From 3f34909bcd0756e88717fb958ab65b539ef61841 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Morane Otilia Gruenpeter <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 16:33:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update loading specification review

place technical details in a new spec document
review text and update to current state
 docs/specs/spec-loading.rst   | 316 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 docs/specs/spec-technical.rst |  81 +++++++++
 docs/specs/specs.rst          |   1 +
 3 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/specs/spec-technical.rst

diff --git a/docs/specs/spec-loading.rst b/docs/specs/spec-loading.rst
index 21c7a0f1..4aeebdbc 100644
--- a/docs/specs/spec-loading.rst
+++ b/docs/specs/spec-loading.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-Loading specification (draft)
+Loading specification
-This part discusses the deposit loading part on the server side.
+This part specifies the ingestion of the deposit in the SWH archive, using
+the tarball loader and the complete schema of software artifacts creation
+in the archive.
 Tarball Loading
@@ -14,26 +16,212 @@ The loading of the deposit will use the deposit's associated data:
 * the metadata
 * the archive(s)
-We will use the ``synthetic`` revision notion.
-To that revision will be associated the metadata. Those will be included
-in the hash computation, thus resulting in a unique identifier.
+SWH artifacts creation
-Loading mapping
+Deposit to artifacts mapping
-Some of those metadata will also be included in the ``origin_metadata``
+This is a global view of the deposit ingestion
+|swh artifact                       | representation in deposit              |
+|origin                             |       |
+|origin_visit                       | 1 :reception_date                      |
+|origin_metadata                    | aggregated metadata                    |
+|snapshot                           | at visit of all occurences             |
+|occurrence & occurrence_history    | branch: client's version n° (e.g hal)  |
+|revision                           | synthetic_revision (tarball)           |
+|directory                          | upper level of the uncompressed archive|
+Origin artifact
+An origin using the url in the deposited metadata is created.
+The current deposit and future deposits with the same url or external_id
+will be associated with this origin.
+.. code-block:: json
+  {
+    "id": 89283768,
+    "origin_visits_url": "/api/1/origin/89283768/visits/",
+    "type": "deposit",
+    "url": ""
+  }
+Each push of the same origin or external_id will generate a visit of the origin.
+Here in the example below, two snapshots are identified by two different visits.
+.. code-block:: json
+  [
+      {
+          "date": "2019-06-03T09:28:10.223007+00:00",
+          "origin": 89283768,
+          "origin_visit_url": "/api/1/origin/89283768/visit/2/",
+          "snapshot": "a3773941561cc557853898773a19c07cfe2efc5a",
+          "snapshot_url": "/api/1/snapshot/a3773941561cc557853898773a19c07cfe2efc5a/",
+          "status": "full",
+          "type": "deposit",
+          "visit": 2
+      },
+      {
+          "date": "2019-05-27T12:23:31.037273+00:00",
+          "origin": 89283768,
+          "origin_visit_url": "/api/1/origin/89283768/visit/1/",
+          "snapshot": "43fdb8291f1bf6962211c370e394f6abb1cbe01d",
+          "snapshot_url": "/api/1/snapshot/43fdb8291f1bf6962211c370e394f6abb1cbe01d/",
+          "status": "full",
+          "type": "deposit",
+          "visit": 1
+      }
+  ]
+Snapshot artifact
+The snapshot represents one deposit push.
+.. code-block:: json
+  {
+      "branches": {
+          "master": {
+              "target": "396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52",
+              "target_type": "revision",
+              "target_url": "/api/1/revision/396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52/"
+          }
+      },
+      "id": "a3773941561cc557853898773a19c07cfe2efc5a",
+      "next_branch": null
+  }
+Revision artifact
+A ``synthetic`` revision is created because the deposit is not a commit and
+is created by the ``swh-loader-tar`` module.
+The metadata sent with the deposit will be included in the revision and will
+affect the hash computation, thus resulting in a unique identifier.
+This way, by depositing the same content with different metadata will be two
+different revisions in the archive.
