diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index a8a968002b04eac320f348c33b1a97681596da38..486a1e41da525221b527ea598791d6347163af68 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Push-based deposit of software source code artifacts to the archive.
+   tests/tests_HAL.rst
 Reference Documentation
diff --git a/docs/tests/tests_HAL.rst b/docs/tests/tests_HAL.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c99a63ccba71cd704e0dcf4e2b35f3742af15f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tests/tests_HAL.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Tests scenarios for client
+Scenarios for HAL- on HAL's platform
+The same procedure is used for all tests:
+Software Author:
+#. prepare content
+#. fill out form
+#. submit
+HAL moderator:
+#. review content submitted
+#. check metadata fields on HAL
+#. validate submission
+SWH side:
+1. check content in SWH:
+  - directory was created
+  - revision was created
+  - release was created when releaseNotes and softwareVersion was included (new feature!)
+  - origin corresponds to HAL url
+2. check metadata fields on SWH (in revision)
+3. check directory
+4. check swh-id on HAL
+5. check browsability when entering SWH artifact from HAL
+6. check vault artifact recreation
+7. access deposit's origin from SWH
+|scenario   |test case                                 |data      |result |exceptions or specific checks            |
+|submit code|content: .tar.gz                          |.zip      |success|                                         |
+|submit code|content: .zip                             |.tar.gz   |success|                                         |
+|submit code|content: no content                       |empty     |fail   |blocked on HAL                           |
+|submit code|content: double compression (.zip in .zip)|.zip x 2  |fail   |status `failed` on SWH                   |
+|submit code|all metadata-single entry                 |metadata  |success|check that all metadata is transmitted   |
+|submit code|multiple entries                          |metadata  |success|languages / authors / descriptions       |
+|new version|new content- same metadata                |content   |success|check new swh-id in SWH and HAL          |
+|new version|same content- new metadata                |metadata  | ?     |dead angle- doesn't arrives to SWH       |
+|new version|new content-new metadata                  | C & M    |success|check artifacts history in revisions     |
+|submit code+ deposit on another hal platform          + C & M    +success+                                         |
+Past known bugs:
+- v2 problem keeps swh-id from first version
+- when deposit workers are down- error 500 is returned on HAL without real
+  explanation (because there is no error on SWH- deposit status stays `deposited`)