diff --git a/swh/deposit/api/private/deposit_read.py b/swh/deposit/api/private/deposit_read.py
index a6f4bd45afe8d699023d72a1eb881777a8d5c8b7..4141fdb5f1d0e9b3d5f983506f53a97260dd4198 100644
--- a/swh/deposit/api/private/deposit_read.py
+++ b/swh/deposit/api/private/deposit_read.py
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import shutil
 import tempfile
 from contextlib import contextmanager
-from dateutil import parser
 from django.http import FileResponse
 from rest_framework import status
 from swh.core import tarball
 from swh.model import identifiers
+from swh.deposit.utils import normalize_date
 from . import DepositReadMixin
 from ...config import SWH_PERSON, ARCHIVE_TYPE
@@ -137,29 +137,6 @@ class SWHDepositReadMetadata(SWHGetDepositAPI, SWHPrivateAPIView,
                 if client_domain in metadata[field]:
                     return metadata[field]
-    def _prepare_date(self, date):
-        """Prepare date fields as normalized swh date
-        If date is a list, elect arbitrarily the first element of that
-        list
-        If date is (then) a string, parse it through
-        dateutil.parser.parse to extract a datetime.
-        Then normalize it through
-        swh.model.identifiers.normalize_timestamp.
-        Returns
-            The swh date object
-        """
-        if isinstance(date, list):
-            date = date[0]
-        if isinstance(date, str):
-            date = parser.parse(date)
-        return identifiers.normalize_timestamp(date)
     def _normalize_dates(self, deposit, metadata):
         """Normalize the date to use as a tuple of author date, committer date
            from the incoming metadata.
@@ -186,8 +163,8 @@ class SWHDepositReadMetadata(SWHGetDepositAPI, SWHPrivateAPIView,
             author_date = deposit.complete_date
             commit_date = deposit.complete_date
         return (
-            self._prepare_date(author_date),
-            self._prepare_date(commit_date)
+            normalize_date(author_date),
+            normalize_date(commit_date)
     def metadata_read(self, deposit):
diff --git a/swh/deposit/tests/test_utils.py b/swh/deposit/tests/test_utils.py
index aa3ecfa76f26bee5d9d7a6f79917327f16c73a77..1fff7f601f58a0d8cb68deaeeaa8d19109076382 100644
--- a/swh/deposit/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/swh/deposit/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2018  The Software Heritage developers
+# Copyright (C) 2018-2019  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import unittest
+from unittest.mock import patch
 from swh.deposit import utils
@@ -130,3 +131,52 @@ class UtilsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(utils.merge(d0), d0)
+@patch('swh.deposit.utils.normalize_timestamp', side_effect=lambda x: x)
+def test_normalize_date_0(mock_normalize):
+    """When date is a list, choose the first date and normalize it
+    Note: We do not test swh.model.identifiers which is already tested
+    in swh.model
+    """
+    actual_date = utils.normalize_date(['2017-10-12', 'date1'])
+    expected_date = '2017-10-12 00:00:00'
+    assert str(actual_date) == expected_date
+@patch('swh.deposit.utils.normalize_timestamp', side_effect=lambda x: x)
+def test_normalize_date_1(mock_normalize):
+    """Providing a date in a reasonable format, everything is fine
+    Note: We do not test swh.model.identifiers which is already tested
+    in swh.model
+    """
+    mock_normalize.side_effect = lambda x: x
+    actual_date = utils.normalize_date('2018-06-11 17:02:02')
+    expected_date = '2018-06-11 17:02:02'  # <- why?
+    assert str(actual_date) == expected_date
+@patch('swh.deposit.utils.normalize_timestamp', side_effect=lambda x: x)
+def test_normalize_date_doing_irrelevant_stuff(mock_normalize):
+    """Providing a date in an unknown format, it's completely off
+    Note: We do not test swh.model.identifiers which is already tested
+    in swh.model
+    """
+    mock_normalize.side_effect = lambda x: x
+    actual_date = utils.normalize_date('2017')
+    expected_date = '2017-04-16 00:00:00'  # <- why?
+    assert str(actual_date) == expected_date
diff --git a/swh/deposit/utils.py b/swh/deposit/utils.py
index 7979ec5b9e5411896fc379e2a896da8602495536..4994cb07e88f341ece6dea0c027f88a2ebf494b8 100644
--- a/swh/deposit/utils.py
+++ b/swh/deposit/utils.py
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2018 The Software Heritage developers
+# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from dateutil import parser
 from types import GeneratorType
+from swh.model.identifiers import normalize_timestamp
 def merge(*dicts):
     """Given an iterator of dicts, merge them losing no information.
@@ -53,3 +56,27 @@ def merge(*dicts):
                 new_val = _extend([existing_val], value)
             d[key] = new_val
     return d
+def normalize_date(date):
+    """Normalize date fields as expected by swh workers.
+    If date is a list, elect arbitrarily the first element of that
+    list
+    If date is (then) a string, parse it through
+    dateutil.parser.parse to extract a datetime.
+    Then normalize it through
+    swh.model.identifiers.normalize_timestamp.
+    Returns
+        The swh date object
+    """
+    if isinstance(date, list):
+        date = date[0]
+    if isinstance(date, str):
+        date = parser.parse(date)
+    return normalize_timestamp(date)