+.. code-block:: json
+  {
+    "author": {
+        "email": "",
+        "fullname": "Software Heritage",
+        "id": 18233048,
+        "name": "Software Heritage"
+    },
+    "author_url": "/api/1/person/18233048/",
+    "committer": {
+        "email": "",
+        "fullname": "Software Heritage",
+        "id": 18233048,
+        "name": "Software Heritage"
+    },
+    "committer_date": "2019-05-27T16:28:33+02:00",
+    "committer_url": "/api/1/person/18233048/",
+    "date": "2012-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
+    "directory": "fb13b51abbcfd13de85d9ba8d070a23679576cd7",
+    "directory_url": "/api/1/directory/fb13b51abbcfd13de85d9ba8d070a23679576cd7/",
+    "history_url": "/api/1/revision/396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52/log/",
+    "id": "396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52",
+    "merge": false,
+    "message": "hal: Deposit 282 in collection hal",
+    "metadata": {
+        "@xmlns": "",
+        "@xmlns:codemeta": "",
+        "author": {
+            "email": "",
+            "name": "HAL"
+        },
+        "client": "hal",
+        "codemeta:applicationCategory": "info",
+        "codemeta:author": {
+            "codemeta:name": "Morane Gruenpeter"
+        },
+        "codemeta:codeRepository": "",
+        "codemeta:contributor": "Morane Gruenpeter",
+        "codemeta:dateCreated": "2012",
+        "codemeta:datePublished": "2019-05-27T16:28:33+02:00",
+        "codemeta:description": "description\\_en test v2",
+        "codemeta:developmentStatus": "Inactif",
+        "codemeta:keywords": "mot_cle_en,mot_cle_2_en,mot_cle_fr",
+        "codemeta:license": [
+            {
+                "codemeta:name": "MIT License"
+            },
+            {
+                "codemeta:name": "CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v1.1"
+            }
+        ],
+        "codemeta:name": "Test\\_20190527\\_01",
+        "codemeta:operatingSystem": "OS",
+        "codemeta:programmingLanguage": "Java",
+        "codemeta:referencePublication": null,
+        "codemeta:relatedLink": null,
+        "codemeta:releaseNotes": "releaseNote",
+        "codemeta:runtimePlatform": "outil",
+        "codemeta:softwareVersion": "1.0.1",
+        "codemeta:url": "",
+        "codemeta:version": "2",
+        "external_identifier": "hal-02140606",
+        "id": "hal-02140606",
+        "original_artifact": [
+            {
+                "archive_type": "zip",
+                "blake2s256": "96be3ddedfcee9669ad9c42b0bb3a706daf23824d04311c63505a4d8db02df00",
+                "length": 193072,
+                "name": "",
+                "sha1": "5b6ecc9d5bb113ff69fc275dcc9b0d993a8194f1",
+                "sha1_git": "bd10e4d3ede17162692d7e211e08e87e67994488",
+                "sha256": "3e2ce93384251ce6d6da7b8f2a061a8ebdaf8a28b8d8513223ca79ded8a10948"
+            }
+        ]
+    },
+    "parents": [
+        {
+            "id": "a9fdc3937d2b704b915852a64de2ab1b4b481003",
+            "url": "/api/1/revision/a9fdc3937d2b704b915852a64de2ab1b4b481003/"
+        }
+    ],
+    "synthetic": true,
+    "type": "tar",
+    "url": "/api/1/revision/396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52/"
+  }
+Directory artifact
+The directory artifact is the actual content deposited.
+.. code-block:: json
+  [
+      {
+          "dir_id": "fb13b51abbcfd13de85d9ba8d070a23679576cd7",
+          "length": null,
+          "name": "AffectationRO",
+          "perms": 16384,
+          "target": "fbc418f9ac2c39e8566b04da5dc24b14e65b23b1",
+          "target_url": "/api/1/directory/fbc418f9ac2c39e8566b04da5dc24b14e65b23b1/",
+          "type": "dir"
+      }
+  ]
-    origin                              |       |
-    ------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|
-    origin_visit                        | 1 :reception_date                      |
-    origin_metadata                     | aggregated metadata                    |
-    occurrence &amp; occurrence_history | branch: client's version n° (e.g hal)  |
-    revision                            | synthetic_revision (tarball)           |
-    directory                           | upper level of the uncompressed archive|
 Questions raised concerning loading
@@ -85,96 +273,6 @@ HAL's deposit 01535619-v2 = SWH's deposit **01535619-v2-1**
     + new directory
-Technical details
-*  one dedicated database to store the deposit's state - swh-deposit
-*  one dedicated temporary objstorage to store archives before loading
-*  one client to test the communication with SWORD protocol
-Deposit reception schema
-* SWORD imposes the use of basic authentication, so we need a way to
-  authenticate client. Also, a client can access collections:
-  **deposit\_client** table: - id (bigint): Client's identifier - username
-  (str): Client's username - password (pass): Client's crypted password -
-  collections ([id]): List of collections the client can access
-* Collections group deposits together:
-  **deposit\_collection** table: - id (bigint): Collection's identifier - name
-  (str): Collection's human readable name
-*  A deposit is the main object the repository is all about:
-   **deposit** table:
-   * id (bigint): deposit's identifier
-   * reception\_date (date): First deposit's reception date
-   * complete\_data (date): Date when the deposit is deemed complete and ready
-     for loading
-   * collection (id): The collection the deposit belongs to
-   * external id (text): client's internal identifier (e.g hal's id, etc...).
-   * client\_id (id) : Client which did the deposit
-   * swh\_id (str) : swh identifier result once the loading is complete
-   * status (enum): The deposit's current status
-- As mentioned, a deposit can have a status, whose possible values are:
-  .. code:: text
-        'partial',   -- the deposit is new or partially received since it
-                     -- can be done in multiple requests
-        'expired',   -- deposit has been there too long and is now deemed
-                     -- ready to be garbage collected
-        'deposited'  -- deposit complete, it is ready to be checked to ensure data consistency
-        'verified',  -- deposit is fully received, checked, and ready for loading
-        'loading',   -- loading is ongoing on swh's side
-        'done',      -- loading is successful
-        'failed'     -- loading is a failure
-* A deposit is stateful and can be made in multiple requests:
-  **deposit\_request** table:
-  * id (bigint): identifier
-  * type (id): deposit request's type (possible values: 'archive', 'metadata')
-  * deposit\_id (id): deposit whose request belongs to
-  * metadata: metadata associated to the request
-  * date (date): date of the requests
-  Information sent along a request are stored in a ``deposit_request`` row.
