich version info, we can see the issue will be fixed when upgrading to buster
. As we use stretch
in production, we need to backport dulwich>=0.19.11
Migrated from T1988 (view on Phabricator)