-  They can be either of type ``metadata`` (atom entry, multipart's atom entry
-  part) or of type ``archive`` (binary upload, multipart's binary upload part).
-  When the deposit is complete (status ``deposited``), those ``metadata`` and
-  ``archive`` deposit requests will be read and aggregated. They will then be
-  sent as parameters to the loading routine.
-  During loading, some of those metadata are kept in the ``origin_metadata``
-  table and some other are stored in the ``revision`` table (see `metadata
-  loading <#metadata-loading>`__).
-  The only update actions occurring on the deposit table are in regards of: -
-  status changing: - ``partial`` -> {``expired``/``deposited``}, -
-  ``deposited`` -> {``rejected``/``verified``}, - ``verified`` -> ``loading`` -
-  ``loading`` -> {``done``/``failed``} - ``complete_date`` when the deposit is
-  finalized (when the status is changed to ``deposited``) - ``swh-id`` is
-  populated once we have the loading result
-SWH Identifier returned
-    The synthetic revision id
-    e.g.: swh:1:rev:47dc6b4636c7f6cba0df83e3d5490bf4334d987e
 Scheduling loading
@@ -200,7 +298,7 @@ graceful delays for further scheduling.
 Metadata loading
-- the metadata received with the deposit should be kept in the
+- the metadata received with the deposit are also kept in the
   ``origin_metadata`` table before translation as part of the loading process
   and an indexation process should be scheduled.
diff --git a/docs/specs/spec-technical.rst b/docs/specs/spec-technical.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45177365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/specs/spec-technical.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Technical specifications
+*  one dedicated database to store the deposit's state - swh-deposit
+*  one dedicated temporary objstorage to store archives before loading
+*  one client to test the communication with SWORD protocol
+Deposit reception schema
+* SWORD imposes the use of basic authentication, so we need a way to
+  authenticate client. Also, a client can access collections:
+  **deposit\_client** table: - id (bigint): Client's identifier - username
+  (str): Client's username - password (pass): Client's crypted password -
+  collections ([id]): List of collections the client can access
+* Collections group deposits together:
+  **deposit\_collection** table: - id (bigint): Collection's identifier - name
+  (str): Collection's human readable name
+*  A deposit is the main object the repository is all about:
+   **deposit** table:
+   * id (bigint): deposit's identifier
+   * reception\_date (date): First deposit's reception date
+   * complete\_data (date): Date when the deposit is deemed complete and ready
+     for loading
+   * collection (id): The collection the deposit belongs to
+   * external id (text): client's internal identifier (e.g hal's id, etc...).
+   * client\_id (id) : Client which did the deposit
+   * swh\_id (str) : swh identifier result once the loading is complete
+   * status (enum): The deposit's current status
+- As mentioned, a deposit can have a status, whose possible values are:
+  .. code:: text
+        'partial',   -- the deposit is new or partially received since it
+                     -- can be done in multiple requests
+        'expired',   -- deposit has been there too long and is now deemed
+                     -- ready to be garbage collected
+        'deposited'  -- deposit complete, it is ready to be checked to ensure data consistency
+        'verified',  -- deposit is fully received, checked, and ready for loading
+        'loading',   -- loading is ongoing on swh's side
+        'done',      -- loading is successful
+        'failed'     -- loading is a failure
+* A deposit is stateful and can be made in multiple requests:
+  **deposit\_request** table:
+  * id (bigint): identifier
+  * type (id): deposit request's type (possible values: 'archive', 'metadata')
+  * deposit\_id (id): deposit whose request belongs to
+  * metadata: metadata associated to the request
+  * date (date): date of the requests
+  Information sent along a request are stored in a ``deposit_request`` row.
+  They can be either of type ``metadata`` (atom entry, multipart's atom entry
+  part) or of type ``archive`` (binary upload, multipart's binary upload part).
+  When the deposit is complete (status ``deposited``), those ``metadata`` and
+  ``archive`` deposit requests will be read and aggregated. They will then be
+  sent as parameters to the loading routine.
+  During loading, some of those metadata are kept in the ``origin_metadata``
+  table and some other are stored in the ``revision`` table (see `metadata
+  loading <#metadata-loading>`__).
+  The only update actions occurring on the deposit table are in regards of: -
+  status changing: - ``partial`` -> {``expired``/``deposited``}, -
+  ``deposited`` -> {``rejected``/``verified``}, - ``verified`` -> ``loading`` -
+  ``loading`` -> {``done``/``failed``} - ``complete_date`` when the deposit is
+  finalized (when the status is changed to ``deposited``) - ``swh-id`` is
+  populated once we have the loading result
diff --git a/docs/specs/specs.rst b/docs/specs/specs.rst
index bb86993d..8abdb491 100644
--- a/docs/specs/specs.rst
+++ b/docs/specs/specs.rst
@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ Blueprint Specifications
+   spec-technical.rst